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172 · Sep 2020
where are my keys?
a Sep 2020
if i reincarnate i pray this time i less intimidate
i pray i know my role and i pray play it well
but before i leave leave his kingdom, before locking those pearly gates
pray i don’t forget my keys and pray i don’t forget my grace
104 · Sep 2020
- dressed in stress
a Sep 2020
liquid quakes hits our crystal glasses
my smile has gone too transparent to hide it
wasted attempts with cashmere and merlot
it’s made my skin flushed and eyes gloss over
even dinner feels like gravel past my canines
spitting a few half chewed bites into napkins
feeling the spins..
manners, mania, morals and mindfucks  
misled while magnificently accoutred
you wouldn’t really bring me here to do this, would you?
92 · Sep 2020
a Sep 2020
wish they sent you off to Guantánamo Bay
with all your ******* lies and your two faced frame
block my calls but you never had anything to say
pathological ******* in a dress too small
all you let out are sighs and newport smoke while throwing empty packs your moldy 4 door
a Sep 2020
hey i’m sorry for dropping that bomb
im trying not to overthink your one word responses
so take a **** in your coffin cause we’ve think we lost it
i never wanted to be a mother before i met you
let me be your mommy
i hate the way i want you
i mean i hate the way you want me
you latch with love like no other baby boy
i don’t want to nurture
i should have kept composure
i probably shouldn’t have lead you on
now you’re probably thrown off
she don’t seem so strong now huh?
she’s just a phase.
he got a new baby, he got a new mommy
i’m lost, but i can’t call for my mommy
i think i feel sick
just digging dirt out of my mind
piles of “i want to see you so bad”
and “lol i’m so lazy”
a Sep 2020
i cried with your brother that night
at first about broken bones
then about how nick is breaking your soul
and how we’d **** him if we could
at least i got to take a swing  
actually two and even a kick to the spleen.
i’d of killed him if i could
cause you deserve better than crying alone in the woods
you deserve more than this poser who’s now missing another tooth

just take a drive, **** that guy!
come run away n let the mountain lions eat him alive
i promise this isn’t you
you don’t stand up for the **** on your shoes
come clean em i’m the river, kick some rocks or ribs (haha)
ask forgiveness form your family, that **** was ******* them too
and when you’re all washed up and you’ve felt a little better
i’ll be here waiting with a pack of your favorite beer
and i promise i won’t shed a tear
remind you of life before all that stress
cause i never been one to regret begging unless the one i was begging told me to keep driving
79 · Sep 2020
chop chop
a Sep 2020
mindless inhibitions
making me question my decisions
you’d think theses fists had a conscience of their own,
taking low blows, taking shots quicker than your bow
believe it or not, i’d rather tables were turned
id rather take the hit, knock me out
put me to sleep, black me out
matter of fact knock my head clean off
take my dome out back, play hacky sack
76 · Sep 2020
get some help
a Sep 2020
eighteen, maybe nineteen?
cool headed, collected, deprecation of a mother’s touch
yet so much perpetrated self love developed over years “you’re so beyond your..” you know what never mind
for someone self assured you to still need some assurance
you definitely did that night
and i was convinced i was deserving of what i never had.
god deprives is of more than we’d like to admit
pleasure will change the view
that pit in your stomach was foreshadowing the bowl of acid tossed in my face (metaphorically)
and ironically we fight it knowing it’s going to defeat us in the end.
if only we listened.
i should have known better
i knew it was gonna be hard i just didn’t expect you to quit.
not sure what i expected, maybe you to try or some ****
74 · Sep 2020
almost a slave
a Sep 2020
half a life at the edge of a peak
the wrong moves, the wrong queues
chased you and finally experienced ******
high on your *** and sweat
patient to obtain just a taste
i heard dragons love the chase
i remember reading about you in old books
you were chased by ancient knights
men once so noble and proud
turned pitiful and crouched
begging to be cut by your scales
for i doubt something so divine ages
not when you drink blood and **** glory
watch them crawling mountains you marked and sprayed
watch them die searching for your sent
watch me live in your name
studying your words like scripture
religion, reign, discipline and desire
tormented minds, motherless ties
dancing in your shadows, that’s where you’ll find me
i will never submit again until i’m in your hands
72 · Sep 2020
fools gold
a Sep 2020
fools gold will float with the waves
while the real **** sinks
i’d rather be under rocks
where currents keep me out of reach
rather than to spend a day in a pan
god made gold and the fools too pretty
60 · Sep 2020
a Sep 2020
of all murderers, time is the most brutal
expected, yet catches us all by surprise.
it’ll weigh on you mind but show in your eyes
known it has an effect on everyone
yet each victim has taken it so personal
not looking back is the best chance of surviving
but make sure you don’t forget
forgetting is what kills ya

— The End —