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Diamond Sodhi Jul 2013
You, Me and the Pink Panther
Also the Mouse in the nest
Eating rubber ***** and drinking chlorine.

Write your Message on the water
And the Moon will tell me
Or let the gravity show me.

The music is tired,
It wants to rest on a glacier

The Perfume is stinking
And the Ink is dying a sad death

Beauty is only history
and time is a mere thought
French is 7=6
And We are floating in a space YET TO BE FOUND

Darkness is made up of too much light
Feelings are Mad Cats now
Now Blood is not Holy

Mistakes are Teachers
And the Computers are tired
They Need a Saridon

Faith now doubts its existence
Leisure can't find time
Colors mean an ugly shade
And Freedom is within narrow confines

Right is now measured by the Wrong
Tears have no place to fall
SENSITIVITY is 'the' disease of Heart

Where Life means a tiring Break
And another child is blessed with Life of Pain
All Undefined shall now die

Motives are the modern vowels
The Crowd is lonely
The World has got pimples
Girls have become Pungent
And Conscious is in Coma

Life crawls under the shadow of past
And Hope for the Future
No One Lives for Today

Mushrooms and cannibals have become Friends
Selling Potato & Mutton Soup
All Needles are telling a lie
The Evil has got Hemophilia

Pride is at the mercy of Shame
Depth is triflingly shallow
The unsaid is still waiting to be heard
While the Expression is feeling Stifled

Blind is the Sight
Dreams are no longer fantasy long
And Deceit is the Common Salt

Happiness is rocking against Triangles
Now Headaches can be tasted
And Sorrows have a Flavor

Money is Dumb, Dumb, Dumb
Love will be born only after death
Only the Weeds on the Graves are Thinking

Chocolates are biting the children
The Heat is turning White
Crosses have become circles
The Roads seem to have lost their way

The Rat-Racers are wandering in the Labyrinth
Its Only Exit being Locked
Silence is beginning to make Noise
And the Earth is planning a Rescue from Humans

— The End —