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 May 2014 Dhirana
Megan Grace
I hope you think of me in
typewriter font. I want to be
stamped across your skin so
everyone will know that you
call yourself mine. I have
branded your initials into
every vertebrae of my spine
(can you feel it when you run
your fingers down my back?),
sewn your name into the collars
of my jackets, tattooed your
fingerprints on my neck. All
that I am belongs to you.
 May 2014 Dhirana
Megan Grace
a  m
that   you
are  made  of
s  t   a  r   d  u  s  t
and  water  balloons,
oil  pastels  and  the
collecti­on          of
settled     sugar
at             the
b o t  t o m
of      my
c u p s
o     f
t e a
 May 2014 Dhirana
Megan Grace
Truthfully, my  words are written  with
your laugh pulsing in my veins. I want
to write  haikus on  your fingertips,
sonnets down the  length of your
spine, press my spoken  word
ramblings  into the curve of
your bottom lip until you
finally  get  that I cannot
leave you because you
are every  syllable  I
have  written  for
almost  a  year
 May 2014 Dhirana
Megan Grace
I have been letting people
dig in deep and take out
chunks of me for their
bookshelves for far too long
now. I cannot make
them stop. So I always
love more
I always love
I always
 May 2014 Dhirana
Megan Grace
I only know how to love you
in ways that hurt, that feel
like scraped knees and


skittles on the floor,
stubbed toes,
****** nose,
chest x-ray
came back negative
because I gave everything that
was in there to you so they had
nothing to see in the doctor's
office. My heart was never
really mine to have, anyway.
A small part of something bigger I'm writing.
 May 2014 Dhirana
Megan Grace
and like all
things i
wanted to
start you
over so that
your beauty
belong to
me instead.
what i never
realized was
that your
was still
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