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Dharmista Oct 2014
The material world
Oh! The dazzling material world.
Entices you to its mould.
The system, the cycle
The money and all its debacle.
The rage and the quiet.
You find all shades in its side.
The material world
Oh! The dangerous material world.
Tall houses, deserted inmates.
Sparkling lights, darkness inside.
Corporate giants, rural roots.
Big cars, fat wives.
you find all shades in its side.
And then, I attempt...
To look for you.
But you disappeared long back.
And now all we hear
Is this raging hell
While the voice of conscience
Sleeps deep in a spell.
Dharmista Oct 2014
Every time I saw you
I faced this eternal question
Will I ever ...?
A herculean task it seemed,
For the bond we had.
Now when I see you,
Turning your back to me.
The only thing I can say...
There's nothing to say!
There's nothing to say!
Dharmista Oct 2014
Years back I found you
Like a confused soul.
You walked into my life
Without a warning bell.
We were in sync.
Completely into each other.
Every existence rejoiced.
But.. over the years,
You grew out of me.
And once again, without a bell
You chose to leave.
You saved yourself
But left me to grieve.
A deadly relief!
A deadly relief!
Dharmista Oct 2014
In a crowded place
Teeming with heads.
You find me in a corner
Buried in my own thoughts.
You find me weird
Not the one amongst you
Not a word
Do you get from me.
You give me names
You ignore me
While I only stare at the frames.
I am not dumb
I am not a wallflower.
I am just lost
Like the religious in a prayer.
I'm a doodler
Who has no word to express
A ponderer
Whose voice suppresses.
A doodler who vents his anger
On his living images
A thinker who lives and dies
Everyday in his sketches
I'm a doodler
In a world sunk in loudness.
Unheard, unnoticed
I live in my images.
Dharmista Oct 2014
Can you ever let go
Of the one you die for?
Can you ever close the door?
For the fear of the unknown
We seek shelter in our pain.
Once you let someone in
You can hardly be yourself again.
Dharmista Oct 2014
He asked me how are you?
I wanted to lay my heart bare
But then I stopped myself
A cold smile only to share.
Dharmista Oct 2014
Wounds never got healed
They only got penned

— The End —