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Dharmista Jul 2015
Word has it:

"You take a re-birth to evolve as a soul.
In this life or the next."

With you, I have traveled back and forth
Along several births.
About evolving?
I am a different person everyday,
with a different skin.
Every cell cries of change,
and every time, I am a new being.
Dharmista Apr 2015
One morning,
she yearned to see him
As she got out
of her cold sheets,
she heard the wind chimes
****** a familiar tune.
The bells were his last gift to her!
Dharmista Mar 2015
I can write a song or a lullaby
as the words keep juggling,
between my mind and lips.
I can read a book,
soaked in poignant sentiments.
Dance to the tunes
Of a song playing in my head.
I can play Juliet,
or just Ingrid.
Whatever you wish me to be.
I can view myself
In your wet lips.
Melting in your sturdy arms,
Dying the night,
and rising again
much like phoenix.
I can do all that and more,
as long as I have wine.
As long as I know
I am in a different universe.
Dharmista Mar 2015
Myth goes:
"Hiccups are a way of telling someone
You are missed!"

Here, she was gulping down
Glasses of water.
Miles away, he was holding
Their picture.
Dharmista Mar 2015
Wish I could
read you more often,
kiss away your wounds
and make way
for a catharsis!
For when your eyes
shed those warm tears,
something dies within me too.
Dharmista Mar 2015
Do you even exist
Or you're just
A figment of
My wild imagination.
Like a fictitious character
Straight out of a teenage novel.
Defending the reins
Of an ideal Platonic love.
Oh dear! You breathe!
Yes, you do.
In my utopian world
Of infinite dreams.
Or might I just as well
Call you a wondrous dream?
Whoever you may be,
Had it not been you,
I wouldn't have believed
In magic.
In love.
In this enigma of life.
In my existence.
Dharmista Feb 2015
Words trickled down
Like fine drops of water.
As she unfolded the crumpled
Coffee-stained lipstick smeared letter.
As fresh as dew drops
Descending on a foggy morning.
As poignant as a message
From a long lost soldier.
They held secrets unknown
And stories untold.
And locked away an old moment
Lost in the ravages of time.
As she cruised through
With shaking hands and
A pounding heart,
She lived the moment.
She lived it once again!
All over again!
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