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Dwarika, Bardi Nath, Puri and Raameshwaram
Are long said to be the holy destinations
Once in life time to travel through
To get free of sin they commited  
And to secure salvation for free
Among the millions set off for pilgrimage
At the end of the winter this year
Had left Mohanlal home
promising to come back soon
It's been but four long months
Every evening stretches his innocent eyes
And in little voice asks to God,
"When will my grandpa
come home from Char Dham?"
Note: Char Dham- four holy hindu pilgrimage
I'm waiting for the next spring to come
As the rose blossom appears
In her royal look in the garden
I want to see you put off
All those thick woolen clothes

In the cold dry and windy winter
I want you stand smilling sweet
Your palms wrapped around your bare.

To wipe tears and to soak your cracks
Let your beauty be revealed
And to portrait you in my mind
Mind not O my darling
If I am bit
impertinent to you
And forgive me O darling
Thinking I'm only your admirer
In the next spring I want to see you
In your thin bikini to learn who you are.
I believed that women
are the source of love,
the symbol of care
and humbleness
the sign of politeness,
grace and poise.

But the history
is getting full
of such women
that truly changed
the way of thinking
about women
Over times many a womens' horrors
horrified the families
the societies
and the whole world
Over times many a evil women
are seen who enjoyed
torturing brutally,
murdering, and abusing
for one reason
or the other.

But the world always
tended to focus
on the evil of men
And the cry is made
For the womens' right
But what about the husbands
who are killed by wives
But what about the
children who are *****
by the arrogant women?
But what about the
men who commited suicide
because of their women?
But what about the
men who turned bankrupt
due to their interuption?
But what about the fathers
whose head stooped
because of their daughters?
But about the sons
who are left alone
to die on the streets
by their merciless mothers?

O wise women dwellin
in this vast world
tell me one thing
For the goodness
of the entire HUMANKIND.
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I respect my mom, my wife and love my daughters. I respect all womenkind and wish to be in the shape as nature has made. I wish all men be like a man and all women be like a woman that God Have made for. A woman whose terrible manner made one of my friend to commit suicide it made me to compose this poem.
Believe or not
Falsehood, suspicion, anger
Anger, bully, dispute
Unjust, pride, jealousy
Envy, deceit, backbiting
Abusing, exploitation, loot
Adultery, robbery, usury
******, curruption, treachery
Fraud, laundering and bribery
Eat up human virtues
Bring terrible ruins
Devour all faith
Lead to fall
And at the end
Push you into the hell.
The moon in my eyes
Often changes its face cute
To make me wonder.

— The End —