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Nov 2012 · 664
Run, Run, Run, Faster Than The Wind
Chase Me, Find Me, Catch Me, Fix Me From Within

one upon a time, I knew who I was
my favorite color, my favorite word
I could say things unblinkingly
without conforming to the herd
but now, my means for survival
through each stressful day
is to not divulge information
in any single way
people who think they know me
merely have only met my shell
I look happy, gay, and free
when inside, I'm not actually well
I wish for closeness
I wish for them to know
the inner side of myself
the part I can't seem to show
at the same time, I'm running
what this closeness is, I couldn't say
if not heart, then it's always distance
that stops me from feeling this way
no one runs after me
no one cares to try
none have ever been able
to catch me as I run by

Run, Run, Run, Faster than The Wind
Chase Me, Find Me, Catch Me, Fix Me From Within
This is actually an older poem I dug up recently. I might reply with a new one soon too this original.
Oct 2012 · 2.4k
a beam of
      light   drifts
         down     from
            in  between  the
               leaves above. from
                  sky   to  ground  the
                     light  dances,   glancing
                        off    of    branches   as   it
                           travels.  fireflies  shimmer  in
                              th­e  spaces  not  alighted  by  the
                               ­  moonlight  coming  down  from  up
                               ­     above  in  the  sparkling  midnight  sky.
                  ­                     not harsh like the sky in the day time, instead
                                          soft and friendly, gently resting upon whatever it
                                             touches. a figure rests                  in  the  middle  of  a
                   ­                             field.    the                       ­                 moonlight  sees  and
                           ­                        gently                                                hugs   its   new  visitor
                                                    ­  as it                                                  rests   upon   the   ground.
as always, the ground below welcomes                                        its dear lifelong friend from the night sky.
Do you know what it takes to make you?
Do you understand what you’re made of?
How far you can go, how much you can love?
Could you explain yourself off of the cuff?
If you were a gem, what would you be in the rough?

Do you know what it takes to make you?
Could you understand even for a small while
what makes you laugh, and joke, and dance, and smile?
What drives you towards showing your own style?
Just what do you think makes you so worthwhile?

Do you know what it takes to make you?
How long does it take to make you upset?
To make you wither underneath of a threat?
To make you groan with utter regret?
What does it take to damage your silhouette?

Do you know what it takes to make you?
Can you comprehend just how far you could go
Before the world defeats you with one final throw?
What loss, what hurt, what pain could you know
Before you ended by one final blow?

One final blow that would do you in.
Even something so small, it feels like sin
To admit that something to small
Could ever harm someone at all.
Because that’s all it takes at the very end;
Even though strongest man will bend
If you hurt him down to his very core.
There just wont be a man there anymore.
Broken, shattered, bent, and left in pieces
So far done, they’re utterly speachless.
With nothing to say, do, hear, or feel
Every last person will kneel.
That is the nature of the world around:
There will always be a loser in the last round.

Do you know what it takes to make you?
Your bits and pieces, your very seams.
And just what it takes to pull out your screams.

Do you know what it takes to make you?
What it takes for you to feel no more?
How long death will stay on the other side of your door?

Do you know what it takes to make you?
Make, create, give, earn,
Love, live, laugh, learn,
Want, think, plan, yearn,
Break, bend, die, burn.

Do you know what it takes to break you?
Sep 2010 · 801
A Child
The Streets Are Too Harsh For A Child Small
But Some Have No Choice, For They Have Nothing At All

Darkness Swirling Through The Air
Rain Clouds Looming Angrily Above
A Child Sits, Never Having Known
The Simple And Pure Feeling Of Love

A Teddy Bear Held Between Small Hands
It's Fur Is All Tattered, Worn, And Torn
Half Its Stuffing Is Gone, An Eye Has Fallen Out
Just Like The Child, It Looks Forlorn

Walls Glare Down From High Above
They Are Made Up Of Hard, Cold Stone
They Are Unkind, Unmoving, Uncaring
The Child Leans Against One, With A Small Moan

A Dry, Dry Mouth, A Stomach Empty
How Is A Child To Take Care Of Themselves?
After A Long Long While, The Child Is Beaten
Into The Light, The Child Now Delves

The Streets Are Too Harsh For A Child Small
But Some Have No Choice, For They Have Nothing At All
Sep 2010 · 617
As I Sit Under A Tree
I Wish Only To Be Me
Into My Book I Stare
And Read 'Bout A Demon's Lair

But Always My Mother Calls Me
Back Into Reality
And I Always Say To Her
"I Wish Only To Read A Bit Further!"

Still My Beautifully Wonderful
Books Are, Oh, So Loveable
And I Always Think
I Don't Have Blood... I HAVE INK
This poem was written a while ago, around the time that I wrote "Love" and is really the reason I continued to write. Everyone I read it too, told me it was great and that they wanted to hear more of my poems... It is the only one of my poems that I have memorized. ^_^
Sep 2010 · 975
The sun peeks to say hello
As the nocturnal moon decides to hide
From it's opposing foe
Way on the other side.
Colors dance up high
While silhouettes of birds
Dance and play in the sky
More beautiful than words.
Morning has been a time of it's own
Sine the beginning of the world itself;
It's the greatest gift men have known
More magical than wizard, centaur or elf.
Morning is Morning, and nothing else.
Second of two poems that go together... The other one is Night.
Sep 2010 · 660

Rivers flow endlessly
Eternally joining land and sea
They flow and they fade
Drifting steadily
Roaring incoherently
In the deep channels they made

Glittering lights in the night sky
They shimmer and they twirl
Dancing elatedly in grace
The sun is born, and then they die
No longer now do they whirl
By light, fireflies are replaced

Whispering, whistling
Rustling leaves
Floating in through windows
And over the seas
The cold is then brought
In with the breeze

Grey appears, shimmering
On the horizon
Here comes the sun
Night is now done
Light now has won
Few shadows remain, flickering

Red, yellow, gold
As the coulds foretold
A great light now appears
Over the land, it lears
Purple, orange, blue
Sunrise; almost through
And still rivers rush
Ripple and roar
Disregarding all in the sky
And that which happens onshore
They never cared, and never will
If sunshine shines no more

First of two poems that go together... I might make more to match... I don't know.
Sep 2010 · 2.5k
Kitty-cat, Kitty-cat
Furry and so wonderful
Kitty-cat, Kitty-cat
Oh, they are so lovable
Kitty-cat, Kitty-cat
They are always going "Meow"
Kitty-cat, Kitty-cat
They hate to hear "Bow-wow"
Kitty-cat, Kitty-cat
With them to play is fun
Kitty-cat, Kitty-cat
And now my poem is done
A VERY old poem of mine, lol. xD
Sep 2010 · 738
out of my house and home
out of the lives of everyone else
away from the contact of others
away from where i can hurt them
into a world of my own
into a spiral of self destruction
tight in a place where misery thrives
thight in a place where i can't seem to die
where i can never escape
where the only comfort is my own blood, dripping, slowly, a vivid color in a world of gray, and my best friend, the knife, dripping silently with the color of my secret romance, waiting, waiting, for my next command. here, now, i've decided, now my friend comes closer, closer, glinting in the light of the flickering street lamp and the moon, now at my throat, it's a good feeling, painful still, all my worries, my fears, my miseries, are now dripping, steaming, slowly down my front, my head is so light, nothing matters anymore, i don't have to stand anymore pain, i'm drifting, i'm flying, i'm sailing, i'm falling, i'm sleeping. good-bye...
I was locked out of my house when I decded to write this, lol... I haven't really changed it since I got it down on paper... It was really quite random... o wo
Sep 2010 · 643
Rainbows and Demons
A sky so bright
With morning light
A land so dark and cold
And I wish with all my might
For the end of all our fright
And for the demons to relive their hold
For I am caught
In a a cage, wrought
Out of the hardest steel
And now I've faught
Energy, I have not
Nor a steady keel
Ranbows fill the sky above
Look! There flies a single dove!
'Tis a sight so pure
But what the demons love
Is to block the world above
For our world of sadness, there is no cure
...Very random poem... barely looked it over... > w<
Sep 2010 · 639
I smile
I laugh
I'm happy once again
Then I leave
I go off on my own
My brain starts thinking
Gears turning
Thoughts blurting
My peaceful, empty mind state
I'm spiraling down again...
But I was so happy!
So happy and true!
How can things come and go?
Melting awa just like snow?
It can't be
I don't believe it
I wont!
But here I am again...
Why does it have to be so?
I'm standed on an island
And island of pain
But what hurts the most
Is that fact that no one
Sees this "me"
When my smile slips from my lips
And I am alone
In mind and spirit
Sep 2010 · 676
Chorus of Laughter
The Chorus Of Laughter
All The Day Long
People Smiling, People Smiling
As No One Notices She's Gone

She's Always Was The Last One Picked
And Forever Will Be
Sitting In Her Own Corner, A Lonely Island
Of A Dangerous Playground Sea
Everyday She Dreads The Sunrise
Bringing Another Day Of Shame
People Laughing As She Messes Up
After All, It Was Always The Same
She Didn't Even Let Her Shoulders Droop
Or Her Head Hang
She Just Put On Her Strongest Mask
To Face The Day Again

Then, One Day She Disappeared
Completely Out Of The Blue
She Was There, Then She Wasn't
Where She Went, No One Knew
Washed Up On The Beach
Of The River Nearby
Was Where She Was Finally Found
How Could A Girl So Young Die?

Her Mask Had Hidden Every Tear Every Pain
She Had Ever Had
She Almost Had Seemed To Be A Happy Kid
None Realized How Things Had Gotten So Bad
Next Time You Fell Like Putting Someone Down
Just For Your Own Amusement
Please, I Beg You, Think Again
Is It Really Worth It?

The Chorus Of Laughter
All The Day Long
People Smiling, People Smiling
As No One Notices She's Gone
Sep 2010 · 638
My Eyes
I stare at the world
through turquoise eyes
and I see the pain
and the suffering
caused to every one else
it stabs through me
just like a blunt knife
a scream to the sky
"why must I care!?"
every scratch
every bruise
I feel on my very own body
I don't know why it has to be this way
I just feel like this
every single day
I've taken acting lessons
and I know how to not show it
but I also have a habit
of over doing it
so staring, seemingly lifelessly
at the world through turqoise eyes
I'm called a heartless person
but that just hurts even more
I just can't stand it
why does my world have to be this way?
I don't let any one else
see the pain that's caused me
every single day
at some rare times
I'm able to forget it
but that doesn't mean
that it ever even leaves
it haunts me
every single ****** day of my life
and I'm only able to release my emotions
through these ****** *** lines
of drunken, depressed emotions
and I stare at them angrily
through these turqoise eyes
I know I **** at writing
and I **** at singing
I fail at everything I try
I might as well die!
I sit alone in my room
staring at these blank, depressing, white walls
through these turquois eyes
but I still hear the screams
of all of the abused children
I still see the blood
soldiers of every race shed as they fall to the ground
I still feal the pain
of all those I've met
I still smell the filth
of the crumbling homes of those in third world countries
I still taste the tears
that slip into my mouth, as I sit here crying
I stare in to your eyes
with my own turquois eyes
and I ask you now and forever
"Do you have the guts to show the world that you care?"
Sep 2010 · 597
Yes I Am Mad At You
But Mad In The Same Way That I Am Mad At Myself For Stubbing My Toe
It's Something Small And It Passes Quickly
Just A Stupid Table Leg
Time Passes And All About The Incident Is Forgotten
Simply Human Nature Wasting Time
I Could Never Find The Heart To Be Mad At You
For Anything, For That Long
It's Already Starting To Dim
While The Happiness Spreads
Through Out My Very Being
"He's Coming Back!" My Mind Screams
What A Headache That's Causing Now!
At Least The Cause Is One To Celebrate
And Not One To Mourn
I've Taken Time To Think, Myself
I Know That Everything For Me Is Fine
Just A Lttle Confused Here And There
From The Sounds Of It, You Might Be Too
But I'll Be Your Friend, Forever To Hold
Forever To Guide
Forever To Be By Your Side
Forever To Be Here When You Need Me
Forever To Make You Smile When You See Me
Forever To Be A Crutch To Lean On
Forever, Whenever, You're In Need, Remember, Me
And I Promise That I'll Remember
How You're Always There For Me
And I'm Letting You Know That--
Just Making Sure That YOU Remember--

"Just Like The Rain
falls unto the earth
And Angles Roost There Weary Wings on the clouds
May you fall
time comes you need rest
fall unto me
roost those solemn wings of emotion on my shoulder"
I bit older of a poem. It's for my friend... There's quite a bit of a story behind it, but let's just leave it at the fact that the part at the end in brakets is by him...
Sep 2010 · 816
They Cry As They Kneel
I love the feeling of knowing I'm nothing;
I have to because I never feel like something.
I'm a worthless pile of ****, I know
With too much pride inside to let it show.
I'm falling and falling from a great height
Around me they laugh thinking I'm a funny sight
I've never been loved and know that no one ever will
Not a tear will be shed until death has made his ****
And over my grave all those who laughed will cry
And I wonder if it's best for me to be dead or alive
At least if I **** myself, people will learn
A lesson and their conscience will burn
With all the regret and sorrow they feel
While at the grave yard they cry as they kneel

These words spill unto the page before me
Using these words, my pain everyone else can see
All I have now are words and a page
And I scream them as if I'm onstage
To the masses of people that walk by me each day
My mind is in total disarray
Why don't you hear me?
Why don't you see?
I scream at them as they walk by
I'm so alone and I begin to cry
The screaming was all in my head
none of them could hear what I said
Just a little girl shopping with her family
That was the only thing of me they could see

Why do the tears sting my eyes so?
The salt in them, this I know
But there must be something more
That makes my eyes so sore
My family hates the world in which I want to be
On nothing do we ever agree
I want to be who I really am
I want to just get rid of all them
Cause them all the same amount of pain
As me and how hard I try to stay sane
Hate is a dull word compared
To what I feel because you never really cared
I want to **** myself because of all the pain I feel
If I died, would you go to my grave, and cry as you kneel?

I shall write forever more
Right until the day I knock on hell's door
Until the end of the world shall come
And god bears yet another only son
Until never more shall the sun rise
Is when I will never again open my eyes
Ashes unto ashes and dust unto dust
Sooner or laster, join them I must
But until then I bid thee farewell
While inside of a hole I shall dwell
No one will care to look for me
No one will bother their eyes to see
No one will with me even plea
To come back home once more
This poem probably wont make much sense due to the frame of mind I was in at the time, but I'm might as well post it up here, lol.
Sep 2010 · 613
Love Is A Thing
impossible to understand
Love Is A Thing
which no one can command
Love Is A Thing
completely indestructible
Love Is A Thing
whose secrets are unknowable
Love Is A Thing
that can cause you much pain
Love Is A Thing
which you cannot tame
Love Is A Thing
that is sometimes binding
Love Is A Thing
whose ropes are so binding
is nothing else, but
First poem I ever wrote! It was during the middle of Math in grade four.
Sep 2010 · 1.8k
Just Like The Rain
"Just Like The Rain
falls unto the earth
And Angles Roost There Weary Wings on the clouds
May you fall
time comes you need rest
fall unto me
roost those solemn wings of emotion on my shoulder"

just a simple poem you wrote
look at how deep a simple poem can be
this I why I must note
how much you mean to me
this poem you thought pathetic
and I diss and scorn my own poems
I thought yours was prophetic
you claim I'm the best writer you ever met

we always seem to be equalent
no matter how the tables are turned
what to do now, I am ambivalent
it's like I'm your exact silhouette
this peom has a terrible rhyming scheme
"A, B, A, C, D, E, D, C"
I mean, talk about a little extreme
but you see, my poems are pictures of my mind
and my mind is pretty confusing
everything whirling, my thoughts never end
it's myself, I'm always abusing
you always come though with words that are kind
just like the rain, my tears fall onto your shoulder
you are always there to help me
you are an immovable boulder
a beacon of light in the confusion and darkness of this world
you are such a lucky friend for me to possess
thank-you so much for caring like you do
no matter what happens you'll be my friend nevertheless
my solemn wings of emotion, are now unfurled
and I fly

"Just Like The Rain
falls unto the earth
And Angles Roost There Weary Wings on the clouds
May you fall
time comes you need rest
fall unto me
roost those solemn wings of emotion on my shoulder"
Yeah... Sort of an old old poem. It's sort of self explanitory... The beginning and ending parts are exact quotes from my friend. I just copy and pasted what he said, that's why the capitals are all messed up, lol.
Sep 2010 · 578
can't stop thinking
can't stop moving
everything reminding
everything colliding
it all just keeps repeating
it all just keeps repeating
someone please come help
please just someone help
his name pops up
his face pops up
I just cannot stop
I just want to stop
Please Help!
Somewhat new poem...
Sep 2010 · 949
No One
The school bell rings.
Now I face the prospect
of the after school torment;
all around backstabbing.

People who say
that they're my friend.
Their promises they bend.
this happens every day.

Whenever I go home,
nothing's ever different.
The constant feel of abandonment.
The fact my life is irrelevant.
I have always been transparent.
The world is warped and bent.
Nothing ever a coincident.
Accused of being a delinquent.
I am nothing more than entertainment.
Our messed up version of government.
Fear is a purposeful instrument.
Breaking down, I cry until spent.
I feel the constant imprisonment.
I am not free to roam.

This is my day.
This is my life.
All I deserve
All I am.
All I'll ever be.
What's the point of suffering through each day?
Why am I even alive?
Why not end it now, with a blade of a knife?
My arms dripping red tears of sorrow.
Never again a tormented tomorrow.
The pain.
The suffering.
The humiliation.
It would all end.

No more days
of screaming into my pillow.
No more days
of crying out in pain.
No more days
of sitting in shadows.
No more days
of being afraid.
So why not end it all?
Here in the shadows?
no one will see me,
no one will care.
Because, there is
no one who sees me,
no one who cares.
...Reealy old poem...

— The End —