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Apr 2014 · 999
the monster
won't make a difference
in my defense
on the things i say .
he turns u like a switch
from peaceful to bitterness.
the fights we have are endless
the memories i even charish
seem like they couldn't of exist
the hatred , the anger,
what happen to my sister?
a sweet cheerleader
with a heart so tender.
turned cold faster
then water in a freezer.
……but cuz of him
yes him ,
the monster ,
the trickster ,
not a father
but a killer ,
what happen to my sister?
to everyone the sweet cheerleader?
replaced by a cold, hearted stranger.
that i now call "sister"
since in my defense
it doesn't matter what i say
ill just have to pray ,
pray that shell come back
back to being caring to my mom
not cursing her with the f bomb.
doesn't matter if i say
to her in any shape or way
that i love her and miss her
shell read it then walk away.
i sit there and pray .
for the day my sister says
"i love you" or
the simple "hey."

Dec 2013 · 613
Shoulders Sunken by Gravity ,
Music's what fuels  me.
Ears blared by pitchy strings ,
And drum beats ,
And screams that speak,
To the girl that's weak,
music is what fuels me .
Hope held by a string
she Feels one word .
Scream .
Music is what fuels me

Dezearea n. parisi
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
I am From
I’m from the tattoos
And blue noodles,
I’m my Pawran
Whose beard is uneven
And weird

I’m from the writers block,
Time prancing on the clock,
Whose minds inspired,
Ideas skipping wild.

From sharpies and
Mini mouse
I run , dash, and skip,
Tug-of-war with Bella
Around the house.

I’m from Candyland
And Candycrush
Who plays those games
to much.

I’m from Arnold
And Tracey,
Who pray and fish
with me .

here’s the poem ,
I wrote to show’um,
To who read this,
it’s Just the gist  
of where I’m from.
May 2013 · 580
Our Stitches untie
After every goodbye ,
Somebodie comes by
Making ties stronger
Last longer
Never breaking
Heart starts acheing ,
Breaking .
Apr 2013 · 618
Youve been there
With feelings hurt
Name drug though dirt
You've been there

With every tear shed
To final thread
You've been there

Through the fights
And joyful nights

You've been there
Just so you know
Sometimes i dont show
Your the best ever been
In thick and ice thin
Mar 2013 · 738
Like butterflies,
My heart soars high .
Such *** thoughts.
Feeling like lighting bugs
From your kissies to hugs
And all the other bugs
From sun set to sun down
You stop every frown
Youre the color on its wings
You britghen everything
Like butterflies
My heart soars high
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
My heart is guna bust,
Into sparkles of dust.
My pain was his amusement .
Im so confused on his judgement .
My mind is in confusion .
For i was under your illusion.
Feb 2013 · 685
mystery flavor
Rainfall inside but
Sunrise outside,
her eyes speak for her
Like a mystery sucker
an Unknown flavor .
they ruin her name
"oh its just a game"
that old saying
but its all staying
like a record replaying
over and over,
People bulldosing her over.
like a unknown flavor
you have to get a taste to
save her.
Feb 2013 · 568
Feeling the cadence
Feeling amusement
Feet begin dancing
The beat sets a trance
Swelter and prance
Stay with inspirance
Happy swell dance
No stumble
Always inspires
Always wired
Feb 2013 · 2.8k
Raccoon girls
Raccoon eyes,
Black hair dyes
Spiked teased hair
Saying "i dont care"
To hot to cold
Said in bold
Palmers lane
Little youngens playing
Music screaming
Having fun
Sun to sun
Feb 2013 · 683
Drip drops
Wind shouting
Drip drops falling
Animals scurrying
Storm ranting
Clouds sobbing
Wind shouting
Then pass
Feb 2013 · 24.7k
See loudness but be silented
hearing things not needed
pencils and pens scribbling
teacher constant speaking
smell of freshness
yet sight of trashness

— The End —