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Feb 2011 · 1.3k
I am a Man
Devon Uy Feb 2011
I am a man.
I am one of two sexes, I am made with Y’s and X’s.
I have two hands, and two shoes
My skin is a shade of tan,
against two eyes, a little darker than most,
to see right through.
I am a man.  I am destined to like the colour blue. and I do.
Black hair, thick frame, brown eyes
My ***** is average sized, or so Google has told me,
defining and aligning my masculinity to the length of a certain body ***** that almost no ones sees,
It only makes sense.

I am a man, after all.
And I understand the part of the debt that I owe.
I pay my attention to the fighters who guard things I fought to know.
With that knowledge they hold in the throes of their quotes
take note.
And beware,
because creatively,  I will so rudely steal away ideas you’ve owned.
Seeing that feeling reeling in your frontal lobe,
gripping it and IV dripping it into my bones.
And then I will break them, seam after seam
sprinting through dusty rocks and skipping stones in my bloodstream.
Eroding my veins with it’s electricity.
****, I am a man.
I walk, like I lead with my chest and
I talk, like I lead with my head
but my lips lead with what I’ve already said
So I, dust off the dirt of another loss
like I’m coming back from the dead.
I can speak. I speak like you are my foundation, that I am building my words against your brains
training myself to speak in beauty
and praying not to speak in vain.
But I am only a man.

and I am a hypocrite,
I’ve fallen victim to ripping images from television
and I can feel them chipping the paint,
as if stripping my brain was the ultimatum in my struggle to self sustain.
I am a hypocrite.
Because I tell myself that I am better. that I am so different.
but I guess I, pay too much attention to this hipster ****
and taking too much time to find that my tragic flaw was my indifference.
cause everything I’ve tried to hold on to so tightly, was rubbing away at my fingerprints.

I will atone for my ignorance.
I am atoning for my ignorance.
Every thought I taste
Every day I waste is a prayer of sincerity
Not a prayer of repentance, No.
not just yet

and I am a man with a chant, with a mantra
sounding like

I wanna be somebody, I wanna be somebody, I want to be somebody
Because honesty
I just want to engage it...
putting a 3 carat ring on it’s finger,
committing myself to its promises, and marrying it wild
i want to puke truth like a child
Or rather
I want to nurse the truth back to health make it fall in love with me,
and when it runs away
i want it to return like a dove to me.
like 40 days, running deep as a flood to me,
I want it to sing to me
Because then you can hear God understand who you are, and she hears me perfectly
defining and aligning my masculinity to the strength of my heart,
which almost no one sees
it’s only making sense.

and you have to understand, my personalities ***** is...huge.
like, that rumour about Asians is just so untrue.
because in the lyrical bedroom my rhythms are smoother than chocolate fondue
and I’ll make love to our intellect in positions that are considered taboo
until neither of our mind’s bodies can become unglued
but I digress

I am something more potent than my style of prose
I fill out more body than I have in my clothes
so don’t talk until you walked in the tread of my soul
I am a man that is far too much for a social role
I am a man, I am a man, I am a man, I am a

Man, I want to give back my manliness, in exchange for godliness
and i’ll go ahead and give up a pretentious thought, or maybe even two
and i guess i’ll toss in that childhood too
in goes those high school years I faked my way through
and i’ll go ahead and give up my skewed world view
because in lieu
of every limit I set on myself and what I can do

I must repeat the mantra out loud
If you would please look into me, I’d be pleased to look into you.
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
Words are enough
Devon Uy Feb 2010
I found my place in words  
In which my soul is my metaphor
I choose to weave into verbs
I place my heart into the curves of assonance
to be guarded by the halting walls of alliteration
until their sentence has ended.
At one time being confined by
the simplest of minds, I
 released them in time, I
pleased them with rhymes
and became lost, then found
different meanings to old letters
taking simple elementary phrases and making them better
and then I finally found myself.
Somewhere against this world
I found my place in words.
Feb 2010 · 614
Love, She Moves
Devon Uy Feb 2010
Love, she moves like a cloud.
and I don’t know where she is now
But I hope she can save me. I just don’t know how.
and now, she weaves like a homemade quilt in he sky.
Taking her shoes and dancing through needle eyes.
And when she’s blown away by a gust of bad luck,
or of my device,
It’s everything in me to choke out this, “Goodbye”.
And I,
I find it kind of hard, to keep wrestling with my restless heart
though its beating may be fleeting,
I can only hope I’ll be seeing you soon.
So soon. my Cloud.

My Love, she’s like a tree
that the branches in her, grow their branches in me
how she’ll almost fly,
with leaves that scratch the sky.
pricking papercuts, drawing and drawing and drawing blood.
bringing clouds to cry.
Her eyes are rooted in me,
she feeds off of every shred of my sunlight, my water, my breathe.
until i’m out of them,
and i have nothing else to give her except what’s left,
not what she deserves, not the best, not the divine, nor the blessed,
But I guess, just whats left.

And I’ll strip away as the dying bark on her tree
being used as a crude kindling,
smoke-signaling you burning in me
and when the fire’s done
the hazy clouds lift out of the ash, like a painting
Branching out against the blue in the sky, and the blue in the sea.
see the blue in her eyes, look bluer to me
swaying yet standing perfectly still.
looking kind of like a tree. your tree.

Love, she’s like the earth.
She’s like the soil that was, and the people that were
desperately sending for a reason to be.
to be worth something, anything to everybody.
I hope she means something to me.
And when her ground starts to shake
I get down to my knees,
Take my head down and I plead
Make me face down so I see, and I say
Stay, just stay.
and I’m sorry because at the moment I’m running short on reasons why you shouldn’t leave me.
So stay.

Stay my cloud, stay my earth, stay my tree.
the sky, the ground, the leaves,
can wait a few more eternities, until I let them steal you from me.
Feb 2010 · 578
One Time God
Devon Uy Feb 2010
One time
took away my eyes

Stole the colours from me.
Helped me forget
all of the crashing blues,
pulsing reds,
laughed-out greens,
soaring yellows,
And as i fought, breathe by breath,
with every step
He and I took,
Suddenly I found
I found no use for them anymore
I saw you, instead

With every word you said,
with every move you gave me,
with the fragrance of your skin
and with how sweet the air became
when you danced

And when God saw me
he took joy and extended His hands
and returned what i had corrupted
and what had not been mine

and i cried as i found
That what i had wanted to see

was not your lips
nor your hair,
nor your eyes,

But you.
Feb 2010 · 572
A Message
Devon Uy Feb 2010
His words left his mouth. 
And rode against the walls,
like beams of light, straddling and clinging the cold wood of the room
Trying to run as fast as they could away from him.
The stale air penetrated the door, and his words found their exit.
They soared across mountains,
passing through skin and bone
the words ebb with wind
and flow with cloud
and slowly mold themselves into
melodies, then symphonies
agreements, then arguments.
The gleam from a sleepy sun, gave the words something amazing
They gave them texture, they gave it breath.And now a simple three words had become
everything that mattered
They became a being.
hurting, then healing
whenever it chose.
And he never would have guessed
 that love would travel that far.

— The End —