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Devon Rammell Mar 2010
Things I know:
You love her, I love you,
Only if she loved me
Could things be sane,
But no she loved you too.

I enjoy watching you
As you love her
For in my mind
She is me and you are you
But I have morals and you have her

I told you almost everything
I never lied to you, I couldn't really
I could never be right or wrong
In your eyes I was simply a friend
In mine, you were always my love

I was never good at this
Never could say what I wanted to
I always danced right around it
I just wanted to say that
I loved you, before you found her

But I was too late-- too late--
an older one
Devon Rammell Feb 2010
As I walk down this road,
I can not help but to wonder
Is this right, did i make the right choice?
Then i look to my side;
i see him him smiling at her
i know it will never be me;
but i am happy he at least
has a shot at it.

So as i walk down this road alonei
know i made the right choice
so i will continue on this path
knowing that he is happy.
with only the thought of:
"Life goes on."
Devon Rammell Feb 2010
As their yelling gets louder
I sink deeper into the abyss
The infinite colorless abyss I know so well
It accepts me back with no quarrel
As I sink, the noises silences
Soon it is just you and me
As we walk down the path
you tell me stories to keep my mind away
Stories of you, of me, of the world at bay
Anything to keep me from there
As much as i would like to stay
I know I must go back
But soon they'll get mad
and I'll be back again
Maybe one day I'll be able to stay
I will never have to leave
We will finally see the end of the path
and i will learn your name...
For now I will be happy with my visits
just for our walks together.

— The End —