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Devon Baker Aug 2011
Cut the wire words tethered to my tongue,
A resemblance of a schizophrenic’s,
If Death walked sullenly, could we run
Scream and scatter, cleave off limbs to lockets
The burdens and blood plump things that slow us,
What’s of organs to living always,
Ever existing to face away from
Shadow and sun, cut way the instruments
Of muscles congealed among movement
Fatty slabs and raw bones weighing our hold,
Just fleeing, blood draining to keep moving
Just a few more strides to flee unholy
Death near lingering ever encroaching,
Lop off all just to stray, till left is the
Soul on shoulders, welcoming judgment day
Devon Baker Aug 2011
Man holding hatchet to head
Building the chairs that scrape the clouds, angels scream
You eyes sing, crow felt fleeing, the raven spells out Ave Maria
Bellows out symphony, lover weeps, stains every blood white sheet
Man weighing upon the ceiling fan, lover screaming, 
Mother you're still pining, ever rotting, I'll carry that soul 
As best a drummer boy could, as best an infant would
The loss never gives, it's the shadow that falls about the floor
Man broken about shattered cloud, you were the wall to this darkness
I died in nights of weeping, rotted amongst the paper and pills
Mother cease to sleeping, demons much more than verily creeping
Boy brushed in bladed silver, blooming in rose pedal pools
Death grip me tight, death guide me to sleep tonight
Death lead mother gently, death is all left
When nothing's right, love kiss me goodnight
Break me now and ever
I'm a ghost gone forever
Devon Baker Aug 2011
Sickly might,
cravens and craving demon drooling bite.
That fleshly flaunt of fool and privilege,
he burned to smoldering.
Lapped his blood from crowned jewel
and corroded golden spires.
The lost cadaver,
pride driven manicured demon of self
driven greed and godly hunger.
Such as fiendish that ******,
the sulfured serpent,
tis a sickened beast in dread black suit,
raffled in silken red tie
it's but the psychopath's blood smeared human hide.
Crave the flesh,
tear and splatter the soul from within,
fiends of fantastically practiced to perfect parallel smiles.
They'll slip your soul from the bars of your throat,
reap every inch of the body's hold.
Steal friendships to lips,
lives to hips,
slurp the killing,
seize the blind weeping cold.
You've got nothing not to be swept and stole.
Soulless has a studded luster,
but the ****** socio bleeds liquid sins,
bears fangs plastic wrapped in blades,
human game is the psychopath's *******.
Devon Baker Aug 2011
Slaughter with fangs that love to incise, 
lust to ring and roar
plastic zips that smother too tighten,
feast on hindered breath takings. 
Pull to gorge against their blessed soulless upbringings. 
It's not terrifying,
not bloodless lucid heart beating, 
steal the latest last of,
butcher and reel till the crazy flees in fear. 

paint splatter smiles,
hang harlot blood stained baby childs.
It's long love lost lusting,
just a carousel killing ride,
a manslaughter ****** scene,
mask me a demon,
kiss me a rotting rose.
For fledgling sake hand me the last shotgun blow.    

Breathe me a reason not to die.
Devon Baker Aug 2011
It's not hunger for flesh to matter,
glucose and life.
It's a feasting pain for soul,
it's emptiness between ribs,
lungs torn in fold.
Christen me a black hole, 
cardiac's no response to a dead soul,
ghosts haven't a say.

please it's no compatibility

please me with fangs,
fashion thistles and ripping implements,
non-human descends always to the fiendish of gruesomeness,
bloodless and monstrous.

Haven't a prayer,
haven't a soul,
haven't got a vessel to scream 
wretchedly home.
It's best to let demons lie,
let spirits die,
burn out our dying phantom cries.
It's to feed the slaughtered
with platters of blades and bullet shrapnel,
ghosts give,
ghosts speak,
ghosts don't truly wish for a living peace.

Please may we take a taste of rifle barrel,
please just a second helping of buck shot
and spoiled brain splatter.
Bless what we become,
all ghosts eventually become undone.
Devon Baker Aug 2011
I'm not here,
nor there,
not truly tangibly anywhere.
As transparency slithers about my veins,
i'm  phantom,
silent deathly.
Eyes carry and lurch black holes
to quicken about the pupils.
It's the faceless death that paces about you,
rests against your blooming breath sitting next to you.
If I cradled the malfunctions,
misplaced to mutilated insides
about my criss crossed shoulders,
wingless back of blades,
death will but flutter in resemblance
against my skulls frame.
unravel about the living,
wings of dust reel,
I phantom of deathly....
a faceless orphan forget me.
Gods got no place for the dying ghostly.
Devon Baker Aug 2011
Blades may cut me,
the bullet shrapnel bludgeon me,
it's but the apocalypse bomb shelling
that's going to **** me,
a godly hell of nuclear bluster.
It's the kiss of Death,
a *** of demon and savior,
I’m no son of man,
but this boy's doomed to die
under the batter of Armageddon.
It's not postmortem till blood's but vapor 
and atoms are melting,
I'm tolling the Ferryman
not till it's Hell on Earth
and my birthday candles are eradicated
in nuclear holocaust and human DNA dust.
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