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 Aug 2011 Destiny Barnes
This is.... The story of a girl,
who pretends that airplanes
in the night sky
are like shooting stars...

In my head, I see her in front of me,
[thinking] I am, I am, I am,
the luckiest...

But her boyfriend?  He don't know. Anything.
About her.

...And I don't believe that anybody
feels the way I do
about you now..

And I gotta be honest! I think you know,
I'm covered in lies, and that's ok...

Cause when you're dreamin with a broken heart,
The wakin up- thats the hardest part..

If you'd just realize what I just realized then we'd be
perfect for each other and we'd never have to wonder
if airplanes in the night sky
are like shooting stars.
Copyright Paul August 2011

If you don't see the references to all the major songs in this work, I am taking lyrics from songs that regularly shuffle on my iPod and creating a story that reflects myself.

Track listing(Song-Artist):
Story of a Girl- Nine Days
Airplanes-BOB feat. Hayley Williams and Eminem
In my Head-Jason Derulo
Luckiest- Ben Folds
Flavor of the Week - American Hi-Fi
You're a God-Vertical Horizon
Dreamin' with a Broken Heart-John Mayer
Realize-Colbie Caillat
 Aug 2011 Destiny Barnes
If you really love me enough to
let me go without a fight
or a protest or even a “Please,
stay here with me,” then I suppose
I love you enough to walk away
without saying  

I have wide hips, a wide waist.
chubby cheeks and
short legs
given to me

by my mother.

she is not a witch.
she has wrinkles, yes
but they do not define her
nor would she let them.

I have no interest in making friends with fish,
small birds,
candlesticks or clocks,
or rodents.

I need human contact to survive.

If you put me alone in a house in a forest,
I will not clean.  
I will not wait to be saved.
I will not ask for your permission to go outside.

I will leave.

I do not need a prince to live happily ever after.

I have short bushy hair
and a ******.
yes, it's there.
underneath my cotton underwear and long lace skirts
that no one is telling me to wear.

I have a sister.
I go to her for advice.
I look up to her and I talk to her about
Everything anything everything

I do not need a prince.

I look up to my mother.
She is not a source of fear,
she is a source of comfort
and relief.

what are We teaching our daughters?

these imaginary princesses
teach our babygirls

to have long eyelashes
to have two inch waists
long luscious hair
*** appeal

and if they don't,

they will never live happily ever after.

If I need all that to get one,

I do not want a prince.

I do not want to be anyone's

I will not chase after anyone
if they choose to leave.

I will weep into my sister and mother's shoulders

But that poor,

will always be chasing
to talk to

and men
to be saved by.

When will we teach them to save themselves?

When will they teach themselves
that there is no such thing as perfect
I walk tonight.
The sky casts no light.
The lack of shadows hides my solitude.
My dormant heart beats alone.
Awaiting to be heard.
Longing to be held.
By the one so wrongfully taken for granted.
The only one that truly cares,
If it beats at all.
This heart beats for you.
These tears fall for you.
These feet walk for you…

A gleaming light flickers in the distance.
Lightening is strewn across the horizon.
Such power given by gods to move mountains with profound toxicity.
A power given to slay the inexhaustible flame I hold deep within.
I have been stricken down.
By this hand of fate.
What you call an obstacle,
I see a labyrinth.
Twisting and contorting with layers unreachable by the most straining efforts.
To be wandered for eternity,
These walls hold me in captivity.

Adjacent lies the potent moon.
Tearing a lucid hole in the darkness,
Light pours in.
Thrown to my knees by the fiery fervor that drips so elegantly.
Diminutive under these chains of misery,
I look up.
And cry out!
But I am not heard…
I am not seen…
I am forgotten.

And so…
Once again,
The moon has fallen…
Left in darkness.
No shadow for company.
I hunger.
For another day.
Another chance.
To prove myself worthy.
So that some day,
I can again feel your supple skin beneath my fingertips.
Taste your succulent lips.
And embrace you for what you are worth.


— The End —