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2.6k · Oct 2013
A New Beginning
Desiree Schort Oct 2013
She found him in the shadows of the night
He took her hand and showed her the light
She gave him her heart, he purified her soul-
Asked for forgiveness and now she feels whole
Felt her blood, rush through every vein
As quickly and silently he stole her pain
She’s reborn in her earthbound being
She’s been blessed just from believing
How lucky she is to feel his touch
She started to die until he passed her a crutch
Now she’s alive more than ever before
Because she was helped to unlocking the door
The secrets of life suddenly engulf her mind
And now she learns what to do with her time
Once a sinner, now a beginner, of her life
1.2k · Dec 2012
Desiree Schort Dec 2012
The taste is bitter. You speak my weakness. Fragile my heart falls open. The years flood my mind. Where did the day go. I take this pill to feel nothing. Nothing has blown my mind.
901 · Dec 2011
Desiree Schort Dec 2011
It's like taking a pill full of gasoline
The fire ignited in your chest
The flames expand licking at your face
What I hear quickly erased
Blurred vision, and no sense of feeling
Only rage
822 · Oct 2012
For you I am always
Desiree Schort Oct 2012
My heart is as big as a tidal wave
And my love is as strong as an iron gate
I can walk on two feet, I can walk straight
Don’t try to bend the rules, the rules you are breaking
I will be here waiting, for you I am praying
Don’t turn around too quickly, the ground it is shifting
I am tall, as tall as an old oak tree
And I cannot fall, the earth is beneath me
Hurry figure this out, life passes quickly
I will remain here planted in shadows
Don’t try to fight it, just let it engulf you
I am warm, as warm as the midday sun
Brighten the boring day you are having
I will remain, unchanged and steady
And you, you will always be lovely
752 · Dec 2015
A Sad Heart
Desiree Schort Dec 2015
I am alive right now, right now I'm alive
But I'm feeling dark, yeah I'm feeling blind
Don't know what tomorrow brings, got a feeling I don't care
My thoughts are mine and they're so hard to share
You do not owe me anything but I am not yours to keep
I will lie still in silence and just continue to weep

I am not here, I have been lost
I have traveled far beyond this box
All the roads on the map
It doesn't matter now
The time passing by
It doesn't feel right now
And I am not this, I cannot see
I cannot breathe with it crushing me

There is a crack beneath where I stand, the length of my elbow to my hand
It leads to a hole inside of the ground
It whispers my name, forcing me to glance down
It grasps at my ankles, holding me still
I kick and fight it with all of my will
But I am fatigued, I have grown weak
I have begun to lose what I seek

I am not here, I have been lost
I have traveled far beyond this box
All the roads on the map
It doesn't matter now
The time passing by
It doesn't feel right now
And I am not this, I cannot see
I cannot breathe with it crushing me

I don't know where I'm going, sure I'll see you there
When I find me again a smile we can share
And you'll see how happy a sad heart can be
Yeah we will see how happy a sad heart can be
729 · Dec 2011
Flowers Smell of Love
Desiree Schort Dec 2011
I wanna by my time with you
And cherish this thing that's new
For I know how precious it is
Fading as quick as a kiss

Patience and good will come
To those who wait only some
Of lifes moments are worth it all
You have to be willing for the fall

Together we'll be great
If it is our fate
Remain as one
Until life is done

Patience and good will come
To those who wait only some
Of lifes moments are worth it all
You have to be willing for the fall

Pick your flowers the garden grows
They shall return and so it shows
If you love once you'll love again
Wait for the next season to begin

Patience and good will come
To those who wait only some
Of lifes moments are worth it all
You have to be willing for the fall

Desiree Schort Dec 2013
The air so cold and crisp
Everything silent except the wind
The ground fresh with a thick glisten
Frozen snowflakes constrict my view
As I peer out the window I can see
The lamp post lighting the tree
So beautiful a Michigan winter
So harsh and cruel but beautiful
How I long to see another Michigan winter.
655 · Oct 2012
All along it was you
Desiree Schort Oct 2012
Do you remember my love when we first fell?
The hunger in our hearts continued to swell
Many years ago I knew it was you
Oh my dear how the time flew
I could never find a love like ours
Don’t believe me just ask the stars
How many nights I wished when we were apart
For something to mend this broken heart
My eyes met yours to reunite
A feeling so strong couldn’t put up a fight
And here we are with sweet disposition
You are my life’s one single mission
653 · Dec 2011
There You Were Again
Desiree Schort Dec 2011
I close my eyes and you I see
Smiling back, motioning to me
The look on my face, the sound of your voice
Your demeanor so poised
I walk to you, you float to me
As graceful as one could be
You touched my hand and sparks flew
I knew then I wanted you

It was draped under your flesh
It was draped under my flesh
Dancing wildly in the rain
We could neither feel fear nor pain
Our bodies trying to take flight
Fighting the truth with all my might

Run away with me, let’s disappear
As I said these words you shed a tear
Kissed me oh so softly with a sigh
As my hand brushed against your thigh
You gazed into my eyes viewing my soul
For that moment I felt completely whole
Squeezed me tightly against your chest
Felt your beating heart flutter your breast

It was draped under your flesh
It was draped under my flesh
Dancing wildly in the rain
We could neither feel fear nor pain
Our bodies trying to take flight
Fighting the truth with all my might

Slowly you let go and I began to fall
All the while you stand so tall
I felt myself slip out of control
Spinning faster than ever before
Awakened by the dawns light
Realizing my past nights fright
You were always a dream, nothing more
My aching heart still is sore

It was draped under your flesh
It was draped under my flesh
Dancing wildly in the rain
We could neither feel fear nor pain
Our bodies trying to take flight
Fighting the truth with all my might
649 · Dec 2011
Desiree Schort Dec 2011
Unzipping layers of this skin
Trying to reach what's within
Spent all the years searching for
What lies behind this heart shaped door
The burnt chalk taste of the sins been made
A desire so great its time you've paid
633 · Dec 2011
Desiree Schort Dec 2011
Sometimes I need to start with a blank slate
Sometimes I feel myself begin to dissipate
And the motions around me begin to move slowly
The sounds and the noises live quietly
Lying there in a vast emptiness within myself
Devoured by the dark that enters my heart

And the darkness devours us all
Turn around, brace yourself for the fall
It’s a lot to take in
Taste the salt on my skin
Shut your eyes then return to it all

The graveyard is a quiet place
For those who cannot see
They don’t realize the life in the dead
In those who cease to be
And when I see you cry
I’m reminded of your lie

And the darkness devours us all
Turn around, brace yourself for the fall
It’s a lot to take in
Taste the salt on my skin
Shut your eyes then return to it all

I miss your smile your sweet embrace
The memories of our happy days
The months gone by get a bit colder
The light shed turns a quick shoulder
The sound of laughter grows weaker
Lost is the hide and seeker

And the darkness devours us all
Turn around, brace yourself for the fall
It’s a lot to take in
Taste the salt on my skin
Shut your eyes then return to it all
624 · Dec 2013
A man and his apple tree
Desiree Schort Dec 2013
There once was a man named Phan
Who lived in the hills of Ireland
He didn't see the Apple tree
Growing right beneath his feet
The apple tree grew so tall
That it was big and strong by fall
The man peered up at the tree
Then he fell onto his knees

The tree it spoke certain words
It told the man about the birds
The birds they were suffering
No songs the birds could even sing
The man he was so surprised
That he looked down with teary eyes
The songs that the birds would sing
Have been the joy, but the suns fading

Show us  light the tree told Phan
So the man devised a plan
He watched the birds fly all day
And he came back with something to say
The Apple tree was listening
As the man started to scream
The reason that the birds were sad
Because for years the man was mad
605 · Nov 2012
To The Ocean
Desiree Schort Nov 2012
The sky turns a bluish gray
My soul just up and ran away
The ocean is near
The roar you can hear
A salt in the air
A frizz to your hair
Run away with me
Let’s hide from society
Desiree Schort Oct 2012
My heart, my mind ceasing agreement
Collapsing my sanity, my lungs inflate with air
The constant keeps it laced together under thy flesh
Freedom escapes my pores, laughter trapped through my veins
Underneath it all, I am something all together different
Passion drives my soul, the past whispers to my ear
Tearing me wide open, exposing my emptiness
Loneliness can **** them, but fear plagues us all
We are all but nothing, and nothing we are all
599 · Apr 2021
Desiree Schort Apr 2021
I saw her standing there
Thin and frail
Dressed in shades of violet

She was looking at me
Through the chain linked fence
Rusted in the back

Where'd you go
I wanted to know
But she was just a glimpse
581 · Dec 2011
The question
Desiree Schort Dec 2011
And who am I
Is the question I ask ever so often
It seems everytime I think I know
Life changes me into someone else
I'm ok with me, I'm ok with me
It took awhile to learn
But maybe my question is wrong
Maybe it's not who am I
But rather who will I be next
570 · Oct 2013
The Greatest Teacher
Desiree Schort Oct 2013
See his face now
Rough and ragged, full beard
Covered chin like a goat
Whistling the tune from an old song
Five days to work
Those arms lifted the wood
Grasp the hammer and
Beat a nail into the surface

Look at his brown eyes
Peering into his kindness
Both filled, to the brim
With knowledge wisdom and warmth,
His poised demeanor.

Recall the man who shared
His insight with the class
Every break time
Who taught them lessons life would hold
Who said never succumb to fear.

Keep his face etched in mind
Gently smiling with kind eyes
In a school, in a class
With two other teachers
Keep his fist grasping
Wood, nails, and rulers
Hitting the hammer down
******* the nail
A teachers words spoken to hold dear
531 · Dec 2015
Said Love to the Wounded
Desiree Schort Dec 2015
Hey love, you've torn my insides out
You've left me arid in a drought
You've immersed yourself inside my brain
And clutched so tight evoking pain
You've been so ***** and quite cruel
Haunting me just like a ghoul
If you look deep inside of me
You will see pain and agony
Let’s dance on the grave of love
While laughing at the fools above

You are nothing without me
No fish to swim in your great big sea
No tidal waves, no playing games
No happiness, no sudden pain
No irritants, or arguments
No big great plan with holes or dents
No soft kisses, no big wishes
No one to do the ***** dishes
There is no pain, there is no shame
Not even a finger to point the blame
There are no laughs, no cries to be had
Not even a reason to feel glad
Love can be so battered and so bruised
Love can be so beaten, and abused
With nurture and care you can plant a love seed,
Then water it gracefully sparing any greed
Watch it grow and continue to feed
Careful, love has thorns that'll make you bleed
Love can be beautiful, love can be great
Love can make you believe in fate
So romantic, so clichè
Leaving you breathless, no words to say
So without me you are nothing, and nothing you'll be
Don't toss love aside and throw away the key
531 · Jan 2022
I eat flies for dinner
Desiree Schort Jan 2022
Tiny little tippy toes,
Zip zippity zip across,
Silk strings float upon the air,
Invisible trap of death,
Needle sharp two juicy fangs
Merry-go-round goes dinner
Save the fat one for later
Tiny little beady eyes,
519 · Jul 2013
Tired eyes
Desiree Schort Jul 2013
Give me all your burdens
Let the ocean roar
My lungs deflate from air
And my heart beats once more

**** me in silence
My life still lingers by
Grasping at my finger tips
Making others cry

But I've become tired
I've become weak
So Lay me down to rest
To Sleep my final sleep
489 · Nov 2012
Desiree Schort Nov 2012
Your voice it echo’s in my mind
Your love has left me almost blind
But you’ve been gone for quite some time
And left me with questions
484 · Nov 2012
Desiree Schort Nov 2012
I can sit on top of the world
Teach you everything
Teach you how to be mean
Don’t you know what I mean?

I can stand as tall as a tree
Show you many of things
Like how to feel free
Don’t you want to be free?

I can disappear like a ghost
Provide a life without me
How would that be
How would you be?

I can float above all your gods
Love you with all that I’ve got
Till the sun decides to drop
Till our hearts suddenly stop

I will be the stars in your sky
Faintly show you the way
Faintly lead you to day
So what do you say?
Desiree Schort Nov 2012
Will you love me in the morning my dear
When the sun breaks the sky, soft chirps we hear
Morning air crisp and fresh
My arm draped over your chest
The dew on the grass glistens, dancing in the sun
The night we had filled with laughter, wine and fun
This spark we feel slowly warming
So will you, love me in the morning
380 · Oct 2014
Living in the Moment
Desiree Schort Oct 2014
Feeling the sun burning the air
Driving around, wind in my hair
Eddie Vedder, love in our ears
As we've forgotten all our fears
Turn it up as we sing a long
In this moment nothing is wrong

Pull up in an empty space
Car is off as we turn to face
The ocean waves are strong today
But nothing like the will to stay

Peering down at least forty feet
My knees buckle as I'm feeling weak
Take a breathe and close my eyes
Look again to my surprise
Spring forward to feel the fall
Nothing around me nothing at all

Thinking my life is going to end
As my body quickly descends
The time in my head slowing down
As I can feel nothing around

Then a pressure surrounding me
My body is given to the sea
I surface to the suns bright light
And fight the waves with all my might
I crawl upon the salty rocks
I climb until I reach the top

I've overcome this plague of fear
These memories I will hold dear
371 · Dec 2015
Depression Weighs Heavy
Desiree Schort Dec 2015
Fear, it grabs my wrist and pulls me down
Your day is green, mine's turned brown
I try to leave but I'm stuck in place
All alone in this little space
My thoughts, my mind are now quite dark
Not even a flicker or a spark
I'd rather be dreaming than awake
My emotions become a silent quake
You can't help me, nothing can
Not a pill, not a plan
Alone I have to climb this pit
Trudging, slipping, bit by bit
353 · Oct 2014
This is the end
Desiree Schort Oct 2014
The bright flash through the glass
A loud crash but it will pass

The walls form a familiar place
A peculiar look upon your face

I have been here once before
I have always wanted more

Shadows cast by an eery glow
The rain outside, a steady flow

A steamy cup of fresh brewed tea
How kind of you to offer me

The clock it ticks from time to time
Leaving behind thoughts sublime

As I speak my words to you
The voice I knew is caught a strew

My hands start to violently shake
A feeling so odd I cannot take

As I collapse beneath your feet
I catch you smile and give a wink

For I am dying this I know
grasp your hand before I go

Ask you why you poisoned me
Close my eyes and let it be
338 · Mar 2016
What Becomes of an Old Tree
Desiree Schort Mar 2016
The tree has lasted many long years,
Seen his share of the forest's deer
Felt the pelting of a hearty rain
Been the perch for a lovely crane
He's turned from pink to vibrant green
Then to yellow, a painted scene
His leaves have fallen, he's covered white
Frozen stiff until daylight
A summer wakens leaves anew
Glittered sweetly by morning dew
This year though his leaves are sparse
As a result of a winter so harsh
Fragile and rickety becomes of he
A million lifetimes he's gotten to see
With each zephyr his old bones weep
He's ready to lay his final sleep
And so the old tree turns the richest gold
A finale quite grand and so bold
332 · Dec 2015
The Best of the Holidays
Desiree Schort Dec 2015
The sky is blue the earth a gray
It is neither night nor day
Frosted windows, cold crisp air
Fuzzy socks with morning hair
The ground is ice, the morning's light,
Peaks up gently from the night
Presents wrapped under the tree
Taunting, teasing, begging me
Warmth of family all around
Coffee brewing, happy sound
Wish for these things once again
Not the same without them
Desiree Schort Apr 2021
It festers and it boils
Wrapped up tight in a coil
Stuff it down once more so deep
Try to have a full nights sleep
Creeps and crawls into my dreams
Left me bursting at the seams
Add some stitches, that will do
And a pin or maybe two
153 · Jul 2020
A piece of me is gone
Desiree Schort Jul 2020
It's dark in this place
When's the last time the light touched skin
Theres cold on your face
Where is the warmth that you held within

Where did tomorrow go
I've been living in yesterday for so long
How did the time slow
Yet speed too fast it all feels wrong
139 · Jul 2020
Sleep a little longer
Desiree Schort Jul 2020
I sang for you
Though feeling blue
A lovely heartfelt song

I cry for you
Like mornings dew
All the nights are long

I've prayed for you
To dear god who
Into mornings dawn

I dreamt of you
And then I knew
That you weren't really gone
136 · Mar 2020
I cant breathe
Desiree Schort Mar 2020
My friend since I took my first breath
Your friend until you take your last
I miss you already and it's not over yet
But it's coming soon

You're so strong, you smile through it all
To make me feel better when I know your feeling ill
I dont know what to do without you
You are one of my greatest comforts

You held my hand when I was a child
I wish I could hold yours now
I'm sorry I left and moved away
I wish I'd have more time with you still

Please wait for me in heaven
I wish you didn't have to go
But when I take my last breath
I hope to see you again
Desiree Schort Jul 2020
I let it go and gave it to you
With a heavy heart turning to new
Ah that feels good, feels so good to say
You take my pain, taken it away
Now finally it is time to heal
Rebuild into something that is real
130 · May 2021
I Can't Fake it Anymore
Desiree Schort May 2021
I don't feel right
Haven't been myself since that night
I cant tell you
'cause you have your own troubles too
Keep playin' it in my head
Hearin' those words, she is dead
I close my eyes
The deafening sound of my cries
I hold your coat
Pretending to hug you, I choke
I don't want to go back home
Restless soul, alone I roam
107 · Apr 2020
Desiree Schort Apr 2020
Cough me out
Spit me up

Do you hear that
Choke me down

I'm not going anywhere
I'll eat you up

Try to run
Go ahead and hide

You're too late
Didnt heed the warning signs

I'll be with you
As you choke your last breath

I spill from you
Contaminate the rest
105 · Apr 2020
Yes, It's For You
Desiree Schort Apr 2020
Do you remember me
A distant past memory
A secret you hide
The way that you lied
Do you remember me

Human being
Impossible, just to be

You've proven me right
I am inside,
Of that precious head
Dream of me
laying underneath your bed

******* shameful,
filth of the earth
You're already dead
You're already dead
Dead to me

An assertion
Your confidential soul
101 · Jan 2020
Desiree Schort Jan 2020
All I want to do is talk to you
38 · Jan 12
The Manipulator
Do you remember
Remember my name
Doesn't matter we're all the same
Dry your tears, they're empty now
****** face and take a bow
I am the mat beneath your feet
Drenched and *****, I must be beat
Wear me down don't toss me out
Contaminate me rather the grout
I can no longer see your smile
Just a wicked unpleasantly vile
Hollow being, you obscure truth
Feed me lies, I've become a sleuth
Turned deaf to your manipulation
Uncovered and overdue salvation

— The End —