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Desire Akahome Jul 2013
Thinking back to the start, when we had a spark
The sort of symphony that could leave a mark
Our friendship grew into something more
A little too late I saw you were no more than a bore
You had not a clue how to keep a conversation going
At your very best you were extremely boring  
Whenever I brought up an interesting topic
All I got back from you was static
Bland replies like ‘okay’ and ‘cool’
Left me feeling a typical fool
You hardly ever made me laugh
And when you did it felt all too forced
In retrospect you probably never understood me
Your eyes were open, but they didn’t really see  
None of it felt natural
My affection for you became ephemeral
Ignoring the obvious I tried to make it work
Probably because of the attention I got
Buzzkill you were, you ****** out all the fun
I soon realized the spark I felt was gone
So I stopped trying…

Then came the turnaround when you told me you loved me
Some nonsense about ‘you wanted more’ you just wouldn’t let me be
It was funny at first
You were joking, or this was a test
I had lost whatever feeling I had for you
So I found it absurd to say "I love you too"
You asked me to be you girlfriend
Now I didn’t want to lose you as a friend
But I couldn't say yes either
Couldn’t imagine the thought of us together
So I started making excuses on why we wouldn't last
But your solutions solved them really fast
When I said we could just be friends
You laughed it off and told me to keep my terms
Arguments became our mainstay
Irrelevant and needless we had them all day
You accused me of stringing you along
You called me selfish, and I knew I was wrong
I knew I was being selfish, I was leading you on
I only thought I could…

Part 2 will be out soon
Desire Akahome Jul 2013
So I met this amazing guy who stole my heart on sight
His smile would knock a boxer out in a 50 second fight
He was the type of guy every girl dreamt of
Tall dark and handsome' he was all of the above
We blended soo well, felt like I've known him forever
My head knew it'd never work but my heart said it didn't matter
It felt so bad that I liked you soo much but I couldn't have you
Just thinking about my impasse left my heart feeling blue
Tried to explain to you but you couldn't see Things from my point of view
You stuck to your guns like the you I always knew
You really liked me, but u didn't understand my reasons
Or did you understand but yet refused to listen
Now we argue about everything
It's like we can't agree on anything
We both want things to go back to the way it used to be
But things won't just go back so we could both be happy
Jul 2013 · 659
the silence is killing
Desire Akahome Jul 2013
My best friend is ignoring me
Its been 2 days, and its driving me crazy
I know I was wrong
But it Doesn't mean you should ignore me for so long
We all do stupid things
And I know I messed with your feelings
It was a little joke and I thought you would find it funny
But it's almost 48 hours and I'm getting lonely
It feels horrible to know you are nearby
But it feels worse to know you won't reply when I say hi
There are lots of things we need to talk about
It like you are beside me, but you won't hear me even if I shout
This silence is killing
This loneliness is draining
It's been two days
Talk to me, just say something
Times like this anything is better than nothing
I'm sorry I made you feel sad
But it doesn't mean you should make me feel bad
I'm trying to get through
But its like you don't want me anywhere around you
Well I'm not done trying
Just talk to me, the silence is killing
May 2013 · 940
Desire Akahome May 2013
Our union hasn't ended
And if it ends, it can always be mended
Remember that it was you who left me
Now someone else is doing your job for free
Don't feel sad
Don't feel bad
Instead you should try to gain back your position
And be a better friend in this situation
And if you give this a chance
I will leave your rival without a backward glance

— The End —