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Dec 2013 · 1.8k
Tomorrow's redundancy
These wounds won't seem to heal, the pain it stays, it hurts just to feel. Just for a moment, I pray to be numb and have a false sense of what I've become. Broken and bruised, scars that won't heal, building caskets for tears from all these long years. Try again tomorrow, I hear my self say, but it's void when every day is exactly the same.
Dec 2013 · 680
False hope
Your words I took as truth and it opened me up inside.
As quickly as it began behind your walls you now hide.
But I'm the one to blame for this,
for listening to your words of hope.
Now a fool I've become allowing myself to believe that you're real,
but I could only base my emotions on what you allowed me to conceal...
Consumed I believe the word you used to describe to what I did to you,
but I blinked my eyes,
so fast goodbye now you left
all emotions *******.
Dec 2013 · 450
Why can't you see?
If only you could see you the way I do
Blinded by beauty,
hanging on your words
wanting to feel your skin
intelligence that baffles the scholars,
hands that hope to hold your heart and protect you
even form yourself
If only you could see you the way I do.
My eyes I can not lend,
but your ears will hear my
tongue sing to you your worth.
Dec 2013 · 395
My Vision
You know yourself,
and words that fly around you does not define you.
You are strong, beautiful, and passionate, loving
and worth it all.
I'll gladly treat you the way you deserve,
if your willing to learn how to be loved the way you deserve.
You don't deserve to be sad,
You deserve to be happy,
and be able to feel loved and not feel guilty about it.
I have heard and seen your heart.
Have faith in me.
Dec 2013 · 426
Warning Labels
The fragile, the broken,
we are. The bruised, the hurting, we are.
The lonely, the open, we are.
The rusted, the maliced, we are.
The stained, the pained, we are.
The hopeful, the honest, we are.
Crimson red, under blood shed, we are.
The forgiven, so it's written.
Let it be.
Dec 2013 · 814
Chasing Shadows
Is there anyone who can hold me forever?
Regardless of how I feel or what I am in that exact moment?
s there someone who will say "I know who he is inside,
regardless of how his being is responding at this particular moment!"
Does that even exist?
Is true love just a shadow we spend our entire lives chasing,
just to find that we were the one casting our own shadow?
Then should our pursuit be self indulged?
We long for the omnipresent, to never feel alone,
and set our hearts up for certain disappointment and certain destruction of our heart.
Who can possibly live up to our personal expectations,
when we can't meet them ourselves?
So how do we expect another to live with our flaws and
shortcomings if we can't live with them ourselves?
Reality bites, but saves pain in the long run.
But don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Dec 2013 · 426
I'm memorized by you,
I'm drawn in and I never want to leave.
I never am like this.
I normally have the person begging me to open up and give them all,
but with you I want to dissect myself,
and let you read the pages of my soul,
and I wasn't to do the same to you.
It's like I've been taken over by something
I doubted even existed.
Dec 2013 · 456
Should I just start my grieving over the loss of you now?
We both felt like we were being taken over,
and had found someone that was so alike it's scary,
and that we had a close friend out of it,
but now I feel as if someone had died.
We had such great times chatting, joking, laughing.
Now your so distant that I can't even see your shadow.
I'm preparing my heart to say,
"You are gathered here today, to lie to rest, My Night and Day..."
I know you'd have a friend in me, forever by your side as you need.
Someone come hell or high water will be,
but the words you spoke match your actions toward me.
So fast so soon,
We got close as the sun are to trees,
but watch my leaves begin to fall as your sun you hold from me.
I try to water the roots to keep it alive,
but withering away I ask you, "is this our depriving hearts goodbye?"
Dec 2013 · 342
I had vision of you. You were on your knees, drained of energy and to weak to move. Your white gown, surprisingly not stained  not in least. Your hands are palms down to the ground,  your face is having the earth. A tear trickled down your face, then slowly creeped down your arm until it hit the fresh dirt that your hands had broken lose with your fingers. Unaware of the seed that you had planted years ago was buried shallowed undermine the fresh earth. Your years slowly fed the seed, as you kneeling in grieving in the earth, it began to grow and give birth to life. Slowly your years dried as you became memorized by the creation growing before your eyes... You stand up, grin at the bud starting to expand, and You look up to the sky and speak softly, slowly and softly... "Now I get it?" A voice replies, "I can't fix something that is not broken."
Dec 2013 · 327
Open Space
All I need is a crack in your wall,
and your permission to come in,
and I would tear down your walls
I don't want you to climb out,
I want you to see how
I'm willing to work
to get to you

— The End —