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Jan 2011 · 1.0k
DEREK Jan 2011
There is a cycle to everything under the sun,

There is a cycle of life to live to the fullest,

It starts at the birth of everything living,

Then it slowly marches on toward to the middle part,

At this point there is a unnoticeable split in the path of life.

One leads on to living life to the fullest and happiest,

One leads on to living life not to the fullest or happiest,

The one who decides which path to take is ours to make.

Which path will it be for you and yours?

Which path will keep moving forward?

Which path will end if you move along it?

There is a cycle to everything under the sun,

There is a cycle of life to live to the fullest,

It starts at the birth of everything living.
Jan 2011 · 1.4k
DEREK Jan 2011
The wolf is on the move,

The wolf is hunting with the pack it's in,

The eye's of the wolf are looking my way,

The fur of the wolf is black as night,

It's eyes as yellow like the sun,

The wolf smells me from a far,

It is listening to hear my breathing in the cold air,

The wolf is on the move,

The wolf is hunting with the pack it's in,

The wolf is looking my way.
Jan 2011 · 923
Great Eagle
DEREK Jan 2011
The great eagle is soring,

What would it be like to fly like eagles do,

How majestic they fly above the ground looking round,

How majestic they look soring high above my head,

Eye's that see things from  a far away,

Eye's that are sharp like no other,

Claws so at the ready to grab branch or prey,

The call of the eagle loud crisp and a joy to  hear.

The great eagle is soring.

The great eagle is flying high above my head.
Jan 2011 · 3.2k
DEREK Jan 2011
Honor our nations hero's,
Honor our police, fire an rescuers who serve our city's and towns.
Most of all honor those who had and have an still are serving in the military.
Do not show disrespect to them or to any hero that risks all for others to live on.
Stand with them support them shake there hand and tell them what a great job they are doing.
Never disrespect our hero's that have past away that lay buried in the ground.
Do not Disrespect those family's who are saddened by there lost love ones they may never see again till all comes to a end.
Do not make graves of our loved ones who have died either in battle or in the line of duty, or in saving a life of another at a cost of there own; for political gain or anything along those lines.
Respect those we have lost, respect those who have lost brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, husbands, wifes, young ones.
Honor those hero's that still live and those who gave there life for others in there place, Do not dishonor them by saying something that never ever should be accompanied to our hero's who are a live or died they do not deserve that.
What they deserve is our respect, our thanks and everything a hero needs to hear to know what they do is highly honored by everyone they serve for.
Jan 2011 · 1.6k
DEREK Jan 2011
Come now let us go on a fishing adventure on the lakes, streams, rivers and oceans.
Come let us see what we can catch with rod, reel or net.
Get your gear and make it ready to go on this grand Fishing adventure we travel on.
We travel outside of town, city and bay to try or hand at catching anything we can if luck be on our side.
wake up and come join us on our fishing adventure where ever it may take us.
we no not when we shall return from this fishing adventure we are on,
Will get home safe and sound,
We will respect lake, stream, river and ocean.
Who is up for another adventure if you be willing to go on another.
Jan 2011 · 579
DEREK Jan 2011
Art thou a lowly shadow roaming around from place to place?
Art thou a human shadow of thy self when you look to see if you are there or not?
If thy self is real then why be a shadow of your self?
if thou lives then why look like you want to vanish?
Has someone dash your dreams on sharp rocks?
Has someone told you, thou can't be what thou want to be?
is this the reason you art a shadow within a shadow?
Art thou a lowly shadow roaming the world from one corner to the other?
Art thou a human shadow of thy self when thee look to see if you are there or not?
Jan 2011 · 579
My love
DEREK Jan 2011
My love I love you no matter the reasson,
My love I love you an you alone whom I love the most,
How do I love thee I know not how or why I love thee,
I know not how love is played or how it works,
I know not the reasson,
I love thee for whom you are not what thou art,
I love thee for the person you are to me an no one else.
I love thee for thou hast captured my heart to be yours,
Thou hast captured my love that falls like rain over you,
Calm my beating heart for you art fare and lovely to look at.
Calm my racing mind looking to find words to call how lovely thou are,
My mind has been bound, my heart locked up,
Yet you have found away past all of that and in doing so have found me there.
thinking happy
Jan 2011 · 1.7k
Wild life
DEREK Jan 2011
The wild life is majestic,
The wilderness is breath taking,
Bison, Elk, Ground squirell, are grand to see.
Hot springs look beautiful yet deadly,
Geysers they are awe inspiring to see shoot 120 feet into the sky.
Sulfur pits are cool to look at but they smell like rotten eggs.
My trip to West Yellowstone, and in Yellowstone national park
Jan 2011 · 949
sun shining
DEREK Jan 2011
The sun is shining brightly,
The light from the sun is happy.
The warmth from the sun is love, The land oh how it changes. Oh how it looks when it changes, how breathe taking it can be. Trees of Idaho how majestic, the mountains are covered. To look up at the tall trees from a car is cool. Montana a place of beautiful things, a state of majestic wounder. A state still untamed, a wilderness still wild still surprising.
my trip to west Yellowstone
Jan 2011 · 2.2k
A Montana sunrise
DEREK Jan 2011
A Montana Sunrise is different from a west coast sunrise.
The sunrises and turns the sky with clouds into fingers of light.
The sky bursts forth like a fire in the sky with the sun as the power of it.
my trip to West yellowstone
Jan 2011 · 509
A cracking heart
DEREK Jan 2011
Do you hear that sound out there in the darkness?

Can you see that very small line in that heart?

That heart is cracking soon to be shattered.

I can see the strain that heart has on it, It wants to stay whole.

That heart has seen much pain and sadness could you save it?

Can you tell if that is not your heart or someone you hold dear to you?

That heart is cracking it has all ready started,

But is there time for it to be saved to be whole again or is it to late to save a cracking heart once begun.
looking out my window into darkness inspired this.
Jan 2011 · 595
DEREK Jan 2011
To live and die alone is sad indeed,

To live with out happiness is sadder still,

To live alone out in the world feels like a curse.

How lonely as humans really feel?

How alone are we really around others?

I am lonely day and out, I'm cold night and day never warm never cold.

I am lonely would you comfort me to bring me out into the light?
alone no matter reasson

— The End —