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DEREK Jan 2011
The wild life is majestic,
The wilderness is breath taking,
Bison, Elk, Ground squirell, are grand to see.
Hot springs look beautiful yet deadly,
Geysers they are awe inspiring to see shoot 120 feet into the sky.
Sulfur pits are cool to look at but they smell like rotten eggs.
My trip to West Yellowstone, and in Yellowstone national park
DEREK Jan 2011
The sun is shining brightly,
The light from the sun is happy.
The warmth from the sun is love, The land oh how it changes. Oh how it looks when it changes, how breathe taking it can be. Trees of Idaho how majestic, the mountains are covered. To look up at the tall trees from a car is cool. Montana a place of beautiful things, a state of majestic wounder. A state still untamed, a wilderness still wild still surprising.
my trip to west Yellowstone
DEREK Jan 2011
A Montana Sunrise is different from a west coast sunrise.
The sunrises and turns the sky with clouds into fingers of light.
The sky bursts forth like a fire in the sky with the sun as the power of it.
my trip to West yellowstone
DEREK Jan 2011
Do you hear that sound out there in the darkness?

Can you see that very small line in that heart?

That heart is cracking soon to be shattered.

I can see the strain that heart has on it, It wants to stay whole.

That heart has seen much pain and sadness could you save it?

Can you tell if that is not your heart or someone you hold dear to you?

That heart is cracking it has all ready started,

But is there time for it to be saved to be whole again or is it to late to save a cracking heart once begun.
looking out my window into darkness inspired this.
DEREK Jan 2011
To live and die alone is sad indeed,

To live with out happiness is sadder still,

To live alone out in the world feels like a curse.

How lonely as humans really feel?

How alone are we really around others?

I am lonely day and out, I'm cold night and day never warm never cold.

I am lonely would you comfort me to bring me out into the light?
alone no matter reasson

— The End —