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1.4k · Feb 2014
Der Is Feb 2014
I like the sound of raindrops on our rooftops
  I like the breeze of cold air, that warms my senses
  I like the thought that the skies feels like crying
And now it’s storming
  the skies are depress then again
  it’s pouring its tears down to earth
  spreading a message with such worth

But I am just here
  listening to the sound of raindrops on our rooftop
  smelling the breeze of cold air that warms my senses
  sharing thoughts about the skies crying
got this from my journal
1.2k · Oct 2013
There's more to love
Der Is Oct 2013
There's more to love than kissing,
more to love than hugging,
more to love than flirting.

There's more to love I seek,
more to love I wanna find,
more to love I desire.

There's more to love I crave,
more to love I define,
more to love I lost.

But there's nothing more to love than you.
//Regin Rex Consul, I texted you this.
650 · Oct 2013
Der Is Oct 2013
You smoke, to forget your stress.
You skate, to get rid of hate.

becoming weird, being indifferent,
someone against the normal

people look you as strange,
someone ridiculous in society.

but little did they know
of what you have inside,
why you kept in hide.
// A pic on tumblr brought me thoughts.
561 · Oct 2013
Der Is Oct 2013
When crying was your last resort,
to have a great comfort,
to pour all the sadness,
forget all the badness.

Cry all those problems away,
like it  will fade in a day
like it will be gone
like it will never be back

Flow them in tears
spread all your fears
but in  the day's end
never forget to pull that smile **:)
479 · Oct 2013
Happy Birthday To Me
Der Is Oct 2013
A year older
has come today.
Another step further
has its way.

I end up crying last night,
trying to hold myself all tight.
I am getting older.
I am seventeen.
omgg. I can't believe it. I am getting older. amazing.
468 · Oct 2013
Der Is Oct 2013
No one can define
why love is so divine
how it can creep into dreams
how it can haunt your fears
or sabotage your future
deluge an ambition
give you motivation
kindle an inspiration
how it rambles your words
how it mess up ideas
be a nightmare
or be the light
how it turn into positive
or transform into negative

what it will be
what it became
love is what we create of it.
400 · Oct 2013
Bad Romance
Der Is Oct 2013
Writing our story,
from memories of glory,
to a pen of mercy.
on a paper full of pity.
then where are you now? hiding on your grieves?
396 · Nov 2013
What is Love?
Der Is Nov 2013
What is love?
If we can't simply see it?
If we can't simply hear it?
How would I know it's love?

Have anyone asked  a lover's thought,
of the opinion  they have caught?
Are those butterflies real?
how they are glazing on your stomach til.

Flying feeling to heaven
Happiness on living
Romantic Romances unhidden

About it, I still don't understand
All I know it was love,
when I first met you.
from scratch to trash.
393 · Oct 2013
Don't force
Der Is Oct 2013
you force people to do things
things they never please
things they hammered with despise

how much you forced to be
someone else you want
someone else you are not

then you forced people to love them
but they were never pleased
but they still hammered with despise
368 · Nov 2013
Der Is Nov 2013
I Love You.
Why do I need more words?
When 3 of them can do the work?
I LOVE YOU is enough,
to convey my feelings,
full of missing.
//october 30
362 · Nov 2013
Der Is Nov 2013
how could I start relying on your words?
that all in all felt the worst?
of chains and promises?
of fully packed kisses?
I am so tired trying to depend,
on your words so broken.
dear rrc.
346 · Nov 2013
Sing Away from Depression
Der Is Nov 2013
she hit the note,
start the song,
that goes everyone's heart
on how sad she is.
poems on a Sunday Afternoon //
Der Is Nov 2013
Why has it add much appeal?
to my heart that feels so ill?
my heart that seek,
to you it need.
290 · Nov 2013
Der Is Nov 2013
just answer the call,
and that's all.
let me hear the voice,
that once brought a lot of tore.
rrc. arguing with you is the worst

— The End —