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April 19, 2010

to you, this is just a past date
to me, it's when I found out I was too late
too late to save her from her misery
to help, to stop, to make her happy.

you left this world without
any warnings or goodbye's
I still to this day ask myself
why did you have to die?

I know you're in a better place
I just wish you were happy here
although you aren't alive anymore
your presence and soul is near

the day you died
I can't explain the tears
I hate the thought
of you not being here

I just wish you didnt
hold it all inside
or decide the only way to be happy
was to commit suicide

I always think about you
I'll even shed a tear
it's just sad to think
it's already been three years

I'll never forget you
or the memories we shared
memories with anyone else
could never compare

you were always there for me
that's what best friends do
right up until the end
I will always love you
In Dwimordene, in Lorien

Seldom have walked the feet of Men,

Few mortal eyes have seen the light,

That lies there ever, long and bright.

Galadriel! Galadriel!

Clear is the water of your well,

White is the star in your white hand

Unmarrred, unstained is leaf and land,

In Dwimordene, in Lorien

More fair than thoughts of Mortal Men.

To Flammifer of Westernesse.
 May 2013 Denver Elijah Bijlsma
I remember the day when you said to me
the beauty of this world is under lock and key.
The ugliness and hatred is all you can see
and once a bird is caged, it'll never again be free.

But all your life you never did try
to spread your wings and learn to fly.
Nor did you look past the grief of war
to see all the peace we've been fighting for.

I remember writing a poem about an orange
though we all know nothing rhymes with orange
and after that I didn't write for a long time
since you said a poem's not a poem if it doesn't rhyme.

But all your life you never had a clue
of how to go above and beyond what's expected of you.
You weren't one of a kind, instead one of few
who settled for average and stuck to what you knew.

I remember sitting down for dinner with you
with my sushi rolls and pork moo-shu
and you said eating ethnic things
will not make me interesting.

But all your life you sat on floors
watching TV when you could be outdoors.
Eating pepperoni pizza and chicken wings,
never trying any new things.

I remember that time when you yelled at me
'cause I failed my first test on geometry.
Your face turned red as you grabbed hold of my head and said
"if you stopped your **** writing you might've passed math instead!"

But all your life you focused too much
on solving equations and numbers and such.
Your math mark went up but your english mark fell,
now you've forgotten how to solve for x and still can't even spell.

I remember when your words used to put me down
and I wore a bag over my head when it should have been a crown.
I thought I was nothing but I was wrong,
I guess I had just been listening to your lies for far too long.

See, all your life you felt insecure
because of the disappointment you felt when you looked in the mirror.
You spent too much time existing that you forgot how to live,
you've been drained of all happiness like flour in a sieve.

I have realized now that I need not feel bad
and no longer will I let your words make me sad.
You're the most ordinary person I ever knew,
and for that I pity you, I really do.
This is a complete work of fiction, however, I think it can be related to many people in this world unfortunately.
Remember when you called me a traveler?
Perhaps, I knew then.
I wander under the pale blue sky
til my feet bring me to you.
I can never measure the horizon
or how long I've gone to finally
reach you.
And I have you---
too close we almost breathe each other
arms folded
and thighs twined together
I whispered to you---
"This is my destination, to you."
and remember when you called me a traveler?
Then, I start walking again.
 May 2013 Denver Elijah Bijlsma
I know an infant
who came into this world
with a smile on her face
on the eleventh hour
of the eleventh day
of the eleventh month
bringing joy and happiness
to a day of sadness
and there were no tears
no screaming or confusion
just silence
and a look of wonder could be seen in her eyes
she was ready to start this wonderful world.

I know a child
who was the class clown
always ready to crack a new joke
or turn someone's frown upside down
she wished her baby fat would soon go away
but shrugged it off
'cause she knew it would some day
tears were only shed over scraped knees
and mom's soothing words
would set her at ease
no insecurities, no worries
she had her whole life ahead of her.

I know a teenager
who was no longer the class clown
but instead a shy girl
with very few friends still hanging around
she thought she was fat
(even though she was at average weight)
and felt different from the others
still laughing, still smiling
and the tears didn't fall
'til she was alone in her bedroom
but she stayed strong through it all
hoping that life would soon be better.

I know a young adult
who sits alone in class
stressed about choosing a career
for a future that she doesn't want to be a part of
she starves because she's fat
(even though she's below average weight)
wearing long sleeved shirts to hide the scars
that trail up and down her arms
friends mistake her fake smiles as happiness
oblivious to the desperation in her laugh
the façade wears off when she gets home
and her broken heart splits in half
while she wishes that her life would end.

But the thing is...

I know that infant
as if she was born yesterday
and I know that child
as if I saw her on the street an hour ago
and I know that teenager
as if I passed her in the halls today
and I know that young adult
as if she is someone I'll meet tomorrow

They are my past
my present
and my future
they are the person I was
the person I am
and the person I will be

*That girl is me and always will be
unless I find the strength to change reality.
 Apr 2013 Denver Elijah Bijlsma
I'm not a big fan of life but
as long as this song keeps playing

I'll hang on just a little longer
to dance with you through the night
This is really weird…

What happened to me?

Everything disappeared…

Is this how it’s supposed to be?

Something’s drawing near…

But I won’t be able to see

It can sense my fear…

Now the beasts have been let free


Ruthless creatures


Missing features

Seeking a heart

It will start

To eat everything that holds fear,

To eat everything that I hold dear

They’re coming

I should start running

But the darkness surrounds me

Holds me

Chokes me

Blinds me

I know that it’s coming

My saviors in light, dark and twilight

But now it’s dawning

I pray I can make it through the night

I pray I won’t give up the fight
Two states
pursuing rebellion,
they saw only love
in war.

Cymbals crashed!
Trumpets blared!

But in silence,
they sang
the refrain of peace.
Working on it...
He had a name
to do something,
but he chose
a pseudonym instead.

Forsaking the syllables
that bound
him to history,
he protected
her vacillating pride.
There were microcosms at stake
each time they met--
tiny worlds obliterated
by every hasty touch.

They were fools.
Inherently flawed
and playing God.
Fighting their own insignificance.

But their premeditated destruction
was all-encompassing
so they, too,
fell through the cracks.
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