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Aug 2015 · 491
In my dreams i live mini lives so little but the fantasy is colossal . I turn to a kid again seeing magical colors and shapes just like on a cereal box .

I rewind clocks intertwine reality with inner reality my brain is under heavy activity . Dreams cans change from fantasy to travesty real quick colors of equality can change to darkness in a fraction of an second .

You closed your eyes and saw darkness the reckoning you reap the nothingness at meek and the soul that wolves the sheep . Dreams or thoughts we have thats spiritual and deep that can be widowed at its peek
Aug 2015 · 590
bottled up
I'm a bottle filled up with purity. Soul punctured faced many defeats in my life that's why my soul leaks from this bottle.
Thoughts are instilled in me so below my mind drowns previous tragedies... I'm just a casualty of Pain . Life of shame.  Quick to blame but I survived through all of this...

So many tears hides under the skin.  but my spirit leaks the pain.  Simple jokes.  simple laughter hides the sadness beneath this mask.  The darkness I hide in reminds me in sadness in a capsule add water and end it all.  overdose on life  . Had me by my neck on a leash . no pup by I suffocated from happiness I had a love deficit  my heart was DEFINITE (DEATH -IN-IT) .

My Soul became frozen.  like winter solstices.  tears frozen with every cry I became lonely.  Every mistake . every heartbreak missed opportunity hits me like melting Iceburgs on south poles.. Now you see how my soul was buried with frost bites.  it overcame me like termites pain terrorized me.

Stress cause my health to take a dive but mental struggle forced me to hit ice head first. A head on collision to naive decisions the hurt me like incisions with precision.

Every Cry.  Every pain. Every tear I've ever felt. Every give up.  Every sin every addiction can cure that soul for once it once was. I had a a moment of clarity I had a calling to read the bible to read a scripture my testimony my teaching as I read scriptures my leaking soul cries no longer I'm a bottle I leak pains. God unthaws my pain defrost my frozen heart. picks me up from drowning.  no longer I'm suffocated. eyes open up to sunny days wind breeze..  with purpose of life with amnesia to my past
Aug 2015 · 405
"Heart pains"
You take shots like desert eagles.
Your heart leaks the pain like major heartburns.
You learn from hurt . Guilt and a broken heart.
Pressure is what you feel from the revolver.
You revolt from normality which you had once been.
Your heart leaks while your voice speaks but you shut down like an old pc.
Remember don't play Russian roulette its not a game.
Love doesnt have six shots.
Your heart permanent leaks can leave marks that cant be healed.
Dnt build a wall that cant be broken.
Just leave open a door so your true love can adore.
Aug 2015 · 350
" portait"
You portray a painting but you don't get the picture.
You wanna be someone else but you birth to become one soul.
Society what keeps you falsifying your identity.
You trying to live a false entity.
You are your worst enemy.
Things can get tragic. So drastic. Make your soul become elastic.
Stop faking like plastic . Pressure is heat can melt that fakeness can turn it to glue .
Now you in the thick of things.
Revert to the painting  you are the picture can you get the illustration.

— The End —