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dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
ding **** it's christmas time again
hear the laughter  hear the bell
** ** **
on are merry way
as we dance throw the snow.
on this  christmas day
hear bell ding ****  it's christmas
time again.
as dance in this winter wonder land.
ding ****  ding **** it's christmas time again
hear the angel sing .
on this holy day.
as sing  are song
as dance along in the snow on this christmas day.
ding **** santa on his way.
ding **** it's christmas time again.
hear children play on this christmas day.
** ** on are  merry way.
as we  dance in the snow on this christmas day.
ding **** it's christmas time again.
throw ice ,snow
santa on his way .
hear the angel sing
on this holy day
din **** it's christmas time again.
as we dance in snow on this christmas day
** ** on  are merry way.
as the children play.
santa  on his way
ding ****  it's christmas time again
as the angel sing
on this holy holiday.
it's christmas time again.
as dance throw the snow.
on this wonderfull day
ding ****  it's christmas time again.

3 x repeat that song
Aug 2010 · 889
songs of the angels /a song
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
songs of the angels
on this christmas eve
as i dream upon the stars.
on this christmas eve.
O'angel of my heart
as i walk this road in life.
an wish upon the star.
on  this christmas eve
in clear blue skies tonight.
O'angels sing to me
on this christmas eve.
O'angel sing me a song.
of peace love an joy
on this  christmas eve.
in the misty air of life.
songs of the angels.
feel my heart with
love an joy.
on this christmas eve.
sing a song O'angels
in moon lite night.
on this christmas eve
share wisdom to me
on this christmas eve.
songs  of the angels.
on this christmas eve.
as dream upon the stars.
on this christmas eve.
as i walk this road in life.
an wish upon the stars
on this christmas eve.
songs of the angels
in clear blue skies tonight
hold me in your heart
on this christmas eve.
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
touch me  hold me.
in moon lite night.
a sweet love of night.
a sweet of love the dawn.
a  sweet love of spring time song.
in month of june.
so touch me hold me.
in arms tonight.
in the moonlite night
so dance with me mylove
in moonlite night.
sweet love of the night.
sweet of the dawn.
i love you yes it true.
my sweet love of spring time song.
in month of june.
dance with me my love
in the moonlite night.
hold me in your heart.
my sweet love of the night.
as tonight tonight.
wish upon the stars.
an hold my love in my arms.
so  touch me hold me.
in the moonlite night.
my sweet love of the night.
sweet love of the dawn.
sweet love of spring time song
in month  of  june .
i  love my love.
dance with my love  in moon lite .
an hold me in your heart .
in sweet love of the night.
i love you my love.
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
daisy daisy
snow flake
you are my
little elf.
on this holiday.
you are my  special
little friend.
on this holiday.
daisy snow flake
you bring joy
to all  little boys and girls.
on christmas day.
building toys
for little boys an girls .
on this christmas day.
daisy daisy
you sure are wonderful elf .
daisy snow flake.
on this christmas day.

sing 3x  that song
Aug 2010 · 1.4k
star love /a song 3 x sing
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
star love
star love
angel of  my heart
from the sea of love
i wish upon the star up
above .
to find
to find
a love that true an ownly  mine.
angel from above.
star love
star  love
walk with me my love.
in the moon lite night.
star love
star love
hold me in your heart.
an walk with me talk with me.
laugh with me my love.
star love
star love
angel from above.
an dance with me my love.
in moon lite .
star love.
star love.
angel of my heart.
from the sea of love .
i wish up on the star above.
to find
to find
a love that true an ownly mine.
angel from above.
Aug 2010 · 1.7k
crazy love it seems
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
a dream for me is to hold you in my arms.
can you please  tell me what is so  wrong with me
what is this i hear from heart an soul.
a crazy love it seems.
as summer breeze that dances  across  my feet in  summer   wind.
like two  ship that pass in the night.
crazy love it seems?
i bring  gold an silver to table .
to try please my lover  heart .
crazy love it seems.
what is but true love is.
a trap  in one mind .
crazy love it seems. to be  or not to be.
i'am but a  stage in this world  playing  roll .
thou it be  or not be.  
the laughter the  pain  of one's tears from one  soul.
crazy love it seems .
as tear drops  roll from my  eyes .
the  joy of love  an  loveing
you are  like angel of heaven above.
that you are my  love .
but is love but a whisper in wind.
to love is to love,
the angel of my heart .
but a crazy love
it seems ?
moon stars,   moon lite night?
i wish upon the stars
heaven above.
love is free an love is  warm
as  tender as night.
but why does love
puzzel the mind?
tear of  joy an the  tear of pain
an bearing  one heart an  one  soul
to love is to love .
what a crazy love it seems?
this is love??? i'am truely puzzel ?
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
stars   in the moon lite skies
hear the angel sing.
hold me in your arms
O' angel of my heart.
on this holy  day.the
stars  shine in  moon lite skies.
as my heart sing with love.
on this holiday.
an  dance with me my love.
on this holy day.
bring all the love an joy
   on holy night.
as angel sing in the moon lite skies.
   on this  holy night.
hold me in  your heart.
on this christmas day.
bring all gift  of love on
this holiday.
dance with me  my love.
on this christmas day.
share all the love an joy
on this christmas day.
the stars out to night.
hear the angel sing.
on this  holy night.
hold me in your arms.
O'angel of my heart.
you bring me love an joy
on the christmas  day .
you are the  special  gift
love  on this  holiday.
hear angel sing on this
christmas day.

3 time sing that the song
Aug 2010 · 2.1k
little snow angel
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
little snow angel.
hear my heart sing .
you are gift of life.
that bring joy to my world.
i just want to say merry
my little angel .
of the winter breeze.
most of all you are
he song an the magic.
soft snow flake in winter.
in winter wonderland of dreams
to come.
the song of songs from the heavens
above i   love you my little snow angel
of life.
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
snow angel
star are in your eyes
on this christmas  day
you are the love
an happyness .
on this magical day
you feel the heart with joy
on this wonderful christmas day.
snow angel of my heart.
you are the star above me.
on this christmas day.
i wish upon star to night
to hold you in my arms
on christmas day.
O"lovely snow angel
of life .
you are a true gift
to this world .bring hope
an love to all little
boys  an girls.
on this christmas day.
snow angel on christmas
you bring peace and hope
an love .
on this christmas day.
you truely are gift
to this world .
on this christmas day.

repeat 4  time  a song
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
O'little angel
on christmas day
O'what a joy
O'what a joy
hear the angel sing
on this christmas day.
god bless this christmas.
on this wonderful day
hear the bells ring
hear the   heart sing
O'little angel of my heart
i love you so.
i love you so.
O'what  joy
on this christmas day
bring all joy happness
to all girl an boy.
on this christmas day.
god bles this world
O'little angel of my
peace on earth .
the lord is born.
on this christmas day.
share love of  peace.
share love of peace.
on this christmas day.
hear the angel sing.
my friends.
on this christmas day.

repeat three 3x that song
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
snow flakes at christmas.
a gentle touch of my love.
hear the angel sing.
snow flakes at christmas.
watch the children play.
hear the angel sing.
on this christmas day.
hear the bell ring
god bless this world.
for all little boy an girls.
on this christmas day.
snow flakes at christmas.
feel the joy an love.
on this christmas day
joy  is peace my love
snow flakes at christmas
what a special time for me.
on this christmas day
snow flakes at christmas/
peace an love
an love an peace.
hear angel  sing
snow flake at christmas
what a special time for me.
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
why do i love you
can find place in your
heart .
dream of the magic.
dream of the day .
dream holding you in my arms.
places of the heart.
delightful spring time song.
dance with my love.
share time with.
i just want to find
places  of  the heart .
all the star above us
moon lite sky tonite
feel  the magic of
wonder .
feel the tear of soul
as  walk this land of wonder
find the place of heart .
where do i fit .
my love
delightfull  spring time song
dance with me love .
an hold me in your arms.
places of the heart.
as spring time song play on
i love my  dear
as walk this land of wonder
find the place of my heart.
because i love you
places of the heart

repeat three time  the song
Aug 2010 · 11.0k
one sided couple
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
life a two way street .
love true an warm
but only one sided.
every thing to
please her you see .
i give my love.
i give my soul  to
please her needs
an wants.  but my
love is strong.
nothing but tea  leaves
in glass. an  try to read the future.
of my love an  me .
will this be a one sided
forever more.
it's ok i love true
as the seven sea.
i'am true blue you
see . because i'am not
the boss  she is  
the boss.
an i love her.
Aug 2010 · 3.4k
couple hours a day
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
couple hour  aday  shareing
shareing your time.
what is this
be strong be strong i tell
my as min tick by an by
couple hour a day
alway say  i love you
i love  you .
we are like to ship that pass
in the night .
where  is the home for
heart .
is this   a true a true love
i have no home
for my heart
but i  do love you so
much so much .
the couple hour a day mean
world to me.
Aug 2010 · 769
lost child
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
i'am trap within four walls.
trap within my mind.
there no help no help
for me.please oh please
don't tell me your lie
you care about me
you ownly care about your self.
because no one care about
losser like me you sh -
blank on us an spit on us
like we are trash .
we people ,people
we have heart
we soul .
we are  lost children
of the streets
step up  plate  an care
more ,show the love
we don't want  cry any more.
share you time with the children of the street
share  some love.
share the love   share peace of hope.
give peace a try
Aug 2010 · 748
place for us
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
a place for us
a place for us
i have peace in my
heart to nite
i want  a love to
call my own?  
as people  are wrong.
so wrong.
at times
why O' why
why cann't i  have
some one  to call my own.
an say i  love you
with words of my heart.
not  with words
of web of lies.
they spin from there dark
soul of there hearts.
i only ask to have a true
pure  heart to call my own.
wish upon the heaven
an dance  the dance .
feel the magic.
feel my tear drops
'' give all, i can give !''
i truely bear my soul
for love.
but this love is like a hour  glass
as sand of time .
endless like the sea of
there is magic
in words.
what is a true  love ???
what is a angel of tenderness?
what greed what is lust !
what true beauty?
what real love?

01. honest with words of one  soul
being brave show no fear.
helping all the time.
all say i love my dare
02.feel  the spirit  of love for all
careing for other people .
even when they dislike
alway share the love
peace to other
alway give back the  love
of hope.
she your love an  your time.
03. a true man doesn't
lust for women body
a women is a special
angel in  this world
she stone  she the rock
that care for young
when they are born.
04.  a true men doesn't greed
wealth .he's share wealth
with the poor .
an never question
about the money
because giveing
is a true love.
an that real  love
give everthing you have
to help other.
that is love.
a real love
my friends.
beauty is with in
one's heart
beauty is the magic ,
of soul to care for people
in need. , beauty is
beauty is  being happy .
beauty is shareing tender
of hope an love for other.
this true beauty.
Jul 2010 · 569
lullaby song
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
lullaby lullaby
with them  rhymes
you are the song
of every girl heart.
awesome  lullaby
you play the game
to the heart.
an touch the heart
many girls souls.
you are the lullaby song.
play on  my true friend
my lullaby song .
Jul 2010 · 2.9k
sugar plum / a song/3x sing
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
sugar plum
apple pie
an cherry pie
an blossoms of my heart
once upon a time
at christmas time
she is the sugar plum
of my heart.
an apple pie of my eye
on this christmas day
hear the song of song
sugar plum
sugar plum
don't break my heart
in two because i love you
you my cream puff
of my heart .
an apple sauce
of my dream.
my little sugar plum
on this christmas day.
sugar plum
an gum drop
dream of heart
cherry pie what a delight.
on this christmas day.
she is my sugar plum
the apple of of my heart
my sugar plum
on this christmas day.
my sugar plum dream.

                                 THANK YOU DENNIS GUNSTEEN
Jul 2010 · 1.3k
snow angel//a song
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
snow flake in  wind.
i hear my heart sing .
snow angel of early frost
bring the joy of happyness
on wonderful christmas
day .
you are my angel.
you are my song.
your angel of my heart .
on this christmas day.
on this christmas day.
snow angel
snow angel
bless this christmas day
bring all  joy to the  land
for all the girl an boy.
snow angel of life.
i wish upon the star
tonight .
snow angel
you are the light an hope
on cold winter night .
snow angel
you bring joy an  love
also  peace to hearts
of many .
you are the special
joy of life .
on  this christmas day.
snow angel
of my heart
on this christmas  day.

                               THANK YOU DENNIS GUNSTEEN
Jul 2010 · 2.3k
apple sauce an cherry pie
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
apple sauce an cherry pie
on this christmas day .
rosie cheeks an turttle
dove .
as the children
play .
apple sauce an cherry pies.
share the love an joy.
on this christmas day.
peace an love to all
on this special day .
apple sauce an cherry pies.
hold my hand my love
dance with me my love.
apple sauce an cherry pie
on this christmas day.
ding **** hear the bell play
hear children sing .
i wish the world a merry
christmas an share the love
peace an hope an giveing.
an god bless the world .
all girl an boy .
on this christmas  day .
apple sauce an cherry pies

dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
babie girl  i need your  love
babie girl you are the one
that make my heart sing with joy
walk this road  of life with me my
sweetie pie .
my babie girl.
you are the one that bring
the music of  love to my life.
my babie girl  you are
the joy  an  magic in  life.
babie girl i need your love.
babie girl you are the
a star angel of my heart.
babie girl  your my love.
the star  angel of sea
in moon lite night .
babie girl your my love
in the sea call life.
babie girl are  sun rise
sun set of my heart.
babie girl your my love
come rain come shine
babie girl you the one
i love so dear.
babie girl your my love.
that bring the special
magic to my   life.
babie girl your my love.
the song of my heart.

read 3 time that song
Jul 2010 · 622
quiet! but heart sing
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
the sea is to the  shore
but you are timeless
in the  sand of time.
to love is to love.
i'am but a bottle
in the sea of  time.
you are the rainbow
in my  life.
my castle in sands
of time.
the ship in moon lite
quiet! but heart sing.
of joy the laughter
tears .
i 'am lost
i'am lost
in wave of time,
a timeless  love of  life.
in the sea of endless love.
you are the flower
of  hope.
as then a summer breeze
in sea of life.
Jul 2010 · 710
dear world
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
an the people of earth
where is the hope an dreams.
for are children  an there  future.
why can't be like a new
an  be peaceful people.
in  life  an a  world of peace.
an care for one another.
with true hearts.
not with greedy hearts.
people of earth we  can
build  a world of peace.
i 'am but a poor man
shareing the love of hope.
we can take care of the poor
an the sick an old .
an feed hunry people
on the street.
we can do  this an help
one another.
rise up people for peace
an feed the poor an sick
an old , give gift of love.
share the gift of love
to one another .
we are the same we are human
white ,tan  brown ,people.
we can! live in a world of peace!,
an share the love of hope.
for the children on the street.
an also feed sick an hunry .
an help  poor an old people
on the streets .
people of this  world
let try this thing call peace.
for the kids and mom and dad,brother
and sister of this world.
let have peace an  start careing ,
share the love of peace.
it's really not hard .
we are brother an sister
of this world.
give  peace a try.
an build that  dream  of peaceful
world to all.
for children of this world.
give peace a try.
Jul 2010 · 1.3k
queen bee your honey
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
buzz buzz
hear the  word in woods
queen bee your a  honey
buzz buzz
i dust the crop
to find are food
by pond an at the creek.
queen bee your a  honey.
you help human with there food.
you are telling your  bee friend what to do.
queen bee you sure  are a barrel
of honey .
that way  i love honey bunny
you are queen bee of my heart.
buzz buzz  you lovely honey  bunny.
my queen bee of my heart.
that give land it's foods of the  land.
queen bee your my honey
Jul 2010 · 987
quiver of a touch
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
quiver of a touch
the touch of hands
of time.
rolls by as the sea
to the shore.
O'lovely moon
lite   night.
my love is lost in winds
of  night.
i'am but captain at  sea
quiver of a touch,
when heart meet .
is not a future
of a day in time.
to love is to love
with tender words
one  soul.
as then heaven open up
an  the angel  sing.
with joyous words
a tender loves of mine.
my love will  alway
be true blue as
the seven sea.
you'll never walk alone.
in the sands of time.
because loveing you
is true.
in the hands of time.
i love you
come rain or shine
i'll be at your side
you are love my ownly
Jul 2010 · 650
queen of the summer breeze
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
beauty is beauty
but the heaven are
in your eyes.
you are the love of life.
you are queen
with in my eyes
a  angel of light
as then endless
joy of hope.
that find peace
with in my heart.
you are the butterfly
of the spring.
you are water lilly
pure an  warm.
that heal my soul.
you the angel  of life.
you are flower of life.
as then the sunset
sunrise of day .
you are my queen
of the  summer breeze.
you bring endless
joy to my life.
my dear lovely
angel of life.
Jul 2010 · 496
question of the heart
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
why  O'why
do i question my love
for my dear lovely  flower.
i question your love.
a love that true
blue as the sea.
a spirit of hope,
but a warm soul
of endless of love.
within you eyes.
why O'why
do i question my heart.
my lovely angel.
may i say
my love will
alway be true to you
my love.
you will alway have
the key to my
we all fear
some time
that why we question the times
but true love is true
when  question
the heart .
doing all  can for your  love.
to please her need
her hope her dreams.
this is true love. bearing
one soul to please
your angel of life.
i love my dear.
you are true love
of life.
Jul 2010 · 768
summer dreams
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
funny the  summer  seems
you where my summer
       but really my summer dream.
we walk  in sands in endless nights
i found angel in the moon lit
at that  summer at beach party .
by wave of endless love
of night skies.
you are the  summer dream
i can wish upon all star .
in heaven above
but can you see me for me.
my sea angel of moon night.
my summer dream .
i'am lost in sea love
by wave of time.
in my summer dreams
of holding you in my arms.
by shore of endless dreams.
in my summer dreams.
Jul 2010 · 505
walk softly my love
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
my love
O'star child of life.
walk softly my love.
you are the beauty
of  the night.
O'flower of spring
she walk in beauty
as the night.
yes she is my love.
  she is star child
from above.
she the angel of light.
she is my love.
that bring endless joy
to my world.
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
season of peace
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
season of peace
hear song bird sing.
in summer  breeze.
season of peace
wear flower in your hairs once  again.
it the time of change
my friends it time of change.
it the season of peace.
open  your heart my friend.
it season of peace  an share the love
of  respect for others.
share the love, share the love
it time of peace my friends.
help your brother an sister  my friends.
it the season of peace.
to care is to love your brother
an sister. share the love of peace.
it season of peace.
share time with other
it the season of peace .
love is peace an peace is love .
share the love of peace.
it the season of peace.
Jul 2010 · 991
tear drops from heaven
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
tear drops  fall from heaven
hear the angel sing.
bless this world
an all the.
flower of  these
forgive them they
have no knowledge
of a pure soul  of
peaceful angel
of  love.
help them  understand
a peaceful heart is  a true
peace is love ,
love is peace.
they don't walk with
peace. they walk with
hate greed  an lust.
hurting  one other.
hear angel sing.
with one brick at time
we will have peace
in the land, once again.
hear the angel sing
care for the poor an sick
they are brother an sister
you are the same  you
are  human you blood
like every one .
you hurt like every
you can love an stop this
hurting  your self an other.
respect your self.
hear angel sing.
feed the poor.
feed the poor .
there is foods in the lands
you call earth.
hear  angel   sing
take care of the old
men and women .
they care for you
when you where a baby.
some of  you give your parent
hard time grow up.
an they alway said i love you
my son an my daughter.
that what parent said
cause them great pain in there life.
that  love .
hear the angel  sing
walk with peace in your  heart
care one other.
have a  clear understand
with  my words it  time
to  foregive  an build a better
world  of love
help sick an the young
help the old men an women
that care giver or the one
give you life to you  an care for
you growing up love is  peace
peace is love
many blessing /care an love
an understand one other.
it not hard to have peace
change  hate  in  to a  joyous
heart once again.
an love your brother an sister.
many blessing once again.
love you brother and sister.
Jul 2010 · 719
dearest angel heart
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
Dearest angel  heart
thy beauty
the flower of the season
dance in the meadow.
of spring time song.
come dance with me my love.
an hold me close to your  heart.
an sing this song.
i wish upon the star tonight
to hold my love hands once again,
an  feel the joy .
the magic of true love .
in summer time breeze,
as song bird sing in tune.
to the magic of love.
O'angel of  the heart.
a flower is but a flower.
a love is a love .
but there beauty within
smile . my angel heart i
love so dear.
Jul 2010 · 3.6k
little one cheer up
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
little one cheer up.
life is pure an warm.
be strong little one.
some time people
say bad thing to
other people.
listen little one?
1. you are  good person an have good heart
2. people love you for you.
3. important share love understanding to other.
4. stand tall be self.
5. yes let people  know they are wrong at time ,but in nice way,not in bad way.
6. be brave an be strong toward goals in  life.
7. do whats important for you find a  hobby that you like, ride a bike
write story or poems, help people meet there goal, or shareing your
time   with someone that sad help them over the  hurt .
8. it ok to reach out for help an talk to ,dad, friends
everyone  get  sad some at  time. this is life we have high  an lows piont.
in life . we just pick up the pieces an go on. self . and love other.
10. when loveing  someone set them  free at time.
so little one true love  is true when bird fly home again.
11. respect your self for how you are.
so little  one the   world is a big place .
be happy not sad .
on this road call life
share the love of peace
share time with other.
let people know you care
my little angels of life.
you are my  flower of life.
respect your self an other.
little one cheer up  life

Jul 2010 · 1.9k
mee lady at castle steel
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
mee lords! let thy
speak a  little phase!
thy shadow of mee
my little rose  love of
life.mee lady
at castle steel one
a ghostly  person
she be .
i love her but then
you see.
she a ghost of castle steel
she was mee   friend,
mee love of life.
when  she was liveing.
she  call out the  window
one evening on  moon lite
night . my dear lord
elliot  where thy be
mee  lovely friend.
by the  meadow
stream  water of of life.
and then a little bird
  flying  around
came down from sky
that  night.
bite my love.
on her hand.
so i said over here
my love .
by the garden
by our tree .
what is   love mee lords
i'll be in the  castle steel
because mee   lady spirit.
live  in these wall  at castle steel.
these is true story of us.
we are children of forest
an castle  that live once upon
a  time in  story.
mee sweet  love mee little
rose flower of life that she be
mee lady julie .
a flower of my heart.
the sunrise an sunset
of my  day. she the spring
water of my life.
my love of life
my soul my heart
thy true friend i had
400 hundred  years  ago
she was wonderful
person. my julie
Jul 2010 · 951
the flower of the world
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
we the people of mother
earth .
we are but flowers of her world.
an the keeper of her land.
we  are white  we are tan  . what ever
color we are .
we  are all brother an sister. in  this
game together call life.
  an this  world we call earth.
we  are brave  men an   women
we need a peace an love.
peaceful way in life .
an peace in  are  hearts
peace in the land once again.
let have peace  on on earth
once again.
we can share love of peace.
we can  share the love of hope.
to help the sick an poor
an child on the street
with no home.
this is a wonderful  thing.
my brother  my sister
of this world.
is peace an love in are heart
share the love  of understand.
we don't need hurt
any more.
we need to love an care
an share the love of peace
we are same we are the flowers
an keeper of her  world .
share love of peace.
love is peace an peace is love.
we flowers  of the land an we are  keeper
of her world.
share the love of peace.
many blessing
thank you brother and sister

Jul 2010 · 826
rich person my grammer poor
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
rich person  my grammer is poor
where your heart.
an soul on the money.
i see  on money i see.
i have a heart of gold.
i try help people.
  to see the light.
but my grammer poor.
i'am so sorry i'am not
smart . sorry  i'am poor
sorry i'am poor.
some time  i wish iwas evil
but love people for who  they
are .but thing remain
my grammer poor .
have no mind because
i'am slow. i try do my best
but people say grammer
poor . that truly hurt
mead me cry once again.
i want to  be normal but what is  normal.
have big bank  account.
or heart gold that care about people.
because grammer poor an i'am poor
sorry richie person i'am  so dum an poor.
ownly  blank  with poor grammer.
that it poor grammer i poor man spoken
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
wow!!! my grammer poor
sorry rich person
my grammer poor an
i'am poor .that's shareing
the love of hope.
an understanding in life
have no money not even
dime. an no
social skill.
because my grammer
poor an i'am poor.
i'am nice  i give last
dime from my pocket.
to feed that child
on street once again.
because my grammer
poor an i'am poor.
sorry rich person
for being blind.
because grammer
so poor.
an i'am poor
because have no skill.
because i'am poor.
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
put away the old fear.
start  new  way  of  life.
share the love of peace.
stop this war,stop the hurt.
we brother an sister,
in this world.
we are flower of this world.
talk with peace in your heart.
help build world of peace.
for children on street.
for old an sick for
the broken hearted.
we  are white an
we are brown.
we are the same .
we truly brother of this
world an sister.
we feel pain hurt love
we bleed same.
we  can make a peaceful world.
we just have to share little more
careing love of  peace.
we don't need hurt people
love people for they are.
share an  let people.
understand  you for you.
share the   love of hope.
share the  love of peace.
we are people of earth.
we are flower of  peace.
we are children of the street.
can we have peace and  share
love of peace.
we are the flower of life.
Jul 2010 · 573
love is peace
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
love is peace.
peace is love.
share the love.
peace world
all we need is
peace an love
we flower
of life.
share the love
of hope.
share your time
peace is love.
dry them tears.
people love you.
because peace is love.
share the love
peace is love.
Jul 2010 · 1.8k
peace is love my friend
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
peace is love my friend.
peace is love.
we don't need to fight.
we don't need  to hate
we  need to share the love,
my brother an my sister
help that child on the street.
we got to stand an be strong.
an build better world
peace is love my friend.
peace is love an share the love.
we need love .
with a  true respect.
we have to share the
love an help one another
peace is  love people
of the world.
we got to help one another.
love is  true in are heart.
peace is love my friend.
my flowers  of earth.
walk with peace.
in your heart with a
true love not  a greedy
love.we need love,
we need love an
peace is love my  brother.
peace is love my sister.
we are but  flower of spring.
season of love is  peace
around us.
peace is love my friend.
peace is love my friend.
let dance in park an be free
be free.peace is love
we don't need war.
al we  need is  love.
we peace on the street.
an on the city blocks.
we need to  bring a new   love
  of peace to people hearts.
an peace is love my friend
let make stand an share the love.
of peace is love.
put away the hate.
fear no more an  share the love
an show your love.
help one another for are
          for we are all  brother an sister.
we are white ,tan yellow ,color skins.
people we  are the same brother an sister.
peace is love my friend.
peace is love.
just share the love.
share love of peace ,
share the love of hope,
share of love of careing
share the love my brother an my sister.
make a stand share the love.
Jun 2010 · 756
thy moon angel
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
the moon angel.
the star of life.
O"wonder of
thy  sea of love.
moon glow
of the ageless dust
lover of my heart.
moon of mars
my lover heart.
moon angel.
of my endless
sun child of life.
the moon angel
of mars.
Jun 2010 · 587
butter fly tears
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
sing me  a song.
hold me close to
your heart .
love love
so lost so lost.
in the world
of song of  song
gentle love notes
of the  heart .
as weep quietly
in the night.
butter fly
of  my dreams.
come dance in
the meadow
spring water
of life.
Jun 2010 · 399
love of my heart
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
when i say i love you .
truely mean it.
love you i love
you i love you my dear
love of my heart.
Jun 2010 · 769
soul of a angel
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
season of the flower.
in this timeless hour.
thy soul of a  angel.
me angel of my heart.
thou gentle spirit of wonder.
O'angel soul of love.
the bitter tears i weep.
O'  spirit of the night.
she walk in beauty in the
moon lite night.she
but the captain of  my heart.
i'll chart course  in these to the
sea call find
a paradise with in her
eyes . she  but a pure
flower of life.
O'captain  O'captain
O'lovely angel of
seven sea you capture
my heart an soul.
let chart this course
on the  sea of life to make
our  love strong.
an pure  an  whole
as  paradise is with in your
arms.because you are the  sun
set an sunrise of my  heart.
O' captain of my heart.
a soul  of a angel.
the tender love of night.
gentle love of life.
pure flower of hope.
my love, my love.
a soul of a angel,
i truly love.
Jun 2010 · 969
melodies of heart
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
hear thy lute
in the spring.
hear soft melodies
of my heart.
in spring time song.
of meadow flower of life.
my song my heart my soul.
of wonder .my lovely flower
of the spring.  O'angel  of
the spring water of life.
you are the song of my heart.
you are melodies of life.
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
we don't need wars
we need to share the love.
peace my brother my sister.
i'am flower child of  past.
that shareing the love.
helping that child on street.
help sick  an  poor
an that old man find his.
way home from the street.
just share the love. my man!
teach  the children of street.
teach the young wright from wrong.
that we have peace our.
heart for other.
on the street an  to better
are world with peace in are heart.
by help each  other.
to have peace on the street.
and in are heart.
man  up
man up
every one
for the peaceful world.
an people love children of street
man up for  peace
every one
man up for peace.
every one
children of street.
man up for peace.
people love you.
for you. find
peace heart.
people love you
children of the street.
man up! for peace
every one.
Jun 2010 · 3.6k
peaceful world
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
i have a dream we can have peace.
in world  and  on the street.
to share nice words to the world
and one another in life
giving a   helping hand to young.
teach gift of knowledge.
what wright what wrong.
to bring new understanding.
to share hope an under standing. with
words  of joy an peace. to  just   share.
the the hearts of people in
this have love an caring
for the poor on the street
to give that special joy
of love to the world.
to heal the broken hearts.
with words of joy
with poem or two.
we can have peace in this
world throw of understand
by working  on this.
we can live in world in peace.
but we as people of earth.
we have to work on this.
help poor child on the street
an  old man  that lost way in life.
that ran away  child  from broken home.
to let him or  her  know that some one care.
an  don't need war !
we need peace understanding.
for sick an poor.
we need to share the love.
of caring. for children of the street.
to let know! some does love them.
an care about them.
man up world!!!
for a peaceful world.

Jun 2010 · 669
pure magic of the heart
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
soft whisper of the night.
it's ownly pure magic of the
heart.sing a song the pure
magic of the heart.
i'am in a trance
with in your love.
i find magic of wonder.
the pure magic of the heart
is you my love.
in this timeless hour
of the night.
at every sun rise
every sun set.
you are the
pure magic
of my heart.
Jun 2010 · 505
dance this dance
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
hold me close.
my love lets
enjoy this dance
this dance of life.
step 1 hold my hand
step 2 move to the right.
step 3  lets
catch the star train.
to moon an dance ,on
moon beam of life.
make this wish to tonight
to respect our love.
tonight my love.
you are my love
from the star.
you are the dance of love.
in my heart,my dear.
star of the night.
Jun 2010 · 849
sea shell of love
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
sea shell of love
gentle tears in sea
by the bay.sea
shell of love.
you are a love
ocean wave
brave soul
of sea.
O'soul of my  life.
sea shell sea shell
your water blue as the sky
in the spring. sea shell of love
you are my love.
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