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Jan 2011 · 505
peace is true keys in life.
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
peace is true keys in life
when one speak one
speak from there
heart and soul.
to share there  love to all
the world.
an  love people for who
they are in life.
walk tall and proud in life
share the love of peace
in life.
we don't need hate people
for view  about life.
a true  hearts of peace ,
respect people view
in life.
peace is true keys to
happiness .
walk with peace your life.
share the love of peace in life.
build a world of peace for
our children of this world.
peace is true keys in life
to  one  happiness  in life
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
yes we can build a world of peace,
share the love of peace,
in life.
to end the hate in people hearts.
respecting people for who they are
as a person in life.
yes we can respect people view in life
and there ideas in life
yes we can build a world of peace
for our  children of this world.
an respect people for who they
are in life.
we all try are best to make thing
right for every one in life.
we are only human you see
we do the best we can,
as people in life.
nothing more nothing less,
respect people view in life.
share the love of peace to this  world
yes we can  end this hate in are hearts.
yes we can  stop hurting  one another
in life.
an yes we can  respect people for who they
are in life.
yes we can  share the love of peace
to everyone  in life.
yes we can  have peace in our
yes we can  love one another  in life,
yes we can respect people an there  ideas
and share the love of peace.
respect  a person view an share the love
of peace  in life.
let give  peace a chance
don't have hate in your hearts
for one another
love people for who they are in life.
we  the people of this world can build a world
of peace.
to end this hate in  life.
share the love of peace to
the world.
an respecting  people for who they
are in life.
share the love of peace to today
lets build a world of peace.
Jan 2011 · 665
03 words for a teenager
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
life is so hard at time
we only do the best we
what god give us .
people have there own
view about life this OK.
alway remember
you have the key to your
future  in life.
to make a  change  to this  world
and build a world  of
peace for the children of
this world.
share the love of peace to
the world. helping one another
in life.
respecting people for who they
are in life.
alway help people in life
this true  key to peace
in life .
loving  people as they are
in life with true respect
for his or her ideal about life.
alway walk with peace in your heart
never have hate in hearts for another
in life.
give peace chance respect yourself in life
love people for who they are
in life.
share the love of peace
help the poor and sick in life.
to build a world of peace.
Jan 2011 · 757
02 words for a teenager
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
empower your self today
respect your self and other
in life.
alway stand tall and proud
an brave in life.
be who you are in life.
live for peace in life,
share the love of peace in life.
as teenager young adult in life.
help one another in life
help the old sick an poor
in life.
you have the key to your  future
stay in school and,
to become better person life.
to build a world of peace
for children of this world.
never have hate in your
hearts  for one another  in life
respect people an
love people for who they
are in life.
we as parent an friends in life
we all try to do are  best to make thing
right in life ,for every one in life.
it's OK to cried and  if sad
and lost in life
and you  feel people don't
care about you.
remember this  people
they do care about you.
people love you for who
you are  in life.
there is alway someone to talk
with.friend a teacher, mom, dad
sister or brother.
when you  become  sad and lost in life.
and feel there know hope
in life.
there is  hope out there in life.
for everyone in life .
for the young an old.
so it OK  to reach out for help
when you need help.
when  sad and lost in life.
so alway try best in life
as you travel these road
in life.there alway someone
there to help you as travel these
roads in life.
when you become sad and blue
in life .
people truly love you
for who are in life.
never forget that
my friend.
Jan 2011 · 725
01 words for a teenager
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
we where once  teenager
at time in are life.
life is hard  we all no this.
we all make  mistake in life
we all do the best we can
to make it.
we are parent you are
and we love our kids very
much.i love for who you
are in life as my kid
my child.
let sit  talk if life get hard
for you .we human we feel pain
in life.
but do the best we can in life
be strong  and brave in life
my child.
you hold the key to your future
help follow teenager get over
the pain the hurt his or she feel
in life.
we all make mistake as travel
these roads in life.
we do the best we can as a parent
in life.
like people for who they are life
never have hate in your hearts.
we try to do the best we can are
for our children in life.
some time a parent we  forget
they where a teenager in life
we as parent forget because life was
hard for us at time in life.
alway reach out when need help
never hold the pain in.
tell some one you need to talk
about issue you have in your heart,
there  is nothing wrong with reaching
out for help in life.
a friend ,teacher mom or dad
or brother or sister
we need all need some one
listen to us  some time .
when life get hard and we can't go on.
we all need some to listen to are feeling.
because we love are kids in life.
it OK to cry when feeling down,
an out.
but alway reach out for help in life
let people know how you feel
if have strange ideas about life.
everyone need some one  talk to
some times.
we parent love are children in life
alway reach out for when need help.
there alway some one to talk to.
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
i pray for the lost soul in life
an pray for people of this
for give them of there sins  in
for give them once  again
let  bring peace to this world
an share the love of peace
to this world.
an the people of this world
touch people hearts in life
let people of the world  know
an understand.
peace is true key in life for one
happiness in life
in your  words there  is true peace  in life O'LORD
bring endless peace to the world  O'LORD
forgive the people of  this world of there sin in life
come in people life O'LORD
touch people hearts of this world
teach people of this  world
how to love again.
help them understand
sharing  the love of peace to
the world  is true key  of everyone
happiness in life.
tears come to my eyes  
forgive them  O'HEAVENLY FATHER
of there sin in life once again
please  i love them O'LORD
i know they need to respect one another
in life .
sharing the love of peace  in life
helping one another  in life.
an ending the hate in there hearts
i know this  O'HEAVENLY FATHER
i write many word to share the love of
peace in life .
please for give sins  them once again
as then tell them to build a world
peace for children of  this  world
touch there hearts  O' HEAVENLY  FATHER
let them know
sharing the love  peace in life
bring true happiness  to a child life.
it the true keys to everyone
true happiness   in life.
thank you
bless this world O'LORD
forgive this world an it's people of this
world  of sins i n life
Jan 2011 · 1.1k
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
DEAR lord
help poor an sick in this world
bring love peace to there life,
help gain employment so can get
off street an help there children
and family in life.
and bless this world and
and share the love of peace
in the world.
thank you lord
Jan 2011 · 540
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
as i lay down to sleep
keep safe from harm O'LORD
may angel of heaven watch
over me as sleep O'LORD
as then O'LORD
watch over my friends and
family as they sleep tonight.
and lord bless  this  world .
let people understand to
share the love of peace in life
is true keys to one happiness
in life
and for give the  people world of there
sins in life.
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
for food
about to eat tonight,as then lord bless
an help the poor find food,
find them home to sleep in tonight.
and make healthy strong people in life
may they find work to help there family in life
thank you once again for food i'am about to eat
in Jesus name amen
Jan 2011 · 724
work cause heart trouble
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
we have to work this true
but working for company
factory cause people cancer
an heart trouble wide range of health
problems .
this company an factory
cause health problems,
they say they .
care about there people .
they only care about making
a buck to make them self wealthy.
as they  working for a company
got play that mind game too.
who weak who strong who will
in life.
do we keep mouth shut
about health problem  in work
place i don't  so, my friend
i speak for  human right in work place,
one truly have any  right in a work place.
you are  just  a number a tool to make
there  product .to make them wealthy
work causes health  problems,
in people life.
no should risk there life ,working for a factory.
with  toxic chemical in a work.
they may say it but truly not safe.
to fix these growing problem
should use natural  chemical
from plant and natural oils .
Jan 2011 · 670
the dark place of the heart
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
should i live should die
i fight in my mind.
this evil demon came
upon my door  step,
once again .
i'am sad an blue
know hope no cure
just blackness.
i'll tell my self be
strong be brave everything.
will get better it will pass
real soon, alway reach out for help
in life i tell my self.
i'll tell you a story sad but true
i'am deferent i'am slow
when i'am working in place
people find this  about me
being slow.
that made in to who i'am today,
sad an lost in the world.
an want to hurt  end my life.
people so  rotten in life
some time
see want a work place
does to a person
being the joke of everybody
joke of the day.
that why the  fall darkness in mind
some time .people press
them button on people.
but must be strong fight an the evil,
a lot of thing fall in play here.
being poor have nothing
in life.
i  'll have couple buck in my
pocket every now then
all be strong in life an brave.
i'am not the idiot here they are.
the people that break your spirit.
as person, they are the blame ,
for sadness in life.
i respect my self and i love myself,
i alway say  to my self.never take your life ,
nor **** self, or evil will win,
fight to be strong in life.
be brave and strong in life
over power them demon in life
you have the  power with in to
change your life .
for better way  in life.
alway love thy  self in life.
be strong and brave in life,
fight for another day  ,alway be
strong in life.
an share the love peace in life,
respect people in life for who they
in life.
Jan 2011 · 580
foot print on back
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
i still love you
as then god still love you.
but surely truly  left your tracks,
upon my back.
you can spit an face i'll
say i love you.
because i truly  love you,
because you are you.
even thou you treat me like
a door mat at  times.
putting they deep foot print
in my back.
but i'll alway  love you  for you my love.
some will call this true  love in life.
but is love true because idiot in life.
i'am idiot in life for being a door mat,
for people in life.that why have ,
foot print upon my back.
Jan 2011 · 1.4k
rotten apple in the world
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
i feel like **** the world play me
like **** .it's people you see
some people are like rotten apple.
they push them button on you see.
an they find it a joke you see.
kid game they  play at work place.
i'am mad so sick of the work place.
i'am not smart only try my best in life.
god only know  people should be put in check,
in life .
that why i don't like  work  any more  
with people .
it happen many time threw work
history first job  so on .
them people  so  lucky i'am not  evil
person in   life .
i'll you what they  are idiot the people
hurt my feeling.
but god tell me  to love people
that  treat you  like  ****.
it hurt when people treat you like ****
it  truly wrong.
but i  stand tall an brave
god will burn you in hell
rotten people in that  work place.
no have right treat people like  ****  in life
treat people  with love an respect in life,
share the love of peace.
Jan 2011 · 713
sad an blue
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
sad and blue so much to loss,
i sing the blue because blue.
i'am poor i'am nothing ,
i have nothing,  know one
truly care.
i where rich they would
surely care.
an they will ask so pal
where is my share  of money.
i would say where you
when need help .
i'am nothing remember,
never give dime to feed me.
he or she a  friend now because have
some money now.
i'am so sad and blue.
because people don't care  about
people any more.
they only care about there
own greed in wealth.
O'lord for give the greedy heart
in this world put love in there ,
to care for the poor in life.
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
DEAR heavenly father.
please forgive the world of sinful way in life.
bring peace joy to every one heart
in this world
bless the children of this world
bring endless peace to the world
bless people hearts in this world
sharing  the love of peace in this world
Jan 2011 · 2.6k
magic with in your smile
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
two sparks of the hearts.
an magic with in your smile.
heal many hearts.
an bring peace to one life
there is know fear
of loving you only the fear you
losing  to other true love
in life  .
two sparks of hearts
in the sea of life.
the magic with in your smile
make my heart sing  .
there is true magic
in one soul .
please love me till
the end of time.
because you are true song
of my heart .
that bring the endless
joy to my life.
you the sunrise
an sun set.
as then  rainbow star of my heart
that bring true magic to life
with in your  smile.
that bring peace to my little world.
Jan 2011 · 541
kiss the day good by
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
kiss the day good bye
i'll dream of you tomorrow,
sweet angel from above.
i wish upon the star tonight.
to hold my angel in my arms.
so i'll  say my love ,i'll kiss
the day good bye .
an dream of you tonight
sweet angel from the stars above.
Jan 2011 · 749
i'am a true american
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
i'am  a true american,
i  stand tall proud ,
for who i'am  in life.
i stand for freedom,
i stand for human rights
for people in this
i stand tall an proud
an brave.
an i fight for peace,
in many lands.
I"am a true american ,
i stand tall and proud
to end this  hate,
that plague this world.
an share the love of  peace
to this world
an  alway show respect for  
people in this world.
for who they are in life.
i'am true american
alway stand tall proud
an brave in life .
fighting  for rights of  
men women
an children in this world
for there human rights  in life,
as then for sick and poor
in life.
everyone in this world
have human rights
to be educated an free
in life.
to help there family an country in life
to build a world of peace for  our  children
of this world
to help one another in life,
to  share the love of peace
in life .
i'am true american
i'am born rise in life.
i live peace an freedom
in life an human rights  of  
other in life.
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
I truly hated watching news on TV,
the other night.
I seen the endless fear in a child eyes .
as then child cried out loud as tears pour
down the child face, where
is  my mommy & daddy
i hear the cried of children in my endless
what is wrong with us people!!!''
do we as a people of this world hate life an hate our children.
do we truly love our  children
it truly wrong to to put endless fear in a child heart.
i 'am speaking an writing to the whole world.
we all have children in this world .
we as growing up think of self  not a child feeling
not even his or her fear.
we fight for human right in the world ,
what about human right of children in this world.
a child should never live in fear.
because the  people in  his or  her  country want to **** them self
setting off bomb  in there  street where they live.
we as people of this world have too build a world of
peace for our children.
we as people got to stop this hate stop hurting one another
in life.
stop this  fighting  in this world for the  children
of this world.
that if we as people love our  children.
do we as people of this world,want are children growing up
hating   people in life.
we as people of this world need peace sharing love of peace
in life.
lets give peace a chance  for the children of this world.
an walk with peace in are daily life.
yes we can build a world peace for are children
in this world.
lets live for peace for the children of this world
lets stop the hate an live for peace in life.
loving  people for who they are in life,
share the love of peace in life.

share this with every one
in this world
dennis gunsteen Jan 2011
let this year  bring happiness,
to your life.
stop the hate share the love of peace.
yes we can share the love peace,
stop this war of hate let respect one
another ,an share the love of  peace
we are all gods children in this world,
as then we are all brother an sister
of this world.
let start this year out right,an build
a world of peace for the children
of this world.
god bless  this world let share the
the of  love peace.
stop the hate live for peace lets  
respect people for who they are
in life.
an share the love of peace to the world.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
spear the swords share the love of peace.
we don't need no war my brother
my sister. all we need is love peace
an respect for one another in life.
so  brother my sister.
lets all  live in peace an stop this hate,
an greed we have in are hearts
for one another in life.
so i say my brother an sister,
spear the swords share the love of peace.
lets have peace in are hearts.lets
share the love of peace to the world.
lets have respect for one another in life,
an stop this hate people!
lets build a world of peace for the children
of this world.
let them know we love them  for who they are
an share the love of peace.
an spear the swords we don't need no wars,
all  we need is love an peace in life.
so live free an share the love of peace.
my brother an sister of this world.
we are his flower of this world.
we all brother an sister of this world,
so be free ,live free  walk with peace
an love in life. share the love of peace,
lets build a world of peace.
lets have respect for one another in life.
all need is love, lets give peace a
chance,an walk with peace in are daily
life   sharing the love of peace  in life.
Dec 2010 · 1.2k
that so jersey shore
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
that so jersey shore.
when go in club  i
know i'am  hot,
i'am god gift to women
and all women flock to me
that is so jersey shore of me.
now don't forget!!!
i'am creeping  that  scene
at that club to night.
i wonder if i'll  score
gots  me a degree  from
school of jersey shore
study all those cool
on the tube you see
to be a  true player in life.
from school of jersey shore.
i use to be that geek in school
i have true game now.
i have awesome dates
with all them hottie now.
thank's  jersey shore dudes
you change this geek
into a  player.
you have awesome
school of higher  learning,
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
merry Christmas brave heroes of the world.
thank you very much for being on the front line
fighting for freedom an human right.
thank brave heroes.
by share time with poor an sick.
thank brave heroes that fight crime on the street.
for helping the children  of  the street.
may god bless all peace keeper of world.
and there family .
that fight for freedom and human right,
on this Christmas day.
brave heroes of the world.
you truly are god special angels to
a child heart.
thank you for helping the poor,
weak, and the  sick.
thank you for share the love of peace.
thank you for being  that special peace keepers
helping that poor child on street,
as then helping women learn about
her human right as person in life.
just be there helping people
in need.
i give thank to you peace keepers
of the world.
merry Christmas brave heroes of world
thank very much for helping sharing the love of peace.
god bless you always peace keepers.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
merry Christmas dear world.
may all your  wishes come true
for you and your family,
on this Christmas day.
lets stop the hate ,an share
the love of peace .
on this Christmas day.
greatest  gift in life one
can give is peace.
on this Christmas  day.
may the angel from heaven bless
you and your family with ,
you joy happiness,
on this Christmas day.
may we as people learn
to love one another.
on  this Christmas  day.
i pray  to lord on this
Christmas day.
to bring  joy and
and happiness to the world
and bring joy to a  child
heart .
so world be at peace
sharing the love of peace
with no hate,  no wars ,
no fighting ,not even hurting
one another.
only sharing the love 
of peace, 
on this Christmas day.
so god bless every
in the world
lets share the love of peace
in are daily life.
to build better world
for are children.
merry Christmas  to the world.
lets share the love  of peace
to build a better world
for children of this world.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
god bless
you and your family,
on this Christmas day.
people of the world.
my the angel from heaven
walk in your daily an
keep safe  an warm from
on cold winter night.
as then may lord bring joy
an happiness on this
Christmas day.
my all your wishes come
true .
on this Christmas day.
my we as people
forgive those who are
wrong in life.
ask lord forgive
those who do wrong.
in life.
on this Christmas day.
and ask the lord
bless this world.
and bring peace
to the world .
and may lord bless
all the children of
the world.
and bring endless
joy of love in there
there life.
and may lord bring
happiness  endless
joy of love to the
as we travel these
roads in life.
and may lord help us
share the love peace
in daily life.
show respect for one
other in life.
help the poor an sick
in are daily life.
merry Christmas world
may lord bless as travel
these roads in life.
on these Christmas day.
Dec 2010 · 763
merry Christmas world.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
merry Christmas world
a Christmas gift we can  give
to our self and the world.
is peace a  true peace,
no hate  no greed, a true
respect for one another.
and  real love for one  other,
i know we all have are pride.
let be  real here,
let grow up!!
lets  build world of peace,
i ask you  as person that live
in this world.
i ask  what can we do as
people of this world.
to help are children of this
let the  children live world
of peace.
sharing the love of peace
stop the hate, stop the
fighting. and let the
children grow up
in world of peace.
an ask yourself an ask
your heart.
what do want in life.
is true love in my  life.
and ask your heart,
i want love i want happiness
for my children and children
of the world
i want peace for the world
i want my  children to be happy.
an peace no hate no greed.
helping one another in life,
and help  the world.
be true in your hearts,
for one another.
lets walk with peace in your life,
it truly not really  hard,
to love people for who they are
yes we can have peace in
the world.
it so simple my friends of the
world is love and respect
share the love of peace.
and  caring  and sharing
the love of peace.  
the best  Christmas gift of all
is peace for one another
on earth.
share the love of  peace
in our hearts.
merry Christmas world.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
a person pride is a big  thing
to  any one.
sometime we as people,
have to swallow are pride.
it not wrong to help people
it a good thing  to help other.
yes can help every one in this
world the poor the sick.
we share are love to whole
world for peace.
yes can help  people .
in this world.
we got start  helping
to make this world better
place for all children of this world.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
when one love he give respect
to other .
walk with peace in your  heart ,
help people in life showing respect.
caring for all your brother an sister,
of this respecting them for
who they are in life.
caring for the children of this world.
is showing respect.
stop the hate in are hearts is showing
is show respect that we care.
give a women the tool to  educate is showing
respect to help  her family in life.
share the love peace to the world
is true respect in life.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
every one  in the world
have the human right
to be educated,
women men children of this world.
have that basic right.
when women are educated,
they help there country or town grow.
to bring new idea to this to help
there family town and country.
if one does not give a women educated,
a country can't grow with new idea
in life.
for her family town or country.
so must educate women to help
there country.
don't fear educated women fear god
if don't educated  women
they  have that right to learn
to grow in life.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
gangs  plagues our neighbor hood
are street they hurt one another
how do we resolve.
these are  children they are
smart kids brave young soul.
they have there own idea about life.
ask them how help there  neighbor hood.
how we fix there  street on there  block
by helping on another.
how help are old people  in our neighbor hood.
be smart young one. make  your own history
by helping the young.
threw your music dance.
show case your self at  small theater
group company.
write story about urban life.
sale product your self not drugs
with music dance that heal
the heart build dream for
tomorrow for young.
play sport make neighbor hood teams.
these thing will help.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
greedy people god have no
time for you.
when someone wealthy
he love the poor.
he or she share  the wealth.
to help the poor the sick.
greedy people don't care
not even poor nor sick.
they only care about  makeing a buck.
to feed  hunger for wealth.
by hurting people making
sick, gain there wealth.
one should be please to help
the poor sick in world .
not harming people
for wealth.
alway help the sick an poor
in life that are job to people
the best we can.
god love people that help the poor.
so start something new .
to bring endless joy to people life.
by shareing  an care for  human life
an human rights.
Dec 2010 · 522
the hearts of the kingdom
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
a modern day prophet teaches
the word of god
an truly help the poor and sick  
in life
it is so simple to love an care
about  people in life as then
them for who they are in life.
and share the love of peace in life,
to the world.
why can't  share the love of peace
in are daily life.
we are hurting  the  children of
this world
do we as people of this world  realize
hurting children in life.
let stop this hate ,and build a world of
peace for are children in life.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
Christmas  gift to our heart.
feel our heart with love an joy.
on this christmas day.
feel heart with love an joy.
on this christmas day.
christmas gift to our heart.
ring in the peace
ring  in  joy.
share our love to
every on this Christmas day
feel the love peace .
share the love peace .
on christmas day.
share the gift of love
share the joy of happiness.
on this christmas day.

repeat verse 5 time  a song.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
Christmas  peace an ,love, an joy.
on this christmas day.
feel the joy of  happyness.
share the love of  peace my  friends
feel all  hearts with joy of  smiles  and
on this wonderful  day.
peace on earth,
and lovely smile on this Christmas day.
Christmas  peace and  love an  joy.
on this Christmas day.
hear the angel sing  .
on this Christmas  day.
feel your heart with joy and love .
on this Christmas  day.
god bless this world  on this
christmas day.
feel the love of joy on this Christmas

repeat verse 5 time the song
Dec 2010 · 623
oh christmas star
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
oh christmas  star
oh christmas  star
you feel my heart with love.
on this special day,
you sing to me .
you sing to me
my love.
so sweet an warm
those tender words
once again i hear.  
i love my angel flower
my true love in life.
you are the true Christmas
star of my heart.
on this Christmas day.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
christmas  song of joy
christmas song of love
hold dear it christmas
time again.
hear the angel sing,
Christmas song of  joy.
Christmas song of love .
Christmas song  of happiness.
on this holy day.
god bless this world on this
Christmas day.
feel your heart with love
on this Christmas day.
Christmas song of joy.
Christmas song of  love
hold me dear it's Christmas
Christmas time again.
feel the joy of happiness
it's Christmas time again.

repeat verse 5 time a song
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
life is funny you know?
life is strange some times .
as travel these roads in are life.
why are people blank in the
i don't judge people for
who they are in life.
i only ask one thing,
who right! who wrong!
why do people blank -f  with
i didn't say anything  to them
people you see.
i go my way in life sing sad song to
myself in life.
why are people blank in the head
don't there parent  care about them
don't parent show there kids love
and understanding in life.
i didn't understand people
why they are blank in the head
some time in life.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
when one speak the ripple,
of words  flow threw the air.
to share to love is special
gift in life.
love like puting a drop of
water in the pond.
as then flow ripple  appear in
the water.
as then   it  spread out ward
one step at time
life is like stair case  every step
take .
make one   grow  stronger.
bring the joy of life to one heart.
because one have at true love in life.
to share an care for other.
one ring at time you can surely,
spread the joy of love to other,
people hearts.
Dec 2010 · 538
remember this moment
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
help me understand what love is.
how does one care,how does one love.
like ripple in a pond  the love spreads,
to many hearts far an wide.
you are my heart you are love in life.
remember this moment in time
O'timeless beauty of life.
lovely angel of meadow you are truly
ageless in time.
you bring me hope and understanding
in life.
because your love is pure and warm from
the heaven above.
to love is to burn like fire in the night
a flame endless love with in my heart.
remember this moment  you are my
love in lovely angel of life.
Dec 2010 · 756
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
You play me like violin.
i'am your joke of the day.
i don't play no head game
with people.
i 'am real.
i'am true.
i don't put up no  smoke screens
when i'am with people
i'am your joke,"right"!!!
yeah  i know i'am
i see  it in your eyes.
your actions.
that ok'!!
you not perfect.
men will control
like puppet
on string in life
the will use you
over again ! over again!
because you think
so so so  special.
you are nothing!!
you don't know what
real heartship is.
you don't  know what real hurt is.
you are liveing in a
little bubble.
as walk threw life.
so sad so sad
you need to learn
to love people.
for who they are.
you not perfect.
my friend
i myself!!  never
put up smoke screens
to hide true feel from
say what!!!!
you feel sorry for me.
i don't need any one.
i have my self.
i love people.
very much
you hang out people because
love them.
for who they are .
not what want them to be
or not be.
that question of the day.
are true friend or not
that how  i roll
i don't play these  head game.
i'am true
i'am real
i'am true friend..
to the end
Dec 2010 · 837
true love is golden
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
true love is  golden,
a true heart is pure,
of endless love.
to walk with trueness
to bear one heart
an one  soul to love one
is true magic of the  hearts
to share to care.
for special angel of life.
to bring the circle of life
to whole .an walk these
roads in life as one.
you truly are  my special
gift in life.
true love is golden
my love.
Dec 2010 · 473
remember i love you.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
i feel your love
i been touch by surely
are a special gift
in life.
you are the song
of magic in my
i love you for you
an alway be true blue
to you.
my love.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
poor soul of this world.

''to the men of this world'''
10,000 scorpions
bring to abyss hell ,
if you harm a women.
said the prophet.
as then  lord said to the  world
it end here  right now!!
never miss treat god seed bearer
in life

no have the right to control
as his slave in life.
to gain money for sale of a women.
no have right hurt or harm women
no have right to **** a women
no have right to **** anyone in this world.
any man harming a women.
will goto abyss of hell.
for harming a women in any way.

these  are  god  laws

so never miss treat a women
in very bad way.
said the lord to prophet.

if any man should harm a women,
very badly.

10,000 scorpions  will harm you in your  sleep

that god  law
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
christmas angels of the  night.
you bless us with joy an love.,
on this christmas night.
christmas angels of the night.
you feel are heart with love an joy .
on this christmas night.
christmas angel of the night.
god bless you
on this christmas  night.
christmas angels  of the night.
thank you for careing.
you bring love an joy to many heart,
in need.
on this christmas night.

repeat verse 5 time  that the song
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
touch by  angels on this christmas day.
feel heart with love an  joy on this
christmas day.
hear angel sing out loud
on this christmas day.
touch by angels on this  christmas day.
feel the hearts with love
an joy on this christmas day.
touch by angels on this  christmas day
bring peace an joy to this world
on christmas day.
touch by angels on this christmas day.
i'll pray for  peace an joy .
on this christmas day.
touch by angels on this christmas day.
god bless this world an all
the little one's.
on this christmas day.

repeat verse 4 time  that song
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
if world is  on your case,
an you feel sad an blue.
an all hope is gone.
don't worry ,
i'am your friend
i'am here for you.
we will make threw
this storm one more
you are a  wonderful
person in my eyes
you have  good heart
don't think about
what other think
about  you.
you never be lost
in this world.
because i'am your
friend an i love  you
for you .
it ok to cry,
when someone break
your heart.
so don't be sad  nor  blue
i got your  back as we travel these
roads  in life.
because i'am your friends.
dry those tears ,i care,
i love you my  bff.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
christmas  little  snow angel .
feel the  laughter feel the joy .
on this christmas eve.
christmas little snow  angel.
feel my heart with peace.
bless the world  bless an the  land.
on christmas eve
christmas  little snow angel.
bless the child  an mother on this
christmas eve.
hear the angels sing.
bless this world an all children.
on this christmas eve.
peace on earth throw out the
land .
on christmas eve.
christmas little  snow angel,
you feel my with joy an love
christmas eve.
christmas  little snow angel.
feel the laughter feel the joy on this
christmas eve
christmas  little snow angel.
feel my heart with peace.
bless the world an the land.
on this christmas eve.
christmas little snow angel.
bless the child an mother on this,
christmas eve.
hear the angels sing.
bless the world an all the children
on this christmas eve.
peace on earth throw out the land
on this .
christmas eve
christmas little snow angel.
you feel my heart with  love
an joy .
on this christmas eve.

repeat verse 4 time that the song
Dec 2010 · 1.6k
christmas mouse song
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
don't you worry little mouse.
don't  you cry  
little mouse
santa ,
going to give .
rocking horse.
an some cheese
on christmas eve
don't you  worry little mouse.
santa  going give little house.
on christmas eve.
don't you cry little mouse.
santa give a rocking horse
an piece of cheese
on christmas eve .

reepeat verse 4times that the song
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
christmas snow flake tears.
on christmas  eve .
hear the angel sing.
bless this world
an child on  christmas eve
snow flake tears from heaven
on this christmas eve.
god bless the children
on this christmas  eve.
bring the joy of happyness
to this world O'lord.

repeat verse 5 time that song
Dec 2010 · 672
i have a wish for christmas
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
i have wish for christmas
rain deer dreams
an helping santa on this christmas eve
on this christmass eve.
i'll help santa  with  gift an thing.
on this christmas eve.
rain deers
rain deers
how a i love you so.
feel the joy of happyness
on christmas eve.
i have a wish for christmas eve.

repeat verse 5 time that song
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