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1.7k · Aug 2011
The Gathering Storm
Dennis Gilchrist Aug 2011
"The Gathering Storm"

Shifting, churning, swirling, .... the breeze comes spritely
from the slate colored billows of the thunderclouds.

  A gentle whisper at first,..... then building to a crescendo,
tickling the underbellies of  leaves..... and rolling them over.

Bending the supple tips of branches to a rythmn
unknown to any author of music.

A rythmn of nature following no rules.......
and knowing no bounds.

What reason shall it follow,....
when the flapping of a sparrows wings,

And brief stirring of the air by a single bird,
......a half continent away  

Shall have a cause and effect on what...
we feel pulsing against our exposed skin.

Is it not so with us,.... each one of us as a single sparrow,
flitting about and mingling with other creatures

Shall we not have an effect on that,....  that we touch
with our alterations of what is... and what was

We can only have hope,.. to manage the chaos
of the seeds that we sow... and the sprouts of our intellect.

Not knowing what will grow from our aspirations of changing that
that is .... to that,... that we dream it to be.

Shall we dare to become the God that we have worshipped .....
Shall we dare  become the ... Sheperd's of the universe.

Perhaps, !! ..... but we must lay down the rules and know the bounds.

Let us not forget,..... we are but caretakers
for the creations of a greater spirit.

"The Gathering Storm"

Written By Dennis Gilchrist
859 · Aug 2011
Shadow Dancing
Dennis Gilchrist Aug 2011
Shadow Dancing

Pleasant memories... like my shadow ...follow me,
Dancing in my mind,...

Portraits of our youthful love,...
Not leaving me behind,...

But bringing forth our yesterdays,...
With visions 0f ...your caring ways,

Thought's of all the things we did,...
When you and I ...were just a kid,

It's at these times.... that my heart sings,...
Recalling all the little things,...

I did with you... when love was sweet,...
Your "Shadow's Dancing"... at my feet.
807 · Aug 2011
Dennis Gilchrist Aug 2011
" Aaron"

Is there truly a God,...Could it be so
If there is not,....Then what is the glow

That you feel to the very core of your soul
When your grandson,.. gets his first fishing pole

Is god in the smile you see on his face
When you take him to your secret place

Or perhaps in the pride,... that you feel from within
When he's trying so hard,... and you know that he'll win

Isn't God all part of the plan,...when he comes to you
And say's ,... I love you man

Copyright 2004
753 · Aug 2011
Silly Me
Dennis Gilchrist Aug 2011
"Silly Me"

Celine Dion still makes me cry
Silly me.... don't know why

Could it be ..
that love flows free

When I hear her songs..
they're part of me..

A part of me..
that won't let go...

Of a love so strong..
I used to know..

A love my heart..
must now embrace

In my dreams...
still see her face..

Her soul yet by my side....
Oh !! .... the wonder of the ride

Once again her hand in mine
A touch upon her cheek..

Once again our souls entwined
Once again we seek...

A time together...for all time
A time for us .. to be  ...

Today I'll join her in sweet dream...
My love has set me free...

Inspired by Sherry and the movie "Titanic"
Written by Dennis Gilchrist
Copyright 2004
Inspired by Sherry
and the movie "Titanic"
Written by Dennis Gilchrist
Copyright 2004

"Love can touch us one time ......and last for a lifetime"
"And never let go till..... we're gone."

To those who wonder, ... Sherry was a friend when I was very young
a friend I have remembered and a memory I have always cherished for 50 years now,
She was my first real love .... whom I adored,... but I was so bashful then I never really
told her so, ... I recall so many times back then when I would go out of my way to walk
by her apartment hoping to catch a glimpse of her outside, I usually didn't but that
didn't matter, it still made my heart beat a little faster, ... then one day her mom
drove her to my house,... she had come to say goodbye, ... she was moving to California.

After she drove away I recall feeling numb and I went into a hallway where I lived and
closed the door, ... sat on a step and cried and made a promise to myself that someday
I would find her  and tell her how much I cared for her then, ... and never forgot my promise.

I found her, ... and the poem above is the result.

. >
667 · Aug 2011
The Sea
Dennis Gilchrist Aug 2011
"   The Sea "

What is this yearning...
This Lure of the sea ...

A whisper of waves ...
Calling to me ...

Calling me back ...
To the mother of life ...

Away from the hardships ...
The pain and the strife ...

It's where I find comfort ...
In just being me ...

And where most often ...
I Long to be ...

And when I am on her...
And close to her breast ...

My mind finds a peace ...
And a pillow to rest ...

So when I am on her ...
Body and soul ...

All then I need ....
Is a fishing pole...

Written By
Dennis Gilchrist
640 · Aug 2011
The Grundly
Dennis Gilchrist Aug 2011
The Grundly

The Grundly lives beneath the bed.. I know,...
Cause all my friends have told me so,

Get too close ...he'll pull you down,..
And drag you in,

Then stuff you in,..
A cold dark bin,

He'll save you for.. a hungry day,..
Then get you out.. and hack away,

He'll **** the boogies.. from your nose,..
And munch upon.. your tiny toes

Then draw your brains out.. with a straw,..
And chew them in.. his gaping craw,

So when it's time,..
To go to sleep,

Into your bedroom,..
You must creep,

Then run and jump.. upon the bed,..
And crush his little ...@#**x33; head

Written for my Grandkids
By Grampaw Dennis
588 · Aug 2011
A Gift From God
Dennis Gilchrist Aug 2011
A gift from God

A gift from God ......she's meant to be
  A precious present...... sent to me

  An Angel from ..... the Stars above
  A wonderous soul .... so filled with love  

  A love I know .....  will not forsake
  But always give .....  and never take

  Such wisdom in .....  her eyes I see
  But ... the heart of a child filled with glee

  In my thoughts ..... she'll always stay    
  Whether near .....  or far away

   I love her so very much...... you see      
   This angel sent ..... from  God to me      
   My precious child, ...... whose name is Bri

Written by Crampaw
Dedicated to Briana

Dennis Gilchrist
copyright 2005

— The End —