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Mar 2014 · 430
Let's Not Pretend
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Let's not pretend
I am drunk again
These feeling I resigned
Your always on my mind
The only help to unbend
Is to get drunk again
Mar 2014 · 2.4k
I Can Feel Your Heartbeat
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Where ever you may go
I want you to know
I can feel your heartbeat

As far as you can see
Over the deep blue sea
I can feel your heartbeat

Beyond the deasert sand
Across the Rio Grande
I can feel your heartbeat

Over the mountain side
You can go world wide
I can feel your heart

Your so extraordinary
Out of the ordinary
I can feel your heartbeat

We will never be together
Never be a forever
But I will always feel your heartbeat
Mar 2014 · 609
Time Spent Together
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Take a moment please listen
Do more than just hear
About the love I have for you
It's not something to fear

To have an appropriate closeness
Affection without *** we can explore
A chemistry which we both share
Without you shutting the door

Time together has a certain appeal
Yes I do struggle with the emotions I feel
My feelings are pure never risqué
Fear if I tell you you'll push me away

Woman I love you
A love between friends
Listen to what I am saying
Our time here together will come to an end
Mar 2014 · 329
My Everything
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
My yearning for you has me in a dungeon
And I worship you your my religion
Under lock and key you have my heart and soul
And when your near I lose all self control

This inferno that burns deep inside me
Is a devotion that is authentic and true
Caught up in you so completely
These feelings for you are hard to o subdue

Woman you are my only weakness
Lost in this affection for you
These feelings leave me sleepless
I want to spend time with you

In this prison my heart will stay
Wanting you more every day
Captive heart that will sing
A song that says your my everything
Mar 2014 · 690
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
I miss the closeness that we once shared
I'm a fool for you and I'll always care
I'm missing the bond we had for each other
And the energy we shared for one another

I miss how special that you made me feel
Want you to come back please hear my appeal
Your not some ****** I met in a bar
Your the woman of my dreams that's who you are

Your powerful spirit is inside my head
This weakness for you don't want it misread
You know that you have a part of my heart
I cry in the night cause we've grown apart
Mar 2014 · 356
I Think Of You
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
I can't help myself but I think of you
Coffee in the morning and I think of you
A song on the radio and I think of you
Horses in a pasture and I think of you
I  hear a baby laugh and I think of you
A childs smile and I think of you
I see the snow outside and I think of you
By the fireside  and I think of you
A drive through the country and I think of you
Spring time flowers and I think of you
I walk on the beach and I think of you
A sweet taste of wine and I think of you
Not an obsession but I think of you
All the good things in life and I think of you
We will never be together still I think of you
I can't help myself but I think of you
Mar 2014 · 479
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Its been fifteen years sense I last heard your voice
Taken from all of us you didn't  have a choice
Gone from this world in just a blink of an eye
Still you had to leave us God has the reason why

You where never perfect had some human flaws
Did some heavy drinking your Demond's were the cause
But still you held your head up had integrity
Deep down you were a softie but intimidated me

And the way you taught us was harsh and never fair
But the way you loved us showed how much you cared
No one could ever read were no open book
Build you up or break you down with a single look

You had the skill to make life the hardest of it all
You were always there for us all we had to do was call
You know I really miss you my heart your still part of
I know that you still love me and watch me from above
Mar 2014 · 476
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
I look at you and I stop
Your so beautiful none can compare

I look at you and I stop
So  overwhelmed its hard not to stare

I look at you and I stop
I can't get past the smell of your hair

I look at you and I stop
I'm so obsessed it's not even fair

I look at you and I stop
You have me unconditionally ensnared

I look at you and I stop
Don't you know I'm walking on air

I look at you and I stop
I would die for you that's how much I care
Mar 2014 · 601
Everyday Thinking
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Why do we settle for just good enough
That everyday thinking makes life unpleasantly tough

Why do we care what others will think
That everyday thinking makes our best thoughts shrink

Why don't we reach for everything best
That everyday thinking makes us just like the rest

Why do we say we don't think like that
That everyday thinking makes us lazy and fat

Why can't we tell people how that we feel
That everyday thinking hides a love that is real

Why is it bad to want all that feels right
That everyday thinking give us feelings to fight

Why settle to just make the best of it
That everyday thinking makes a mind so unfit

Why do I settle for everyday thinking
When thinking like that my dreams begin shrinking
Mar 2014 · 431
For All To See
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
The snow is falling outside my window
Soft and easy like a melody
Though the cold comes off the window
The warmth of the snowfall is there for all to see

The moon is shining outside my window
Adding to the melody
In the silence of the of the moon light
Is a quiet snowfall for all to see

Outside my window the snow rests on the ground
Like a new warm blanket
Wrapping itself around the landscape
Bringing comfort for all to see

What's missing outside my window
Is a couple walking hand and hand
And their love that warms in the snowfall
That love for all to see
Mar 2014 · 450
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
If you could only feel my love or see how much I cry
Take a look deep in my eyes and you'll know just why
The key to all the answers are locked inside my eyes
The love I have for you should be no big surprise

I would do anything to have you by my side
The love that I have for you I never want to hide
This desire to love you has seized my weary mind
Just how much I care for you can not be defind

I am lost with out you and wander aimlessly
Do anything to be with you and do it shamelessly
Your my reason my hope my every little thing
And when I hear your name my heart begins to sing

Will to swallow my pride for you
I would even live and die for you
It's difficult to explain just how I feel
To live my life with you I know to be unreal
Mar 2014 · 244
Broken Hearts
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
What would life be like
If there were no broken hearts
Lust or true love
How would you tell it apart

How would you know
If you were really in love
And vulnerable  affection  
We would know nothing of

There be no pain or heartache
To hold on or let go of
No beautiful memory's
To always think of

No emotional tears
That need wiped away
No meaningful pleas
When you beg them to stay

For her eyes and her smile
This feeling unspoken
God knows for sure
If my heart has been broken
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
There is only one woman to ever really love me
We share a loving bond naturally
My very being runs through her veins
The only woman to understand all of my pain

She knows my heart and understands my thinking
Said many prayers on the nights I was drinking
She was always there to wipe away my tears
Still comforts me with all of my fears

She was always there when I was knocked down
Encouraged me to get up off of the ground
Gave me her love when I was with other women
And when I made love to them all was forgiven

This woman is strong confident and perfect
She has my heart and I give her respect
I love this woman like I love no other
This beautiful woman is my mother
Mar 2014 · 460
What Is The Cost For Love
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
What is the cost for love
The type that comes from God above
Pure and simple and complete
Always perfect forever sweet

What is the cost for love
The kind we have all dreamed of
Thoughtful and respectful always true
Never try's to smother you

What is the cost for love
The kind that your in awe of
Always makes up for time that's lost
Consistently gracious never cross

What is the cost for love
Only one price I think of
Is it the price of abstract art
True love will cost a broken heart
Mar 2014 · 466
Summer Night
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
I know this is not out of the blue
But I want to watch the starts with you
Out on a blanket on a warm Sumer night
Nothing more than total delight

Romantic and charming crickets in tune
No one watching us but the man in the moon
Shooting star in the night sky
I see it so clearly in my minds eye

Making a wish on that shooting star
Time spent with you is the best by far
Please take my hand on a warm Sumer night
Cause being alone doesn't feel right
Mar 2014 · 267
My Love To You
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
You are someone special
Because your loved by me
Don't hand out my heart and soul
To just anyone you see

I will leave a signature
Etched upon your heart
This imprint I leave on you
No more than a work of Art

I can not give you diamonds
Gold and silver to
The priceless thing I do give
My heart my soul my love to you
Mar 2014 · 302
Absence Of Hope
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Why is this world in constant hurry
We him and haw sniff and scurry
And in that world of constant hurry
Is brought about enormous worry

Not a second of care for how we harm
Greed and pain cause no alarm
Tears are shead in dark of night
Who really cares to do what's right

For mankind there is no concern
Or the many bridges we have burned
No hope for people like you and me
Who long to be blessed are not actually

Until the day we give up the ghost
We will all be tied to the whipping post
Searching for kindness that's for sure
But a world of misery we will have to endure
Mar 2014 · 325
What Is Love?
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
What does it mean to you?
Is it just a word
Is it a feeling
Is it an action
What is it to you
What does it mean to you?
I say love is a sacrifice
A sacrifice with the deepest of emotion
A sacrifice is to surrender or give up, or permit injury
A disadvantage to, for the sake of something else.
To make this sacrifice we must be more than willing to
Give up all that is you and to surrender all of your defenses
To make yourself  vulnerable to the person that we love
Love is not a feeling
It is an effort put forward someone else to put ahead another
To place someone else ahead of you
No matter what
True love is to allow your own heart to be broken
All in the sake of protecting the heart of the one we love
Think about it
Once you let me love you
You will have my love forever
I will always make that sacrifice for you.
Because I love you.
Mar 2014 · 201
Just Get In His Way
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Sedated again but you can't see
How numb I've become  but set free
I don't want to care or feel anymore
But deep in my heart it's you I adore

I set here and feel totally numb
Not really knowing what I've become
Drinking so much I'm wasting away
But it's become something I do everyday

Don't want you to see what I'm reduced to
Three sheets to the wind and all over you
Trying to **** the love that I feel
Consumed so mush ***** it's hard to conceal

I just can't forget the way that I feel
The pain that I'm feeling it's more than real
I would ask God's help by trying to pray
Don't need to ask I'll just get in his way
Mar 2014 · 240
Love Never Ends
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Broken and beaten left for dead
I'm hanging on by a few old threads
Like a death row inmate a sure sight to see
Nobody really cares about me

Such a great guy with a lonely heart
The love of a woman has it falling apart
She can not love me but wants to be friends
She don't understand my love never ends
Mar 2014 · 313
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Outside the rain falls dark and slow
Now your gone there's nowhere left for me to go
So I walk the rain chilled and wringing -wet
These memories of you are so hard to forget

Dripping and numb I walk in silence
Lost in your love now without guidance
Heavy the rain tell me where do I start
What do I do I'm falling apart

Shivering rain it runs down my spine
And all I can think is when you were mine
Wet at the seems that are coming apart
I cry like the rain cause your still in my heart

Now in the rain and full of indecision
I'm drinking so much now double vision
I'm wet and I'm cold now what do I do
Its plain to see I will grow old but not with you
Mar 2014 · 200
Tears In The Rain
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Can you see my tears in the rain
A gentle shower releasing my pain
Fall from my eyes like on a summer night
A steady down pour until the first light

Can you see my tears in the rain
With parts of my love are what they contain
Warm and wet they run down my face
Without your love I'm so out of place

Can you see my tears in the rain
In my heart you will always remain
My affection for you will always be true
If your not in my life what am I to do

Can you see my tears in the rain
Trying to hide them along with the pain
And can you see that I still care for you
So I stand in the rain what more can I do
Mar 2014 · 242
Dreams Of You
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
I see you dancing in my dreams
The Angel that you are
Your beauty is so extreme
So bright like a blazing star

You glide along in my mind
Your beauty so breath taking
I run for you but I fall behind
For you my heart is  aching

Nothing can be better than these dreams
Your mental picture does not escape me
You smile and I fall apart at the seems
Under your magic I can not break free

I can't escape the vivid dreams of you
And I do not wish to break free
All these dreams  I have of you
I will be your constant devotee
Mar 2014 · 235
It's True
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
You know it's true
These feelings I have for you
I know it's true
Your heart can not pursue

You know it's true
That it's not easy for me
I know it's true
That's the way it will be

You know it's true
I want to make love to you
I know it's true
I will never get to
Mar 2014 · 448
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Every now and then when I look at you
Your beauty still catches me off guard
Pure seduction in your eyes and smile
I try to hold in my feelings but it's hard

Absolutely helpless when I look at your hair
As my heart beats much faster
Please forgive me but I can't help but stare
Hiding these feelings I wish I could master

I still hold that candle and it burns for you
My heart leaps from my chest
And all of this is true
To hold you in my arms is my only request
Mar 2014 · 690
The Way I Want It To Be
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
It's the sweet smell of your hair
The sound of your voice
I would grow old with you
If I was given the choice

It's the touch of your hand
The look in your eyes
Hold hands on a blanket
And watch the stars in the sky

The smile on your face
Your comforting laugh
Woman I love all of you
I wouldn't settle for half

This is just one small part
Of all the things that I see
You've gone straight to my heart
The way I want it to be.
Mar 2014 · 269
Another Day Goes By
Dennis Bielanski Mar 2014
Lost in time
And lost in thought
How did I forget
The things  I was taught

Life seems like a game
Filled with enormous pain
And it cuts like a knife
As it all seems the same

Day in and day out
My mind is so troubled
I pray on my knees
Cause my life is in rubble

Theses tears that I've shed
From my heart that has bled
My blood it does trickle
But nothing is said

So I set here tonight
This needs to be right
But sure enough said
I'd be better off dead
Feb 2014 · 220
Just Start Sleeping
Dennis Bielanski Feb 2014
I can't hold you in my arms
But in this bed I hold you in my dreams
Late at night I need your charms
But there not there or so it seems

Every night I hold you
I hold you in my dreams
You dance through my window
On star light and moon beams

I keep going back for you
This dream is a sweet dream
And its a quiet night
I hear you say it will be all right

In the morning I wake up and worry
What's gonna happen to me
As I clime from these sheets
And start walking these streets
Your all I happen to see

Now there's not a trace
Of your beautiful face
And I see it slipping away
And again it's a quiet night
It will be alright
If I could just start sleeping.
Feb 2014 · 900
Let You Walk Away
Dennis Bielanski Feb 2014
There's a spark in your eye
Its not meant for me
But you still have my heart
I'm a love amputee

I'm at the end of my wits
Don't want you to see
Now what I hold on to
Are just memories

I took the good with the bad
Now you've walked away
With theses tears in my eyes
I won't beg you to stay

I don't know where to go
Don't know what to do
Set here with the bottle
And drink over you

But if I love you as much
As much as I say
I'll stop all my fighting
And let you walk away.
Feb 2014 · 290
I Continue To Drink
Dennis Bielanski Feb 2014
There is a chill in the air
The cold wind on my neck
I been drinking so much
I'm a physical wreck .

I stumble then fall
Roll around on the ground
I'm still looking for hope
But theres none to be found.

I continue to drink
And I call out your name
I pray that you'll come
And ease all my pain.

Knowing three words
Would dry all my tears
The touch of your hand
Would take away all of my fears.

I continue to drink
As the cold wind still blows
What happened to me
Nobody knows.
Feb 2014 · 241
Settle For Friends
Dennis Bielanski Feb 2014
We are just friends
And we both know
That's as far as it will ever go

But my heart
It does cry for you
Hold in the emotions
Is all I can do

I want so much more
Than you can give to me
I want you pain you see
And your laughter its more than physical
It's your heart that I'm after

But if I love you
Like I know that I do
Don't want it to end
So I'll settle for friends
Feb 2014 · 427
Dennis Bielanski Feb 2014
All this drinkin I am doing
Won't make your memory fade away
I've drowned myself in Kentucky Wiskey
My thoughts and feelings in disarray

This heart of mine has fell to pieces
A million shards laying on the ground
No doctor in this world could put it back together
So drinkin is the only hope for me in town

Every night I try to fall asleep cryin
But I'll just pass out again
I want to wake up with no lack of tryin
But I'll just come too again
I've played this game of love before
But your the one that I fell for
Now I'm drinkin with a broken heart

My friends say that I need to be careful
Cause I'm drinkin way to much
I'm head over heals *** over tin cups
Over you but clearly way out of touch

I have never drank like this before
But your the one that I fell for
Only wish that you could see
Now I'm drinkin with a broken heart

Every night I try to fall asleep cryin
But I'll just pass out again
I want to wake up with no lack of tryin
But I'll just come too again
I've played this game of love before
But your the one that I fell for
Now I'm drinkin with a broken heart
Feb 2014 · 312
Never Coming Back
Dennis Bielanski Feb 2014
It has been a while sense you left me
I still don't understand the reason why
He came for you and you left me
And all I wanna do is set here and cry

I remember the way that you loved me
You could take away all of my fears
The painful peaks and valley's
A look from you made them disappear

I know your not coming home
Its the same as yesterday
But I still walk the miles of headstones
To place my tears upon your grave
Feb 2014 · 281
One More Drink
Dennis Bielanski Feb 2014
Cold and damp
With a chill in the air
Lost walking the streets
Life doesn't seem fair

Shattered and broken
His hopes and his dreams
His once bright future  
Is not what it seems

He's been rained on road hard
Put away wet
Many miles of pain
He has not seen yet

Beaten up drug out
And left for dead
Only hanging on
By a few old threads

He needs one more drink
To get him through the night
What's happened to him
Just doesn't seem right

All of his life he's been a good man
Does the right thing when ever he can
Bad things happen to good people to
Just be glad it hasn't happened to you
Feb 2014 · 620
Mirror Mirror
Dennis Bielanski Feb 2014
I am looking in the mirror
And I can see
Someone I don't know
He's looking right back at me

Looking back in front of me
At the reflection I see
Of the unhappy figure
My God don't let it be me

His eyes are calloused
His face off color blue
A once confident man
He knows not what to do

His cold dark stare
Show he is worse for ware
His ghostly impression
Hoping he can make a connection

He is asking for help
With a tear in his eye  
He's ****** up his life
That's why he still cry's
Feb 2014 · 315
My Heart
Dennis Bielanski Feb 2014
There's a tear in my eye
And there's one in my heart
It's battered and bruised
And falling apart

This plague eats away
At my heart everyday
Wraped in barbed wire
It can't break away.

I try not to scream
But my heart has no breath
Choking and gasping
A full living death

That how it's felt
Sense I heard I lost you
Please tell me please tell me
What my heart is to do
Jan 2014 · 327
When My Time Is Done
Dennis Bielanski Jan 2014
When my time is done
Will there be anything left undone
And will I have left a mark
Before the day that I have to depart

When my time is done
Will they see the man I have become
Will they see inside my heart
And all that I have overcome

When my time is done
Will they see the bad things I tried to outrun
And all the even deeds that I have done
Will they see how much I tried
And when I failed how much I cried

When my time is done
Please burry me at sea
No need for a head stone
No one will remember me.
Jan 2014 · 413
Woman Of My Dreams
Dennis Bielanski Jan 2014
Woman you show me wonders
And you shake my mind
You live so free and easy
Want to be with you until the end of time

Your heart is wild as horses
Your life is flowing like a stream
And when I lay down at night
Your are running through my dreams

Your as sweet as honeysuckle
I can feel you in the wind when it blows
Can you feel my love for you as it starts to flow

And I’ll be there when the morning comes
To hold you by your hand
Your cornerstone to comfort you
To tell you I'm your man.
Jan 2014 · 441
Power Of Love
Dennis Bielanski Jan 2014
If you could see inside of me
My weakness for you is plain to see
My heart is as loud as a beating  drum
This devotion to you I can't escape from

The emotion for you runs through my veins
Passion and wildness are what they contain
Please look at my heart it's beating for you
Take hold of my hand and please pull me through

I'm in a trance and it's all cause of you
This affection for you do not misconstrue
The kiss of true love Snow White did look for
It's all waiting for you to knock on my door.
Jan 2014 · 307
How True Love Feels
Dennis Bielanski Jan 2014
I don't want to hold it all inside
My feelings for you I don't want to hide
I want to feel the warmth of your body
The touch of your skin
The beat of your heart again and again.

The voice in my blood is howling for you
Pulsating veins scream out
These emotions I'm having for you.

Caged like a wild animal
That fights to be free
Untamed and natural
As all true love should be.
Jan 2014 · 951
Through Thick And Thin
Dennis Bielanski Jan 2014
I'm here at the bar with all my friends
That's when she starts to text me again
Where are you...... and when are you coming home

I say I don't know and she can't see
What drinkin with the boys means to me
Looks like I'm sleeping on the couch......
Once again

Through thick and thin
They're my family
No stronger bond than there can be
Each one of them.....would die for me
It's something she will never figure out
When me and the boys get together again

Ever sence we were little boys
Sharing video games and other toys
And maybe even.... a woman or two
It's a sacred bond we all share
Nothing stronger you'll find anywhere
Looks like I'm sleeping on the couch
Once again

Through thick and thin
They're my family
No stronger bond than there can be
Each one of them......would die for me
It's something she will never figure out
When me and the boys get together again

The night is over and once again
The pillow on the couch is my best friend
Sober up.....I'll be in the big bed again
But tonight I'm on the couch
Once again

Through thick and thin
They're my family
No stronger bond than there can be
Each one of them......would die for me
It's something she will never figure out
When me and the boys get together again
Jan 2014 · 376
Goodbye On A Note Pad
Dennis Bielanski Jan 2014
I was born in a place
Where friends and family interlace
I am a good and honest man
Trying to live my life the best I can

But I can't walk away from what we had
Tell me how did it all go bad
The best of love I gave to you
Goodbye on a note pad I came home to

Goodbye goodbye
It was written there plain to see
In red ink you said goodbye to me

I have known many women
Maybe even loved a few
But I never love any woman
As much as I love you

And I came home to see

Goodbye goodbye
It was written there plan to see
Right there on a note pad
You said goodbye to me
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Holding On
Dennis Bielanski Dec 2013
All thought the night
The stars and the moon are so bright
My feelings are hard to constrain
But I stand here alone with my pain

Now here I stand
The cold bitter wind on my hands
But I got a firm grip understand
These feelings for you were not planed

Holding on
To these feelings for you
Holding on
Not sure what to do
Holding on
And it's not fair to you
Holding on

Now comes the dawn
A golden blue sky coming on
The warmth on my face I can feel
Please tell me this pain is not real

And in my heart
These feelings for you I impart
And the tears I don't want them to start
Cause that's when it all falls apart

Holding on
To these feelings for you
Holding on
Not sure what to do
Holding on
And it's not fair to you
Holding on
Dec 2013 · 328
Sun Set
Dennis Bielanski Dec 2013
Like water through your hands
Through your fingers like desert sands
It all just slipped right threw
It had to happen I always knew.

Something  that could never be
Love for her still burns in me
And I won't stop her
From walking away you see

Free to go her own way
Now my heart is a castaway
Stranded here for ever more
Like so many times before

You can walk away
But you will never forget
You will see my love for you
In every beautiful sunset
Dec 2013 · 413
She's All I See
Dennis Bielanski Dec 2013
She knows as she walks by me
That she's all I see
Now there's  an empty stare
She's looking worse for ware

As she turns to me
Again she's all I see
Now she speaks in tongues
Her words they come undone

She walks away from me
You know she's all I see
I have to say it straight
She's in a fragile state

I want her to come to me
Because she's all I see
But she's lost in the dark
She's got a heavy heart

Now she's leaving me
But still she's all I see
All I can do
Is hope she makes it through
Dec 2013 · 873
Old Country Store
Dennis Bielanski Dec 2013
There's a small country store
With an old wooden floor
There's an Old Man inside
With a smile he can't  hide

In that same country store
I'll buy some flowers for sure
There for my Angel Face
She's got a smile I can't ignore

As I walk out the door
Of that little country store
With red and yellow roses
They say friend I love you

You can't see
How much you mean to me
But I know I got a life time
In which to show you
Dec 2013 · 356
Even Before
Dennis Bielanski Dec 2013
Even before I wake
My mind anticipates the shake
Even before I am out of bed
My hand shakes like I said

Even before I am on the go
The shake follows don't you know
Even before I am out the door
Here comes the shake I can ignore

Even before the Meds kick in
I can't stop the shake from within
Even before you ask why
I have Parkinson's don't give me the eye
Dec 2013 · 336
If Your Going To Be With Me
Dennis Bielanski Dec 2013
Woman your are my Angel
The apple of my eye
But you belong to someone else
Now all I do is cry

I want to hold you in my arms
Make love to you soft and sweet
Give you all I got to give
Make you feel complete

Hand and hand I'll walk with you
To have all your love would be a thrill
If your going to be with me
It would have to be Gods will.
Nov 2013 · 593
Do It Again
Dennis Bielanski Nov 2013
Woke up this morning
With an empty bottle of Patron
Three pairs of *******
What went on is truly unknown

Music is still playing
The fridge has got Champagne
Brunet, Blond, and Red Head
Let's do it all again

Let's go skinny dippin in the moon light
With three girls that's  alright
Nothing could be more right
To party like we did last night

Let's do it all over again
Play strip poker till no one wins
Drink Sam Adams naked
This is to fun not to do it again.
Nov 2013 · 322
Dennis Bielanski Nov 2013
I will never have to explain why
All you need to do is try
Look inside my heart
You will see the tears I cry
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