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1.5k · Dec 2014
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Oneness writes the "play" of Life;
Every script, every role, every line.
Oneness is the producer.
All costumes are its design.
All stages are built by Oneness,
The props and the intricate sets.
Oneness does all of the casting
For the "roles" that Consciousness gets.
Oneness is all of the actors
And That which is "viewing" the show.
Oneness is both, knowledge of Truth
And That which pretends not to know.
1.5k · Dec 2014
Limerick- Demon Alcohol
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
I drink and I drink until plastered.
For drinking is one art I've mastered.
It takes all my dough
To stay this drunk though,
So buy me a drink you cheap *******.
1.1k · Dec 2014
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Oh porcupine, you look so fine,
With all those barbs wrapped round your spine.
If some ******, bit you real hard,
They'd find out that you need no guard.
And I can see that *** would be,
Always with you done carefully.
No worry you, one thing is true,
You won't be in some petting zoo.
You'd be the most if I'm the host,
Please come to my marshmallow roast.
1.0k · Dec 2014
Flap Trap Rap
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
For pity's sake
Give me a break
I can still fake
Being awake
What can I take
Things I can't shake

I've had my fill
I will just chill
Get a new thrill
Okay I will
Can't pay the bill
Here I am still

Playing the game
Living my name
Nothing too tame
Feeling no shame
Placing no blame
This is what came

Part of the play
Hear what I say
Or go away
No, you can stay
At least today
Things are okay

Connect this dot
Less cold seems hot
"We'll see" means not
Nothing I've got
Matters a lot
I've lost the plot

I cannot feel
This is all real
Need a new deal
Turns of the wheel
Layers to peel
Harder than steel

Changing the view
What can one do
Play peek-a-boo
With that called you
Now's always new
I think I'm through
680 · Dec 2014
An Ode To Ego
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Just go away is what I say
To you right now and everyday.
I know you only want the best,
But just for you and not the rest.
Oh ego can't you stop and see
You're no part of Reality.

No matter how real my life dream may seem,
The only truth is that it's a real dream.
The scariest part that you might find true
Is what's so for me, is also for you.
What's Real dreams the life, ego calls its own.
Ego's a short term Reality loan.
671 · Dec 2014
Social Interactions
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Concerning social interactions,
I've concluded after thinking,
They call such things relation"ships",
Because they're always sinking.
596 · Dec 2014
Voices From The Deep
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Man ate from the sea for all history,
But now has developed technology.
Huge nets are dragged through miles of sea space,
Removing faster than Life can replace.
And what is with all these small plastic bits?
Giving sea life heavy digestive hits.
Radioactive you dump in the sea,
As bad if not worse than your mercury.
Oil spills and dead zones of phosphates and ****,
Trash and bad chemicals top off the goop.
This question arises from all in the deep,
Would you dump this stuff where you eat and sleep?
We don't understand, do you need a clue?
If you will eat us, you'll eat what we do.
569 · Dec 2014
Limerick- Why A Virgin?
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
The volcano began to spout
And the natives began to shout,
"Throw a ****** in
To stop it again."
(And we won't lose a girl who puts out.)
473 · Dec 2014
Excused Absence
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
I cannot go to school today.
There simply is not any way.
I'm sweating and my throat is sore.
My breathing has become a chore.
I think my backside has a rash
And to the bathroom I must dash.
My ankle's sprained, I cannot walk.
My throat's inflamed, I cannot talk.
Some twitching makes my left leg ****.
I might have cramps, my arms don't work.
I might have mumps or maybe flu.
I might be sick with something new.
My head feels like it's gonna split.
I really need to rest a bit.
I have no strength inside my knees.
I may have some unknown disease.
Call the doctor, have him hurry,
All I see is getting blurry.
Believe me please, it is no joke.
I think my elbow might be broke.
I have a very runny nose
And there is gunk between my toes.
My temperature is way too high
And there is something in my eye.
Do not make me get up for school.
The way I feel it would be cruel.
If I can't rest, I might just die
And school would be the reason why.

What's that you say?  It snowed last night?
And all the schools are locked up tight?
No school today because of snow?
Out of my way, I have to go!
Where is my coat?  Where is my sled?
I don't feel sick, I'm well instead.
I've had a most amazing cure
And one thing that I know for sure,
If there's not any school today
I need to go outside and play.
441 · Dec 2014
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Battered buildings sag together,
Twisted trees now show their roots.
Shards of glass crunch so harshly
Underneath the troopers' boots.

Death at last has drifted onward
To bless some other cursed land.
People see the foolish practice
Of building homes upon the sand.

Scratches mar the shiny surface
Of the lives that people knew.
Temporal things are ripped asunder.
All that's left is what is True.

Churches overflow with living,
While the cemeteries grow.
Shock subsides as insight heightens,
So men may learn what angels know.
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
I went to the john like I usually do
And shortly thereafter my girlfriend went too.
"When you're done put it down!"
She screamed with a frown,
But that seat's never up when she's through.
412 · Dec 2014
By The Klamath River
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
The big river flows, although it looks still.
Water always goes, where all water will.
Back to the ocean and up to the sky,
Always in motion, no need to ask why.
Water vapor flies, up, up and away,
As clouds in the sky but they never stay.
The sun always wins, gray skies become blue.
The cycle begins, it's always anew.
We're zooming through space, approaching light speeds,
Yet staying in place, to watch our own deeds.
Focus where you choose, but here is the twist,
You can't really lose, as you don't exist.
Awareness is all, no matter what's made.
Beliefs are the wall that makes us afraid.
One Source for all things, then nothing is done.
Enjoy what that brings, to be only One.
408 · Jan 2015
Cast Carefully
Dennis Alston Jan 2015
Some biased men might listen well
To what some wise men have to tell.
But secretly the tales are changed
As concepts are all rearranged.
Translations get so out of hand
Confined to what they understand.
The listeners will make it fit
As they alter it quite a bit.
All that such people can perceive
Must mesh with what they now believe.
It confirms the advice divine,
Don’t cast the pearls before the swine.
It does not mean you should not cast,
But look for those among the vast.
Remember there is still the few
Who love the pearls as much as you.
404 · Dec 2014
Limerick- Exit, Stage Left
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Some people bring joy when they stay
Others bring joy come what may,
But I'm one of those,
At least I suppose,
Who brings joy when I go away.
401 · Feb 2015
Dennis Alston Feb 2015
Maybe this or maybe that
Maybe’s never where It’s at.

Maybe soon or maybe late
Maybe sometime would be great.

Maybe when or maybe then
Maybe I will never win.

Maybe so or maybe not
Maybe seems like all I’ve got.

Maybe gone or maybe here
Maybe something that I fear.

Maybe found or maybe lost
Maybe has too great a cost.

Maybe not or maybe so,
Maybe I will never know.

Maybe life or maybe death
Maybe after my last breath.

Maybe peace or maybe hell
Maybe won’t be there to tell.
394 · Dec 2014
The Bible Says...
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
If the first shall be last
And the last shall be first,
Being either of those
Is the absolute worst.

For when the switch comes
They will have to go far,
Based on how close to
The ends that they are.

The closer to middle
The less it would take
To move somewhere else,
For the line to remake.

The greatest secret
Of Life's holy game,
Is the ones in the middle
Won't know a switch came.
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
All that is present, at least what we see,
Is just a small part of infinity.

We live out our lives like scenes in a play,
But the audience too has lines to say.

If others determine what you will do,
Then you aren't in charge of what you call "you".

It is all one show, though massive it's true,
But all of it's made by them, me and you.

What are you thinking of the very most?
For you that subject is your Holy Ghost.

Focus your energy on what you choose,
But love all the light, not just certain hues.

Quiet your mind so you can clearly hear.
What you're afraid of is losing your fear.

Pretend what you will and live as you feel,
Yet ask to be shown what is truly Real.

Your needs alone determine your task.
The answer is in the questions you ask.

We are all One or we would not be here.
The Truth is within, not far but so near.
347 · Dec 2014
Doing The Best That I Can
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
In illusion my thoughts abide
If from my True Self I do hide.
And all the things I've ever tried
Have never really satisfied.

I want to know why I was made
And why do good things always fade?
How far from Truth's path have I strayed
And to What have I often prayed?

What lessons have I still not faced?
On what thoughts are my sorrows based?
To what end do I make such haste?
Why on this earth have I been placed?

Truth always has the brightest rays
But ego shades with dreamy haze.
I want to make it through life's maze.
What is it that sees all the ways?

The answer must be something more
Than anything I've known before.
How do I open up that door
Between the silence and the roar?

Be still and see that all things clear.
All that I think is what I fear.
Each present moment is so dear.
I love what Life teaches me  here.
339 · Dec 2014
Just Asking
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Give me a long time to waste.
Give me a long time to think.
Give me some good food to taste.
Give me some good beer to drink.
Give me some good **** to smoke.
Give me a lady to squeeze.
Give me a good ***** joke.
Give me it all if you please.
Give me a hot car to drive.
Give me some good drugs to take.
I'm feeling like I'm alive.
I hope this is no mistake.
Give me the ability
To see my True Self anew.
I ask this most sincerely,
For asking is all I do.
328 · Dec 2014
If Only
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
If only I'd taken more drugs in my youth,
Maybe social fibs would seem less like truth.
I might care less about things that I've got
If only I'd smoked just a little more ***.
Would my mental state cease being tested
If only more mushrooms had been ingested?
My ego now might not be so finely honed
If only I'd spent a lot more time ******.
This world might not seem so sorry today
If I'd spent more time just blazing away.
I dislike the world with commercial lies,
If only my drugs had been super-sized.
Don't break the law because that can be tough,
But it you do drugs, then please take enough.
Don't want your concepts to be exploded,
But you can't know straight without knowing loaded.
Cultural values might seem less uncouth,
If only I'd taken more drugs in my youth.
299 · Dec 2014
Who? Me?
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Afraid of the future, tired of the past,
Looking for something that somehow will last.
Searching for something, but not sure what's sought,
I'm trying to catch what cannot be caught.
I'm wanting so hard to finally see
Why is creation still torturing me?
Why won't it comply with what I'm choosing?
How can I win when I'm always losing?
Way beyond the words, the thoughts, and the mind,
What is this rare thing that I cannot find?
Hopelessly seeking, although knowing well
My chances are like that snowball in hell.
Scanning all others to see if they know,
No destination but wanting to go.
Pretending to stop while still on the move,
I'm claiming free will while stuck in a groove.
Denying all of the strategies used,
Self blaming answers are always refused.
Who am I to say that God's dream is wrong?
Why is illusion so seemingly strong?
Where is the top of this long tiring climb?
Just when can I drop the concept of time?
What is the purpose of sadness and grief?
And where can I find some needed relief?
What is that thing that's referred to as bliss?
And just who the heck is asking all this?
284 · Dec 2014
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Rain longs to be snow.

Snow yearns to return to rain.

Both settle for slush.
282 · Dec 2014
More And More
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
As you see more and more, you begin to realize that
there is more than can be seen.

As you do more and more, you begin to realize that
there is more than can be done.

As you think more and more, you begin to realize that
there is more than can be thought.

As you say more and more, you begin to realize that
there is more than can be said.

As you touch more and more, you begin to realize that
there is more than can be touched.

As you make more and more, you begin to realize that
there is more than can be made.

As you love more and more, you begin to realize that
there is only Love.
277 · Dec 2014
Right Now
Dennis Alston Dec 2014
Right now is never ending
Because when it is done,
Surprise of all surprises,
It is once more begun.

Because it never ceases,
And never goes away,
The precious present moment
Is where Love tends to stay.

We review our phony past
Based on how we saw it.
But we add, change, and forget
So we can redraw it.

The future's only fiction
Based on an altered past.
Is it any wonder then
Most memories don't last?

This present very moment
Is all that's really Real.
Live in the past or future,
And make up what you feel.

— The End —