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Mar 2012 · 616
Denise M Vazquez Mar 2012
Too high I came to you

Tried to relay that I needed you

I was losing myself and

I couldn't understand that you were

Not actually a part of me

I was sure that where my fingers ended

Yours began and that we were


But you walked away not realizing

I was spinning. Leaving me to fend off

The feeling of standing in the eye of the

Storm. You were standing out of its reach.

Out of my reach.

So I poured cement on my feet

To keep me routed to the spot

Where I realized that

You are my gravity.
Feb 2012 · 839
Denise M Vazquez Feb 2012
my thoughts stray to him
the smile on my lips comes unbidden
his confidence sends me on a loop
hes a man and won't let me forget it

usually all it takes is a look, a smile, a wink
to ****** most men. but here he comes in
ruffling my feathers and now i'm
daydreaming, night fiending, hes got me convinced
that his touch is air and i want to take deep breaths

his demeanor, his attitude, his style
has got me foolish, giggling to myself
attraction set to high, tension set to explode
he promised i'd lose feeling in my toes

i am proud and competitive
but this is a different kind of game
so i enjoy being putty to his demands
the way he pins down my hands

gentle caresses have their place
butterfly kisses and sweet embrace
but theres a fire starting in me
that has forceful needs
hands that move with confidence
teeth leaving small indents

and with my consent he will have me
at that moment ravish me

not like a flower, that would wilt
a doll that could break, or a peach that might bruise
he knows i am not made of porcelain
i do not have glass skin.

so with rough hands and harder hips
until incoherencies leave my lips
his masculine control lets me be free
to love the joining of us

i was physically created to receive
and he is not afraid to give
me all and more than i can take
he ignites the flames and all that i know
all that i feel
all that i breathe
all i can think is fire
Feb 2012 · 2.1k
Denise M Vazquez Feb 2012
I am tired of building sandcastles; pouring heart and soul into time spent together with the enthusiasm that comes with newfound infatuation. Building relationships like sandcastles, artfully crafted with a mixture of chemistry and compassion to form beautiful and wondrous things alive with imagination with the hope that one day the proper name for it will be that elusive and all-inclusive word "love." I spend that time in a strange mixture of hard work and yet effortless way things fall together, and each castle is as different, unique, and beautiful in its own right as the next. But time spent as Queen with my King companion is shortlived. The tide sweeps in and away, and the castle crumbles and in time there is not a trace of the hallowed halls that once were the home to invested emotion. Sometimes I am left with the nagging doubt whether the castle was ever even there. Sure i remember my hands in the sand, my hand in his hand, the towers in the sky, the look in his eye. But with no evidence, no trace I begin to think it may all have been a lovely and then depressing dream. The sand lays at rest for a time but then it begins again, because I have love to give and love to share and I see the potential in the next prince to build a castle greater than the last, forgetting all about the ruins that have been swept away by that sea. No I'm tired of these sandcastles, as exhilarating and breathtaking as the adventure into architecture is... I think I'm ready for a house made of stone, I want to build a place love can find a solid home.
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
floating breeze
Denise M Vazquez Feb 2012
hop skip and away
i'm flying today
feather in the air
i'm lighter, spark, fire
dare me to stay
but i just can't wait
i want to take to the skies
and see what i can find

hold on tight if you're in for the ride
want to see the whole world
see every fountain, river, mountain
lets explore open doors
step through find something new
no fear, any scrape or bruise
is an opportunity to grow
what do you say?
the only thing that could make this better
is if we're in this together
but i won't wait its now or never
you shouldn't have to think
so in a blink adios, te recordare!

so i take to the skies floating breeze
i want to be surprised at the colors
of the fish in the sea, and take a second
to see if there really is that many
or do i need to go fishing right now?
don't think i could stop if i tried
cause a fishy in the sea can
hook line and sinker this heart
if and when they're ready to sprout wings and
take to the skies floating breeze
sail overdrafts with me
jungles of Brazil to the city of Pair-ee

i've a heart meant for dancing,
beaches, culture, romancing
try anything once, most things twice
food, trees, and drinks are my vices
music is my ******* but it keeps me sane
so we just won't consider that a con
cause i'm pro-grammed hardwired
to move my feet to the beat of life
it may skip and shuffle sometimes
but thats the spice to the sugar
cause everything nice gave Jane a dull life

taking to the skies floating breeze
stop for a game of futbol no referees
play til sundown lay on the ground
catch my breath take a rest
open my eyes to watch the stars
turn the sky into my own lightshow
no cover charge
i want to see if they're in reach
so i take to the skies floating breeze
every different tree a different melody

now you're ready to explore with me?
consider yourself lucky i can recognize harmony
lets come together and find our rhythm
we make a beautiful song
Feb 2012 · 2.1k
Brain Spill
Denise M Vazquez Feb 2012
tired of hearing "potential" in reference to me
cause i only hear it when i'm being squeezed
into a box by those who think they know whats best for me
its a wonder i haven't gone ****** from all the pressure
writer, lawyer, realtor, travel agent, hair dresser
i don't know yet, i don't know! yes i do want better
but how am i supposed to plan a career when
i can't see as far as my hand in front of me

i love everything! how am i supposed to pick one passion?
is my passion divided among a hundred interests lesser in value
than someones passion focused on one point?
i can't help but think so. and it discourages me even more

and its not just a career, job, and school
pulled in all different direction i'm everybodys fool
i  have to be a different me for just about every person i see
selecting aspects of my personality to fit the scene
its not fake its not phony. its reality.

i have friends in all circles, family in a whole separate ring
i can't share all the aspects of me or i'd spend my time
defending my thoughts, beliefs, and interests.
i am so tolerant, why can't people afford me the same luxury?

the worst thing is the fake smile and polite subject change
whenever a parent of a friend asks what i've been up to
when i can SEE it in their eyes, they are all thinking the same
that i've thrown my life away, that i'm not a good influence
anymore. nevermind that they've known me for years,
that i've set dinner tables with them, celebrated birthdays,
and survived puberty alongside their kid, my best friends.
all they can see is another college-dropout who is going nowhere fast

i lied... the worst thing. what hurts most is that they are right
i AM going nowhere fast and it kills me everyday.
and its more salt right in the wound that i know my parents
have the same conversations when they run into neighbors,
friends, family, and the "how are the kids" comes up
how did a 3.7 G.P.A. and a 1410 S.A.T. turn into a
20 year old with a P.O. and a record.
i know they love me all the same but i can't help but feel ashamed
i know they wanted, i know they expected... better

i've been decorating the same mistakes in different frames
so i can pretend they're not the same
but who's the fool when its you fooling you
and me hurting me by playing fast and loose
with common sense

— The End —