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863 · Sep 2014
Delilah I Causin Sep 2014

Heart's  weary no longer,
Life's treasures glitter,
friends are here
like gems, forever,
they linger.

Delilah Causin, Feb, 2013
715 · Jan 2015
My Bunny Rabbit
Delilah I Causin Jan 2015
My Bunny Rabbit

Adorable furry bunny
little rascal and very funny
he'd twitch, wiggle his nose
nibble on and then a pose
hop, hop and scamper
like desperate thumper
as was his antic and habit
my lovable gentle rabbit.

Cute as in caricature
sadly for this tiny creature
could'nt make it to Easter
with outstretched right ear
cold lifeless he lay
my little bunny died today.

  Delilah, January 21, 2015
703 · Feb 2015
Lament For The Fallen 44
Delilah I Causin Feb 2015
Tribute To The  Fallen SAF

Woe to troops of bemedalled cops
Ill fated elite forces, they were the tops
Uniformed men, well trained and bright
Braved the stillness of the cold night
Sneaked through the forests deep
While rebels dozed off to sleep.

Heroic mission to the jaws of death
Men unfazed went in glorious treat
Walked straight to the enemies' lair
Before the break of first dawn flare
Under cover of the pitch dark night
Unbroken, unyielding, all set to fight.

Two terrorists to neutralize or slew
Anti terror raid ordered to push through
Gallant men unswerving in their pursuit
Display of valor, in dispute be resolute
Onward with brevity,victory almost at hand
Foes' enclaves were quietly overran.

Rebels alerted to sounds of gunfire
Drew up arms going haywire
In salacious and murderous frenzy,
Engaged the intruders in butchery
Moro rebels' treacherous cry
Avenge the terrorists slay try.

Valiant ones mercilessly felled by bullets
That ripped through their souls and bodies
Eyes stared up the skies to God be plead
Last dying wish be home with beloved
Heroes' blood splattered on the ground
Pain and death in glory were in rebound.

Silence pervaded the blood bathed marshland
Their sacrifice to nourish dear motherland
Woe to the gallant men who fought and died
Gave up their lives in the name of peace and pride
Woe to a people who revere, sorrow they cannot hide.

Woe to a nation that grieves over its fallen men.

                                                 Delilah Causin, Feb 3, 2015
612 · Mar 2015
Would You Love Me ?
Delilah I Causin Mar 2015
Would You Love Me

When I've grown frail and old
my back bent, listed and bowed
and could no longer clasp nor hold
the hand once strong and bold ?

When memory at length fails
faded photos, only keepsakes
for all that we dare and bare
would you love me still and care ?

Would you touch this face
as you used to in my gaze
caress my cheeks so tender
all lines and creases age render ?

Or gently trace with your fingertips
so lovingly the once soft pink lips
wipe and kiss tears, doubts away
assuage so sweetly that fears allay.

Would you linger and be there
Till the last drop of hail and rain
even after dying trees have gone bare
and all lands turn dry and stale ?

Would love thrive, not be doomed
in this sullen world, after flowers bloomed
green grasses grown under the insolent moon
over the spot of my earthly womb ?

This love professed in eternal bond
to the ends of time and beyond
no greater emotion can rival love
ne’er time nor space, than love itself.

Delilah Causin,  March 8, 2015
Delilah I Causin Sep 2014
Waves slammed strong and furious
afternoon sun in a curious
cover of orange glows
against ferocious wind blows
as I basked in the velvety shore
in high spirits heretofore.

My toes digging into the sand
as I listen to the rustles inland
sounds of troubled waters
downed muffled cries and whimpers
oh do not feign penitent
this tryst is dampened by cruel intent.

Smell of fave exotic tropical fruit
stench of loss, on you I cannot impute
as tears welled in my eyes
these sad hellos and goodbyes
against ebony skies and late afternoon rays
Oh, the sting and pain of parting ways !

        Delilah, August, 2013
562 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021

Fleeting flashes of tiny lamp lights
Minute lanterns white and bright
Countless stars in the skies
beautiful sights last eons of time
over the celestial and temporal,
God's creations but ephemeral

A shy violet and fragile red rose
To while away the woes
lovelies in the bright summer
flowers blush then quickly wither
in sunless garden, their scent
like beauty is evanescent.

Between vast skies and deep seas
dreams, visions and fancies abate
lay waste then recklessly dissipate
on brevity of nights and days
elemental will endures and stays.

Time is not measured in numbers
Secrets kept in heart chambers
And of the soul withal
live, outlast the ephemeral.

Delilah I. Causin
November 23, 2015
522 · Jun 2015
Delilah I Causin Jun 2015

Skies changing color tones
soft silhouette of her immortal form
celestial sister to the sun awakens
gracefully glides across the horizons
lift the fog and mists from mind and sight
with the first morning beams of light.

At her beauty and steady radiance
against the dazzling brilliance
all the stars charmed and enthralled
the world in marvel onerously held
to the Goddess, a pen to describe
at dawn, a poem thus inscribed.

JUNE 22, 2015
488 · Sep 2014
Birds of Candaba
Delilah I Causin Sep 2014
The Birds of Candaba

Hail ! Migrant birds,
hordes of feathery forms
in colorful hues !
Airborne gentle creatures
lured by munificent swamps
the wet lands of Candaba.

The  heavenly skies
deltas and marshes on the main
are but their vast domain
amidst hazy clouds, azure
our views obscure
In broad daylight
what great flight,
soaring to great heights
like spirits they glide.

Broad wings in full span
the flocks take plunge,
down in a dash
poor fishes in splash
preys pitifully borne away.
what plentiful howls
feasts for waterfowls
in the marsh .

The admirable preciseness,
one sweep in a hiss
birds glide high anew
wings flutter at will
their very sinews
flying in unstoppable drill
what tireless pursuits
their fragile frames house
the predators‘ indomitable spirit.

               By  Delilah  Causin , August, 2012
480 · Jan 2015
The Path
Delilah I Causin Jan 2015

A place I gaze upon through the mist haze
Ludicrous crisscrossing paths in confusing maze
Instinctively I choose the path that be
It leads somewhere unbeknownst to me.

Path strewn with heaps of dried petals and leaves
Long stretch of road with loops and endless curves
Sturdy old woody trees line along the sides
Graceful swaying of the boughs and rides.

Under a canopy of woodland trees in threads
My feet readily tread on the path ahead
I stride along silent streams and brooks
Scenic as in covers of children's story books.

Currents like life's perilous journey in tow
Streaming down below in eternal flow
Vast sloping hills yon, over valleys and dales
Against their backdrop the green forest veils.

Difficult tiny steps at the crossroads
On my way through the shadowy woods
Skies above clear and bright not be outdone
Wisps of cottony clouds congruent with the sun.

Sun thereat illuminates the path in every bend
Thence the Maker to meet at the road's end
Takes me where my spirit yearns to roam
Him, The Path to my eternal Home.

431 · Sep 2014
Delilah I Causin Sep 2014
My Scar

This narrow trench
with dark ragged edges  
on the dermis in my forehead
is an ugly furrow
plowed into a burrow.

'Tis but a minor injury
and has its own little story
on my delicate skin
is a lingering rent
pathogen's might
and audacity to gnaw and lyze
leaving this visible scar.

Past emotional wounds
that maim the spirit
leave nary a physical mark
but hide in our psyche
masked and entrenched
even trapped to the very depths.

Scars are collagen fibers
healed tissues but never gone
indelible scars that disfigure
are etched forever
emotional scars when tended well
would heal and fade just as well.

by Delilah Causin,  June 7, 2014
406 · Sep 2014
Delilah I Causin Sep 2014
Some dear love I had
he walked out on me, how sad
faded into the blur of night
forever got lost from my sight.

Oh, I could not conceal my woes
painfully he took away my hopes
incessantly I give way to weeping
years could not erase the beating
Soul is limp, heart is empty
Nothing ever consoles me.

Delilah Causin, 2011
216 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021

I prayed to God for worldly wealth
Asked Him for strength and good health
A sun to brighten my daily fare
so I can brave storms and violent gale.

I prayed to God for wisdom
and the gift of words and prose
I asked Him to give me a star
that sparkles from a far.

I wished for joy and pleasure
all the world's treasures
God gave me not gold
He gave me you, true and bold.

In God's wisdom , He chose the best
More radiant than the star and the rest
No gift on earth is greater nor better
Than the lifetime of love you aver.

194 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021
Poet's Muse

Vicious power she wields
seduced and dazed the poet yields
enamoured, willfully thus entangled
in the intricacies of her magical web
she is wicked and ruthless
and captivating nonetheless.

Beloved goddess of his dreams
subject of writers' praises and whims
sprung from the grounds of Helicon
immaculate as angel from heaven
her whisper enthralls, throws him
into hypnosis and deep chasm.

A fresh morning breeze blows
from whence life comes forth
sends echoes all over reverberating
she is as perplexing and beguiling
poet in tranquility is awakened
goads him on to ink and vent.

Lyrical verses are writ
her image of beauty and wit
the poet yearns and reveres
in poetry the Muse he immortalizes.

Delilah I. Causin, May 11, 2015
151 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021

A new dawn flare
Illuminating the flowers fair
morning dew drops brush
the petals pinkish blush,
robins sing out to the day
a fresh start is at bay.

Wondrous meadow in the realm
Yonder, brooks at the helm
Their turbulent gush
In endless to and fro rush
Day awash in boundless joys
Your tender touch so coy.

The skies above and over
Mantle of clouds hover
Sun’s orange glow
Warms the world below
Fiery spirit so bold
A sight to behold.

In the lushness of vegetation
Is a promise of new affection
Loved one’s word of comfort
Is life’s rhythmic retort
Beckoning of new spring
bodes of bounties it brings.

Against the darkening haze
Hither the trees sway as I gaze
Night birds hurry to hide
In the changing of the tides.
Like the wind’s gentle caress
Lover’s sweet profess.

“The end is near and high
This cold chilly night
In the morrow you and I
To a new dawn, begin “

Delilah, 2020-12-10
148 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021

A brightly colored bee
Flies and hovers over me
In dancing frenzy from the hives
Blithely it nosedives.

Lovely yellow stripes in fuzz
And the vexing buzz and buzz
Visits every flower bloom
***** sweet nectar in gaudy plume.

Little singing bee, to thee I plead
You have no place in my stead
I have neither nectar nor pollen
Begone sting me not or be fallen.

What message you intend to bring
I so dread your deadly sting !
Ah, gentle airborne drone
What you seek, I bemoan.

I know you mean no harm
Just hovering to keep warm.

Delilah Causin, Oct 23, 2014
140 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021

A fiery ball of light ablaze
horizon suffused with rays
light streaks in hues of yellow
day all alive and aglow.
At day's end, sun slips behind
mantles of dark clouds bind
in nature's glory it basks
the moon it meets at dusk.

Silvery moon, full and bright
ethereal goddess of the night
radiant in her serenity
oblivious of her immortality
lends her luminescence
to the starlit skies iridescent
in her lonesome, a beguiling light
against the dark spell of the night.

Through the night, she reigns
slowly the evening fades away
orb's disk of light a waning
at dawn's break, sun arising
Moon’s shy and mesmerizing gaze
wrapped in Sun’s fiery embrace.

To the one moon, he bids adieu
Sun kissed morning drops of dew
of every petal fresh and pale
oh, the endless rhymes and tale !

Delilah Causin
  October 14, 2016, July 10, 2021

127 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021

by Delilah Ignacio Causin

She paints from her dreams
draws nature and the sublime
verses she inks from her heart
deep in meaning; lofty in thought
her works transcend words with ease
the world is her canvas without surcease
at poetry's gate, weave picture ethereal
imagery dreamlike and surreal.

Man and boy housed in one soul
emotions and anguish cajole
his pen steeped in love and pain
exonerates even the mundane,
discovers joy in every torment
breathes metaphor in each tender moment
poetically gives of his heart and wit
cunning or devious,artfully in poems writ.

Two friends have I,
Whose hearts ache and souls revel
web of thousand words, images reveal
take voice from the imperceptible
myriad colors intangible
their flair for prose and poetry
driven by the real, muses and deity
two souls' perception of beauty and truth
duplicate my reflection and thought.

Delilah I. Causin,
Aug 16, 2015
To my Poetess painter friend, Minda Marie De La Serna and and poet friend Narciso
124 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021
Fiery orb of passion and grace
One quiet sultry day all ablaze,
Hot smoldering eaves
Winds and rustles of brown leaves
Sun shines on idyllic summer day
Above as canopies sizzle, lazily I lay
On bed of dry grass and hapless weeds
Under forest shade of dancing twigs.

Eyelids droop, in listless languor
Wherefore, thoughts wander
Clear skies, an enchanting sight
Much to everyone's delight
Suddenly a roar and dream to boot
Aestas with garland of summer fruits
Thundering sounds like horses’ hoofs
Rains pounding on the roofs.

Brewing storm against sweltering heat
Cool west wind, summer to beat
Flowers smile and heave a sigh
Raindrops dampen soils, the wrath of sky
As downpour prepares to depart
Rainbow arch, fleeces of clouds part
*** of gold, hope after treat of summer rain
Drains the heart of every earthly pain.

DELILAH, March 5, 2021
103 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021
Life lived in sheer solitude
a sanctuary unfettered
by deafening silence
this world is mine
for the taking
I am myself,
by myself,
I delight
in solitude;
quiet monotony
purifies and vivifies
a soul meandering thru
with rapture, intense pleasure
I am one in bliss with the Being
in solitude, can I be genuinely free.
       DELILAH CAUSIN,  APRIL 15, 2015
102 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021
Sweetest of Voices

A visit to my beloved folks' graveyard
the sweetest of voices I thought I heard
soft whispers escaping from the eaves
harmoniously with rustle of leaves.

Song filling the air in rhythmic beat
crooned thru summer’s scorching heat
every soul perchance is charmed
breathing life to the dying land.

Chirps of birds, heavenly and mellow
in handsome plume, sings the sparrow
Cacophony of sounds in thick summer breeze
halcyon day of May, atop sun kissed trees.

Angels and birds pull strings in harmony
Leaves and flowers dance in placid melody
through clumps of green grass and moss
their music eases grief from mortal loss.

Lofty creatures chant lullaby and play
Sweetest voices wipe our tears and woes away
They play and bask in sunshine bright
Keep watch over the dead, day and night.

Delilah, May 23, 2017
96 · Dec 2021
First Echo
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021
First Echo

Love awakens from long slumber
outburst of life within the womb
first quickening felt at dawn
between fire and water
cries, echoes, too deafening
a glimmer of light
joys in the aftermath
then a page is turned
a new story in the offing.

Jan 17, 2016
89 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021
Live On Borrowed Time

When on autumn sullen days and times
And life is not all what it seems
For all that we wouldst care
Through pains and strife, our souls impale.

Fleeting as the primrose’s scent
All else fades and wanes, I lament
Long I waited for summer bloom
Spring never came, was I doomed ?

A morning hawk flees her nest
Her young to feed, at night she rests
Saga of sun and moon unfolds
Darkness engulfs, daylight frowns.

Over vast hills and fields we toil
Kindness sown on sodden soil
Seeds strewn , grow and sprout
Leave indelible imprint on the ground.

Ink verses, rhyming words aflame
Of mountains I had known then claimed
Last autumn leaf falls to greet the dawn
Play is done, the final curtains drawn.

Heart yearns for a new morning
the last flicker of embers burning
Wrestling with day and night
I live on borrowed time.

Delilah Ignacio Causin
April 5, 2019
83 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021

A rainy Thursday evening
Smell of rain whets my being
Every drop washes the tears away
It makes me love in every way
Rain cleanses my heart of pain
Oh, I so love to feel the rain.

On rainy days flowers are a bloom
In the midst of dark and gloom
Thunder like whimper is a cry
Rain sings me a lullaby
As rain pours and kisses the earth
Life is drenched with hope and birth.

Drowned in your love on a rainy day
My beloved, pack all worries away
Come, dance with me in the rain.

Delilah  I. Causin
September 30, 2021
82 · Dec 2021
Delilah I Causin Dec 2021
A dainty rose
in bashful pose
lovely and demure
with fragrance pure
but armed with prickly thorns
Oh, beware its scorns !

Delilah, Dec 24, 2014

— The End —