I never knew how broken I was until you began fixing me.
A certain understanding of my flawed past
was all you needed to repair what those before you had left in ruins.
Your hands cradling my fragile heart,
while fingers trace every crack with care.
Your lips pouring unconditional affection into my deepest wounds,
while the rest of my body floods with unfamiliar emotion.
I never knew how silent I was until you wanted to hear me.
The manner in which your tongue pulls
uncomfortable conversation from my mouth is supernatural.
Your ears begging me to free my mind,
while your eyes show me that you deserve my innermost thoughts.
Your voice echoes promises I swear to keep,
while the barriers of communication fall to the ground where they belong.
I never knew how loved I could be until you started loving me.
Real love without expiration was a reality that I didn’t know existed.
You’ve taken each scar and you’ve kissed it.
Your skin all over mine longing to heal time,
while instant vulnerability slowly reassures our compatibility.
Your soul illuminates the rough roads in my body
while on a journey towards a place neither of us have traveled.
You walk along my construction zoned streets,
towards a new beginning,
in route to our forever,
while excavating new ways to love me, always.