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Del Maximo Dec 2024
thought he was weird
poor old guy
constantly throwing off
his sheets and blanket
pulling the cases off his pillow
would see him wiggling his feet
and moving his arms
as if reaching for something
as he laid in bed

because of my deafness
we never spoke
but I would see him talking
to the caregiver and nurses
he didn’t eat or drink much
a little eerie at first
an old bald man with pale skin
and not much life in him

one video call
the caregiver smiled
when she brought the phone
to his bed
it must have been a loved one
but no one came for a visit

a table between our beds
prevented a full body view
but this morning
his feet weren’t wiggling
his arms weren’t reaching out
thought he might still be asleep

at curiosity’s urging
I sat up in my bed to take a peek
his face was turned towards me
couldn’t see the whites of his eyes
like in the movies
where the eyes turn all black
his mouth was open
as he lay there motionless
a nurse came to check on him
removed the velcroed cushioning
from his feet and covered them
with his sheet
she didn’t bother to check his heart
her stethoscope remained
draped on her shoulders
then quietly walked out of the room

took another peek
to see if she covered his face
she hadn’t
arms at his side
face straight up
looking at the ceiling
he laid in state
in the royal position
with a viewing party of one
awaiting the coroner

death may seem sad
but I was happy for him
freed from the confines of a life
where seemingly
no one remembered him

Del Maximo
Del Maximo Nov 2024
I was quiet today
all day
life is peak and valley
but even with all I’ve been through
this day was low
call me Chief Joseph
I’m tired
authorities say one thing
practioners say the opposite
embattled and entrapped
in bureaucratic *******
I will fight no more
for now
my voice is parched
my limbs are weak
my spirit is diminished
today they burned down the fort
I will lay low and rest
among the ashes
maybe tomorrow
or the next day
I will rise
like a phoenix
and fight again
but tonight
I’ll take some warm calming tea
and close my eyes and rest

give me sweet sleep
and pleasant dreams

Del Maximo
This has to do with healthcare in the U.S.
Del Maximo Sep 2024
I can’t do justice to this day in a short poem, but I couldn’t sleep last night and had to get this out:


living on the west coast
I didn’t see the first one
but I do remember that second plane
watching it on tv was like a dream
is this real?
explosions booming
streaming out smoke, fire, and pulverized debris
thought I saw the building shaking
and people jumping or falling
from way up high
then I saw the collapse
twin towers imploding
crashing down to ground zero

the stories in the media pinched me
nightmare became reality
life’s losses tolling
first responders bravely
and gravely giving their all
reports of survivors scrambling out
but still helping each other escape
carrying a disabled lady down the steps
wheelchair and all
cell phones flash-lighting
through corridors’ darkness
I saw a lady emerge from the smoke
a thick layer of gray dust
covering her head to toe
the whites of her eyes
and her coughing
as proof of life
I saw tears in the eyes of reporters
and heard their voices quivering
was this all a dream?
or a Hollywood-like fabrication?
I only saw this on tv
and can’t imagine the horror
of actually being there
the moment when they realized
they were going to die
the last thoughts on their minds
first hand sights, sounds, and smells
sensory details impossible
for survivors to forget
I saw stories on the news
of a third plane crash
a box cutter highjacking
cellphones bidding good byes
to loved ones
as the plane descended
onto the Pentagon

I remember fearing a U.S. retaliation
thoughts percolating
of how the world had changed forever

Del Maximo
Del Maximo Aug 2024
when I looked into your eyes
I saw an entanglement
of two souls
reaching into another universe
where impossible was possible

when I looked into your eyes
locking on without blinking
I knew that moments like this
were all that matter

when I looked into your eyes
I saw every hurt I ever felt
and knew you understood

I saw the speed of light
speckled in your irises
and thought we were on our way

that last little peck
added as an afterthought
is more meaningful and joyful
than all that came before it

is wishful thinking
pipe dreams left wanting

things are better left
unsaid and undone
and regret is just another word

Del Maximo
Del Maximo Mar 2023
woke up to gray and white
streaky Van Gogh clouds
with patches of cerulean eyes
peeking through
the house is cold
and I am old
but it feels like spring

calendar says we’re past equinox
sunshine seems to be getting longer
flowers bloom
forecasters say Raiden’s not done
but it feels like spring

dreamt last night
that I was outside running
and easily leapt over an obstacle
drove my car
city sights and sounds whelmed me
in pleasant memories of living life
flashing by like a fast motion freeway
it felt like spring

been shuttered with infirmities
and limitations
but strength training and tai chi
have become habit
unassisted walking toddles forward
but feels and looks good
I’m getting there
it feels like spring

Del Maximo
Del Maximo Aug 2022
if I could
I would soar up high
surfing the clouds
embracing blue breezes
chasing and catching
golden reddish colors of sunsets

I would look down with fondness
upon earth
green trees swaying in conversation
with one another
majestic mountains wrinkled with age
dunes riddled with the language of winds
the scintillating sparkle
of oceans’ movement

I would dive down only to feed
avoiding the negativity of human kind
blessing some with my droppings
admiring the perseverance of others
absorbing the good and hope
that give rise to my wings

if I could
I would never come down
to witness the sadness
not just man’s inhumanity to mankind
and to the earth
but the natural sadness
people and places lost and forgotten
with the passage of time

but soaring above
doesn’t undo pain and hurt
and by avoiding the negative
in duality, you pass over joy

it seems we are hardwired
to form relationships
that both break and heal us
make us lonely
and fill our hearts

but on this day
I would rather fly up high
and forget about everything

Del Maximo
The anniversary of my brother’s passing caught me by surprise so I sat down and wrote this while I was in my feels.
Del Maximo Sep 2021
everyone knows they have a million eyes
we saw it in that movie
what was it called?
they go buzzing around like
bees without purpose
infiltrating my airspace
snooping around like cats
so curious
or like thieves on recon
scoping out a heist
are they magicians
disappearing when you return
with a swatter?
are they dumb or arrogant
flying in your face
knowing they can get away?
do they seek out food
with their milligogles?
or do they have noses?
do they smell doo doo
from a distance?
I wish they spoke English
so I could tell them
“shoo, don’t bother me
it was just a ****!”

Del Maximo
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