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Jan 2016 · 361
my love
deer whisperer Jan 2016
I love too hard,
How the oceans love the sand, and slowly devours it.
I fall too quick,
How a shooting star falls from the sky and you only get a glimpse.
I give my all,
How the sun gives to the earth, giving life to everything.
I was born to love,
How the moon loves the night time sky.
A curse and a blessing.
Not all possess infinite love, especially after their soul has been crushed.
And yet here I am, still loving.
Loving you, silently.
Dec 2015 · 452
deer whisperer Dec 2015
How quickly my heart claimed you
After being sliced in two.
Funny how the right person makes it love.
As if you were a gift from above,
Sent to melt my icy heart.
Making all the pain depart.
Happiness is what you bring.
So happy, you make my soul sing.
Seeing you so involved with my children,
Filled me with so much love for you, I knew you were the "one in a million".
I've tried to fight these feelings,
But all I do is keep dreaming.
I dream of a happy family.
Such a beautiful fantasy.
Maybe one day
I'll find the words to say
How much you mean to me
And you'll be able to see what I see
So vividly.

Deer whisperer 12-09-15
Dec 2015 · 368
hopeless love
deer whisperer Dec 2015
I need someone to put the balance in my soul.
Someone who doesn't make me question their intentions.
I do not joke with love.
Love is serious.
It is kind
It is painful
It is happy
It is sad
It is selfless.
Love trumps all.
I like to laugh,
But I need love more
Not a laughing love.
Not a controlling love.
Not a friendly love.
I need a soul drenched "all in" kinda love.
That's what I want.
Dec 2015 · 291
sad girl
deer whisperer Dec 2015
I write from sorrow, the only thing ive ever known.
The pain and sadness that my life has shown.
Words come from the darkness I have lived,
And the soul-less people I had to forgive.
I write from past smells, feelings, loves, and everything in between.
I write from things that can't be un seen.
I find inspiration from my sorrows,
I can only imagine what I'll write tomorrow.
Nov 2015 · 818
Mr. potatoe head
deer whisperer Nov 2015
I'm giving my heart to you,
Knowing you will destroy it.
That's a chance I'm willing to take.
I don't give too many people the opportunity to demolish me
But I'm giving it to you.
Preparing for the worst,
Hoping for the best,
All along knowing
Its not my heart you want.
And I'm still offering it to you.
I'll give my all to you,
Just to see you smile.
That gorgeous smile is seared into my memory.
Its like seeing the sun for the first time.
So warm and bright.
I'd sell my soul to the devil,
Just to wake up to your smile everyday.
That smile, that I know will be the death of me.
Nov 2015 · 315
broken glass.
deer whisperer Nov 2015
A love like yours is like wondering when I'm going to die.
Living life day after day,
Knowing the future that lies ahead.
I'm loving you, knowing one day, it will end.
My heart will once again fall victim to the shadows of a lovers smile.
But honestly, what is the point of living if you can not love?
I've decided its not a life worth living.
So I'll give you my heart, knowing you'll break it,
Because I'd rather know how to love, and feel my heart shatter in to a billion pieces, than not be able to feel at all. To be numb. So,
Give me the pain.
I can take it.
Oct 2015 · 445
deer whisperer Oct 2015
The song of my people, long forgotten, plays in the sways of grasses at river's bottom.
Our language lost in the wind, whispers to the great trees like a long lost friend. Our footsteps long covered with snow, our bones resting in the Great Mother, lost long ago. The song of my people, long forgotten, plays in the sways of grasses at river's bottom.
Oct 2015 · 436
deer whisperer Oct 2015
The essence of his sweet kiss lingers on my lips as would a cold winters  breeze softly blowing through the sunlit autumn leaves. the memory of his arms so tight around my body, so familiar, so right. my soul searches for him at night, lost in my dreams, I see my elusive black fox. he plays a game of cat and mouse. little does he know he plays with the Shehawk, she who is wise, and watches him from the safety of her skyhouse. she knows he's dangerous but she is still curious, intrigued, drawn in. Who will win? What game are we playing? Black fox, why are we waiting?
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Black fox
deer whisperer Oct 2015
I laid eyes on a most beautiful creature.
Tall, Dark, and Handsome, My Black Fox.
Eyes that Pierce, with ridiculously handsome features.
I cared not, that I was opening Pandora's Box, full of tempting jewels and deadly treasures.
Beautiful Trickster
Handsome mister
My white bird of winter
My Black Fox

— The End —