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May 2010 · 1.8k
If These Petals...
Deedre Deaton May 2010
If these petals are soaked in blood,
Then it is the blood
of soldiers
shot before
they could return the favor.

If these petals are soaked in blood,
Then it the blood
leaking down teenage arms
those that so dearly
want pain to end.

If these petals are soaked in blood,
Then it is the blood
of those murdered
whose lives ended
without meaning.

If these petals are soaked in blood,
Then it is the blood
of a broken heart
that doesn’t bleed,
but wishes it did.

If these petals are soaked in blood,
Then it is the blood left unspilled
that lives to let live
and dies only when death takes it
to soak these petals.
May 2010 · 1.4k
Dragon, Dragon
Deedre Deaton May 2010
Dragon, dragon, darkness still,
What great heroes did you ****?
What fair princesses did you capture?
What villages fell to your fiery rapture?
What kings grew poor to fill your hoard?
What great knights tried to smite you with their sword?

Dragon, dragon, mighty dragon,
When did your interest lie in the passing wagon?
When did the wings cease to beat?
When was sleeping your only feat?
When did the sky stop being your home?
When did your scales become a ****’s comb?

Dragon, dragon, fading dawn,
Where has your magic gone?
Where is the wind of your wings?
Where is your wealth of many kings?
Where is the fire of your breath?
Where is the rumor of your death?

Dragon, dragon, famous lizard,
Who was it that beat the wizard?
Who was it that claimed the gold?
Who was it that’s name was feared where told?
Who was it that killed the knight?
Who was it that that lived to smite?

Dragon, dragon, paper creature,
How did you become scoffed by the teacher?
How did the pen tame the savage?
How did the magnificent become the average?
How did nature become fantastic?
How did you become evil to the ecclesiastic?

Dragon, dragon, mythical beast,
What was it that made you the least?
When did you begin to fade?
Where was your legend made?
Who was it that you fear?
How did you just disappear?

— The End —