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1.3k · Jul 2010
Declan Jul 2010
As a man walked on one day
He saw a horse eating hay
He went to pet the horse
As he got there, the horse threw up his rear
The man walked off mad at himself
The man was mad and threw himself
This man is inside us all
This man is all of us when we don’t have it all
This man is a creation of us
This man is every living creature
This man has lived for millions of years
This man is Frustration
1.1k · Aug 2010
Plane Sight
Declan Aug 2010
Open asphalt field
Stretching across the land.
It seems the future is sealed
Without my hand.

The appeal of the plane.
The ability to simply leave,
Leave behind the archaic bane
To the sky with one heave.

If only to fly!
Leave it all behind!
Current life die,
New one, I find.

The simple answer,
Harder to cure than cancer.
This is my absolute favorite of what I have written, hope you all enjoy!
1.0k · Sep 2011
Declan Sep 2011
If only to understand,
That’s all I really wish.
I somewhat doubt my first impression,
And, yet, I’m not so sure of my second.

Another source gave me some hope,
But still was not sure.
Quite possibly you don’t oppose
More understanding than I know.

I hope that chance arises.
I think the understanding would be great.
985 · Jul 2010
The Island
Declan Jul 2010
There was a desolate Island
Far, far away
There sat a man
Not knowing his way

His friend told him
“I know the way”
So he traveled by car and train
Boat and plane

To that desolate Island
Far, far away
Where that man now sits
Not knowing his way

He somehow landed
In that God forsaken place
Unbelieving and doubt
Mixed in his heart

On that desolate Island
Far, far away
Where that man sits
Not knowing his way

He trusted that man
To put his life in his hand
Then the cruel wheel of fate
Dropped him

On that desolate Island
Far, far away
Sitting there
Not knowing his way

The island choked
His heart and thoughts
Making him feel
As though he were alone

On that desolate Island
Far, far away
Sitting there
Not knowing his way

He decided one day
To make a way
To get back home
And possibly escape

That desolate Island
Far, far away
Where that man stands
Possibly knowing his way

He walked to the ocean
Looked into the water
Saw his reflection
And doubt in his eyes

Because of that desolate Island
Far, far away
Where he stood at the shore
Knowing his way

He jumped in the water
Enjoying the feel
As warmth embraced him
Eliminating fear

Leaving that desolate Island
Far, far away
Where he once stood
Not knowing his way

He gave up on those
Who he thought he knew
And started over
With little fear

Away from that desolate Island
Far, far away
Where he once stood
Not knowing his way
978 · Jul 2010
Declan Jul 2010
There is a game
That’s played with many
That breaks tables
Hurts ankles
Dives over tables
Jumps over people
Grabs four similar
Grabbing an item
You might call it dangerous
I call it spoons.
966 · Sep 2011
Declan Sep 2011
Above the ground,
Above the trees,
Above the mound,
That everyone sees.

A sea of blue
Floating by
Spotted with glue.
Oh, how it flies!

It rarely changes
From that so pure.
Oh, how it ranges.
Sky Azure.
943 · Feb 2011
Declan Feb 2011
I don’t know what to do
I think I see things
But maybe I’m just
Making them up

It seemed this way
When we first met
And later on
When we first text

But now,
I’m not sure
No reply
2 hours later

Maybe it just
Slipped your mind
Maybe you meant to
But something distracted

I’m still hoping
That you’ll come through
Please don’t disappoint
Like many others have
940 · Oct 2011
Declan Oct 2011
I used to be something
Something special to you.
And you,
You were my world.

What happened?
You still are my world
But me,
What am I to you?

That place in my heart,
It still belongs to you.
But I,
I have been kicked out.

You found someone new,
Someone that broke your heart.
And yet,
He still beats me.

I never broke your heart,
What happened between us
Was no fault of you or me
So why can’t I be invited back in?

Back into your heart?
810 · Sep 2011
Running in Circles
Declan Sep 2011
The buildings of a city
Towering overhead
Like giant, steel monsters
That hid under your bed.

Lost in a city
With no one to help.
Each time you try,
You’re turned back.

The first attempt to leave
Began quite well.
Until that good friend
Was torn from your hand.

Lost in a city
With no one to help.
Each time you try,
You’re turned back again.

Escape number two
Started on suspicion.
When the lead was confronted,
He exploded with anger.

Lost in a city
With no one to help.
Each time you try,
You’re turned back again.

Try number three
I thought had good chance.
Now that I’ve started,
I almost wish to double-back.

And be lost in a city,
With no one to help.
Each time I try,
I’m turned back again.

When first I saw this man,
I thought escape was certain.
Some doubt arose, as always,
Yet I still thought I could

Escape the city
Where no one would help
Each time I’ve tried,
I’ve been turned back.

I’ve posed a question
To better get acquainted.
Hopefully, a new friend
Will help me

Escape the city
Where no one would help.
Each time I’ve tried,
I’ve been turned back.

The most I can do now
Is simply wait and see
If this man
Is who I claim him to be

And I escape the city
Where no one will help.
Each time I’ve tried
I’ve been turned back.

Now I think I should
Stand atop a building
And, as loud as I can,
Yell my desire

To escape the city
Where no one will help.
Each time I’ve tried
I’ve been turned back.

Maybe I should be me.
Tell all others, “tough luck.
I am who I am.
And my greatest desire

Is to escape the city,
Where no one will help
Each time I’ve tried
I’ve been turned back.”

Maybe I’m just destined
To walk these streets alone
Forever stuck, never moving
In constant circles, never

Escaping the city,
Where no one will help.
Each time I’ve tried
I’ve been turned back.

I beg and plead
With you, my last hope.
Help me out of this mess
Before I croak

In this forsaken city,
Where no one will help.
Each time I’ve tried
I’ve been turned back.
711 · Jul 2010
Declan Jul 2010
Looking towards the sky
From 35,000 feet high
There, at the horizon,
I see the edge of the world!

Not as thought in olden days,
Back when the world was flat,
But off towards the New Frontier,
One day, an adventure to be had.

And yet, just above,
A lighter color,
As if a barrier
Keeping space trapped.
674 · Sep 2010
Ebb and Flow
Declan Sep 2010
Up it rises, up it goes,
Ever flowing, ever knowing,
Covering all we once knew
In an unknown sea of blue.

We long to see what once was there;
It’s all suddenly gone; so unfair!
Did we miss the chance?
Or is it still right there?

As if in answer to our prayer,
The ebbing begins
Unleashing the old to us again
Yet, we are still unsure.

Will it work? Is it us?
Or is the undertow
Simply too much?
We may never know.

If you decide to get your feet wet,
Watch out, be careful!
Next thing you know,
You’ll be in an unexpected flow.
659 · Sep 2011
Inside Out
Declan Sep 2011
Creeping through my soul
Tainting everything as it goes
Ruining as it goes.

Is what it leaves
Never truly knowing
What could be

You meant so much
Now you're telling me
You just don't know.

Must feel better
Than this sense of unwant
Your killing me from inside out.
650 · Jul 2010
Summer Nights
Declan Jul 2010
The summer nights,
Oh, the summer nights,
How different from any other
A summer night.

Clear and calm
No cloud in the sky
No obstructions
From the bright shining stars

And, oh, the stars!
All arranged in a divine plan
A blueprint for the universe
No one has quite cracked

One obstruction hangs,
Though a beautiful one,
The moon, different
But still the same

The shining sphere
Hanging in the air
Gives the night hope
That day will come again
614 · Jul 2010
What Hurts the Most
Declan Jul 2010
What hurts the most?
Many people want to know.
Many people have theories.
Many people have ideas.

Some believe physical torture,
An accidental cut or bruise.
While they hurt in the moment,
It eventually fades away.

Some say a break-up,
Whether catalyst or victim.
But, once again,
You move on.

What truly hurts the most,
Has to do with something good.
What truly hurts the most,
Has to do with friends.

Not the friends
You see everyday,
Or even those
You see every other day.

The friends
You may never see again
The ones you spent a short time with
Yet, they became your best.

When it hits,
That the last time you saw them
May have been the last,
The world stops turning.
I wrote this a couple days ago after I realized I might not see some of my good friends ever again.
Declan Jul 2010
In the South,
We rarely see
Winter Weather
Like Snow Flurries

But this year,
Winter's made fame.
Below average
is no game.

2 snow days
Have already come.
Are there more?
Where from?

A temperature rise
Would come as a surprise.
602 · Sep 2011
Declan Sep 2011
I must admit,
I held back
When first we started
Not sure if I wanted to fall.

The more we talked,
The harder it got
Until I finally realized
I had been falling all along.

I thought you were there too
But that was apparently untrue.
You were just an illusion
You were what I wanted to see.

All I want is to talk,
All I want is to love,
But you won't let me.

You're a murderer,
I've been killed inside.
594 · Oct 2010
Oh, Life
Declan Oct 2010
Oh, Life
My dearest Life,
Why dost though
Push me off a cliff?

What tis the purpose
That thou seeketh
By watching me fall
To my demise

Tis it entertainment?
Tis is joy?
Please do inform me
When you have thine answer.

And, of course,
Thy push kills me not
You simply watch me
Writhing at the bottom

Life, thou art
Cruel and Fickle
A two-headed beast
That loves destruction.

Canst thou help me
For once
Pull me away from this cliff
Before I fall.

I hope you choose well, Life
Don’t let me fall
Help me! Help Me!
Sincerely, Declan
I'm not sure if I used the older, Shakespearean English right. If you know the grammar for it, please help me!
589 · Nov 2010
Declan Nov 2010
Why must you make me mad?
Even if you don’t mean to
You do those little things
That make me madder
Than words can say.

Why must you do this?
Can you not do
Those few small things
That I asked of you
That you did for others?

Why must you hurt me?
I know you don’t mean to
But through all these things
You make me hurt
Because I really do care

Why must I make this choice?
Should I keep this connection?
Or should I cut you off from me?
If only I didn’t have to make the choice,
But that part is up to you.
This is sadly thanks to something a supposed "friend" has done through his actions to me recently, hope you enjoy.
585 · Mar 2012
Declan Mar 2012
I just don’t understand
Why do we hide
Who we are?
What we think?
What we feel?

I know
Exactly what I feel
What I think
Who I am

I want you
To know exactly
How I feel
What I think
Who I am

I feel
Butterflies in my stomach
Every time
You and I cross paths

I think
We could be
Would be
Should be amazing

I am
Me, he, man
But none of that matters
Compared to the possibility of
585 · Jul 2011
How I Feel
Declan Jul 2011
I wish it were easier
To reveal some things.
I keep them deep inside me
Scared of what they may wreak.

I’ve thought of different ways
To put out what I feel,
But I’m not sure if everyone
Would be on the same page.

All the mixed messages
You send me on the topic,
Make me go back and forth,
From telling and hiding.

To be psychic is the only answer.
While we joke we have the connection
We both know it’s not real,
But only I know how I feel.
571 · Oct 2010
Nobody Cares
Declan Oct 2010
Why must it be
Every time I try
To love a new person
They push me to the side

I wish to know a person
To really have fun
Yet all they do is shun me
And leave me to die

Thrice over have I
Been pushed in the corner
Left there alone
And nobody cares
538 · Feb 2011
Declan Feb 2011
If only I could tell
Exactly what you thought
Get inside your brain well
And extract what you’ve been taught

One thing for certain
Is what I wish to know
To answer the uncertain
Whether or not to forgo

Truth be told,
Your one that fits
All I wish to hold
Is your commits

We matched up
Perfectly well
Now let’s jump
It should be swell
535 · Nov 2011
Just Me
Declan Nov 2011
Why does it seem
This always happens to me?
I rarely see this
Happen to anyone else.

Am I destined to live
Forever alone, unhappy?
Or will I eventually find

With every failed attempt,
I lean more towards
Dying alone…
Just me.
509 · Jul 2010
Declan Jul 2010
There is a power
Known as love
It can make you want
It can make you need
It can make you desire
When one is around
The next power in line
Can be a result of love
When the one is not around
It can make you doubt
It makes you scared
This one power
Can do too much
This one power
Is called fear
496 · Jul 2010
The Rain
Declan Jul 2010
The gentle tap
On the pane
Awakens the sleep
Within the sane
On it goes
hitting the ground
On it stirs
On it pounds
A flash of light
A clap of sound
In the night
Awakes all around
The man who comes
To tap the pane
Has one name
And it is Rain
491 · Jul 2010
Time Will Tell
Declan Jul 2010
As it sinks in—
It gets harder
To lose consciousness—temporarily—
Two things—within these—
Two days
A game to play
An adventure to have—
Which will be better?
Time can only tell!
472 · Mar 2013
In My Way
Declan Mar 2013
It's very strange.
I never thought I'd say
You're very annoying,
But in a good way.

I just can't get you off my mind.
You're always there to stay.
No matter what I do,
You are in my thought's way.

I wish it was as simple
As telling you this.
But, sadly it is not
And we must "pretend bliss."

If only I knew
That I was in your way
In everything you do
Each and every day.
455 · Jul 2010
Declan Jul 2010
Look out the window,
As far as the eye can see.
Look at the beauty
Of the newly risen day.

From way up in the air,
Clouds covering the ocean.
Dawn breaks over the day.
Dim light starts it all over.

Never has such a sight been seen!
Such beauty hidden from the world,
Not because of lack of observation,
But because of the need of sleep!
414 · Jul 2010
The One
Declan Jul 2010
There is but one
One that controls
One that rules
There are but two
Two in power
Ruled at once
If there are three
It loses power
Over the one
While the two
Stays locked in its grip
If there are four
It can rule four
Or two and lose two
What is the one?
One may ask
And if you do
I’ll simply say

— The End —