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December Jul 2013
I love sleep
But these days i find it hard to fall into its promise
Hard to give in to its warmth
December Jun 2013
Hey time,
Slow down
Aren't you tired of running?
Because i sure am of chasing

Come here,
Sit down with me
Help me catch these breaths of mine
As we talk over left over soup and tea
December Jun 2013
it is hard
to prove to people that inside you
lives a black hole
that is slowly but surely pulling you in
to annihilation

it is hard
when all they see are the smiles you fake
and the laughs you force out
to drown down those soft cries from within
yearning to be heard
December Jun 2013
one two three
i notice you looking at me

four five six
i breathe as my hearbeat kicks

seven eight nine
masking my face with the words 'i'm fine'

and now i count to ten
as i try not to miss you again
December Jun 2013
The way the thick taste
binds with the surface of my tongue
The way the bitter yet alluring aroma
seeps through the air I breathe

From it we seek comfort
But from it comes few good

It's bad for me
But I keep falling in

Like caffeine
Sadness becomes addictive
Pulling me back into its embrace
Every time its hold a little tighter

Like caffeine
Loneliness keeps me up at night
Awake never for a reason
Keeping me far from lullabies

Like caffeine it's bad for me
But I keep falling in

I keep falling in
December Jun 2013
Like the eyes of the dead
The depth of the sea bed

Strange it is so
To be empty
Yet still being able to feel

Strange it is so
How empty defines nothing
Yet still wears an unbearable presence

Strange it is so
To be consumed
To be swallowed up
By vast emptiness
For it does not hold
Any visible meaning or strength

Such like a black hole
Such like the deafening silence

Wait no longer and I could be gone
Wait no longer and all that could be left

Is nothing
Nothing but emptiness
December Jun 2013
I'm tired
Tired of breathing the same polluted air
Tired of seeing the same cut down forest
Tired of being cooped up in the same room everyday
Tired of, not life in general
But the one i am living right now
Tired of the same town the same city the same people

I need fresh air, not oxygen
I need books to love not books to read
I need dreams, not expectations
I need to be away
Even for just a little while

The thought
Of missing something more real outside there
Is a torture
I could see so many places
I could live so many lives

But instead
I'm living my life in circles
Obliged to be where i am
To do what i am supposed to
One step out of the circle and anything is possible
I could be free

But i guess that wouldn't happen
For I'm too much of a coward
A poor excuse

— The End —