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669 · Feb 2012
Grey insistent rain
is falling on my world.
Sad shriveling old asphalt
shrugs off abandonment
and lies stoic in the cold and wet.
Looking out my window
I see people pass splashing.
Shall I put on my 'winter weeds'
and go amongst them unknown?
Then, as the rain pelts my body,
I can touch my chest and whisper,
"Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa."*

But I am not washed clean.
I walk a lonely mile into the wind.
I see mud, and stark branches
and metallic traffic blurring by
and in my commonness I am invisible.
Suddenly a sob bursts from me
from the depths of my longing
and I look around to be sure no one heard.
But if they did, there's no sign.

I walk on to a park close to my home
and stand against a tall majestic tree.
Its branches enfold me
and keep me from the rain.
The roots are so very deep.
I feel my sadness dwindle to the ground
and I am weak, but my heart's less torn.
The storm inside me, like the storm outside has quelled.
Distracted and confused I make my way home.
I sleep to dream of some fabled sun.
Some other world, some other dimension.
Some other me.
*More than 50 years ago Catholics were expected to recite the confession of sins, “Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.”
The English translation now asks them to admit their sins by saying, “My fault, my fault, my most grievous fault,” while softly striking their chests with their fists.

'Winter weeds'. I am doing a play on words of the expression 'Widows weeds' which was the mourning clothes a widow would wear for the better part of a year after her spouse's death. I think winter is almost as hard to take when it rains incessantly here on the coast and so ironically say 'winter weeds' for rainwear.
655 · May 2011
When I Was Very Young
When I was very young
my consolation was, The Love.
The love that concealed me.
Walking home alone,
I sang my chant inside my head,
while the other children ****** me.
And Jesus was my brother,
crooning to me in my heart,
when my father's fingers wounded me.
And yet, The Love, shot through the pain,
as I ran to the trees for comfort;
singing my lonely child's keening.
I spent time, long and long
in my wooden leafy refuge.
I saw normal children play and laugh,
but only from a distance.

Sundays, my family went to church.
My sister and I, so pretty with hair so golden,
wore dresses of childish purity.
We sang in harmony with our skin still scorched
by our father's invasions.
There was hell at home, at church, at school,
with nowhere to run but into the arms of, The Love -
that only lived inside my head.
I don't know how, but I knew,
in the arms of the trees,
that there was love springing from the earth,
blowing through the air; caressed by the wings
of the birds.
My only solace were these daily gifts.
So very beautiful.
....and I was beautiful, with this Love
bursting in my heart.

Later, as I outgrew my home, my school, and my church,
I searched for love among those around me.
Many times, I could almost believe
my secret lived in others.
But what they really wanted was to capture my secret.
To hold it to themselves, and they wounded me.
-- and gasping, I crawled out of their arms.
They left my spirit near to death.
Still inside me was, The Love-
cradled inside me, calling me to life.

I don't look for love within the world anymore.
I offer it daily to others and it grows.
I am restored in the oldest church.
In the flowers, and the birds,
and the fresh spring wind.
and if there are more years to be,
I will stay free. - I will stay me,
and worship the only love there is.
Love, .. the one pure light,
that everyday holds back the dark.
God IS Love.
644 · Oct 2012
Enigma - The Tao of Bird
It wasn't in what I had to say,
It's just that I wanted to listen
in just the right way.
..And your words-
they came
like a
and you rose out of them
fresh and clean-
.. and you smiled..
your whole face lit!
It was all that you needed
Just that little bit.
So if you come visit Sweetsilverbird
I promise I'll listen.
You'll always be heard.
644 · Oct 2011
Rue the Day (A Sonnet)
From in the shadows I look back on life,
I dream the past; to when I once have been.
Not as today, where all my world is strife,
but to the days when youth was all serene
How good it was to be alive back then,
to hold a hand or touch another's cheek.
The caverns of my heart were soon a'spin,
and altruistic treasures did I seek.
I spent my patience till it all was gone.
I spent my life till there was nothing left.
The pretty bloom is well and truly done,
I find myself,of peace and hope,bereft.
Of "living to the full", let me now speak;
"To grow old, is not for those who are weak!"
622 · Jun 2011
In My Silent Mornings
In my silent mornings
I contemplate the things you've left behind.
More than your lotion, or your sunscreen;
you've left behind, your breath, your atoms,

And here you've left your dreams..
Past halcyon days, and breathless futures.
And here I keep them for you safe from harm.
They never dim, though the years go on relentless.

And you are far away, and must needs be.
In your voice I hear the longing to come,
and the chains that keep you there.
In these modern times, we connect everyday.
I see a flame I cannot touch.
I stand before a fire that casts no warmth.
A spectre rises, and I know its name.
613 · Mar 2012
The One
My soul is like a dancer
moving through life, graceful;
spinning only in the storming of the wind.
Fleeing flying floating, I make it all look easy,
though the pain inside is my most faithful friend.
A good pirouette makes the whole world soon forget
that I am not as well as I would seem...

My soul is like a dancer,
lost inside the music.
Must it always be a song in minor key?
Come and dance beside me, brighten up the music.
Don't you know that you're the only one I need?

Oh yes, you're the one.
You are the only one.
I knew, before I knew, that I could dream.
To long for, to sigh for
to live for and die for,
till all the lights on the stage burn away,
My Love.
608 · Mar 2011
Just Mad About You
I have no sense of humour
I have no sense at all
I spend my whole life waiting
Just waiting for your call
being here without you
is so completely wrong
I'm here outside your tempo
I'm here outside your song.
Im haunting all my rooms now
just trailing like a ghost
I think of every thing
I miss holding you the most
It's more than half past midnight
I'm running out of time
There's nothing more to say now
Im running out of rhyme.... aaah!
Written March 8, 2011
593 · Apr 2011
Vernal Equinox
Winter whimpers as it slips away.
Tiny leaf buds tip the filigreed branches.
How fresh the air, and sweet the breeze!
My heart quickens!
I know something is about to happen.
The world whispers secrets in my ear.
My senses are all prickling and alive!
Burst my fetters and let me fly!
517 · Oct 2011
Time plods on.
The stuff of dreams wears thin,
so I put the stitches in,
and I smile and I am brave.

Pulled each way
I feel my own mortality.
There's less time than there used to be.
Why do I hesitate?

I do not know, I only wait.
510 · Nov 2011
The Letters (A Sonnet)
Perhaps I should have never looked your way.
Perhaps I should have never read your note.
For ignorance is bliss, I've heard them say;
But I, excited, sat right down and wrote.
I told you of the dreamy ways that be.
The things that I have thought and then found true.
And as I told you mysteries of me;
you turned them inside out, and there was you!
But long before my hands caressed your face,
and you reached out to me to touch in kind;
already I had met your ways of grace,
and I had loved the beauty of your mind.
Through years, the magic stays in all we do.
My darling, I am still in love with you.
488 · Aug 2011
Some Summer Day
How is it we end?
Where do we begin?
Isn't it all part
of the circle that we're in?

When you say goodbye
I still hear hello.
You can tell a lie,
but I know what I know.

I know you deny the things we feel,
because to pretend that it's not real
you can somehow keep the pain at bay
And walk away.

Don't you know I see it in your eyes?
I can see right through your cool disguise.
I believe you'll love me, come what may-
Some summer day.
488 · Apr 2011
The Bitter and the Sweet
In blithering torment I shudder.
The pain has built to a deafening roar
of yawning madness.
I huddle as the dry scrabbling claws of
endless agony pry at my mind.
In desperation I cry, but the pain goes on.
No amount of writhing takes me from it.
No position more comfortable;
No bargains with God, heard.
The days wax on relentless
and nights go on and on, sleepless.
My face is an unrecognizable mask
and I forget my meals, my medications.. me.

Suddenly, I am free. I escape to my mind
in a well etched memory.

I am in a treasured moment and I feel no pain.
In my madness, there is you.
The scent of you is as real as I know you to be-
and touching you, I feel such happiness and desire.
I live again the first chaste kisses
and then, thrillingly, the taste of your lips.
Shocks of ecstatic electricity spasm through me,
and I feel us meld our minds kaleidescopically.
Spinning in all this beauty I fall senseless.

At last I sleep. Thank God.
I sleep.
449 · Mar 2012
In the Time of Roses
Life seems very simple
in the time of roses;
every colour vivid and bright.
The scent is very heady
In the time of roses.
Every moment is one of sheer delight.
So love while you may,
before the petals fall away
and the world comes apart in your hands.
There is no returning
to the time of roses,
but when the snow
begins to fly
in late fall;
you may remember it all....
341 · Dec 2018
Sun and Moon
The day is bright, the sun is high,
The air is fresh, the fog is only a sigh.
You look at me. your eyes are bright,
But I can only shy away from the light.
There's ghosts so deep inside me,
A shadow on my soul
And though there's nothing wrong, Love,
I have to let you know...

I'm groping blind, I flail and fall,
I'm just not really part of this world at all.
I look at life, through pain-glazed eyes;
The only word I ever hear is, "goodbye".
But I can dream of your world,
From very far away,
And I can share your joy, Love,
But I can't make it stay.

So here's the truth. I'll do my part.
Just as I shimmer in and out of your heart.
I always try. You know I do,
To hold on tight to my connection with you.
And why you come to me, here,
Please tell me, tell me soon.
Why leave your sunny world, Love,
To come here to my moon?

— The End —