RENUNCIATION ATTEMPT Never shall I wade, Never shall I slip. Into the depths, Into the ooze. Into the warm anesthetic flow of self ingratiation, of fetid tumescent narcissism.
Nor shall I venture into the arenas; Into those meat-rending chambers of razor- tongued, blunt- brained image brokers. Rather that the screeching, grunting warthogs and jackals of the underworld should feast upon my stinking flesh.
Hover sweet Heather, over the clover, under the thunder of the insect dragon. Heal sweet Heather, heal the hurt, remove the dirt from my beer sausage; from my wretched, twisted and demented circuitry.
"Bring me my hot dog" my dear Debbie moans. Morbid sighs, silken thighs, conceal the African butterfly.
"Buffy, Buffy , roughy toughy" the bit*h barks to her demanding dog friend. "Buffy, Buffy, I've had enoughy!"
Painted lips, spill over hospital white. Chunks and hunks. Flotsam and jetsam of yesterdays lunch.
"Shaddap Shaddap!" her gray head shakes, quivers and quakes, dispelling myths of flying flakes. Dispersing moths, displaying snakes.
Hover sweet Heather, over the clover, under the thunder of the insect dragon. Heal sweet Heather, heal the hurt, remove the dirt from my beer sausage; from my wretched, twisted and demented circuitry.
"Bring me my hot dog" my dear Debbie moans. Morbid sighs, silken thighs, conceal the African butterfly.
"Buffy, Buffy , roughy toughy" the bit*h barks to her demanding dog friend. "Buffy, Buffy, I've had enoughy!"
Painted lips, spill over hospital white. Chunks and hunks. Flotsam and jetsam of yesterdays lunch.
"Shaddap Shaddap!" her gray head shakes, quivers and quakes, dispelling myths of flying flakes. Dispersing moths, displaying snakes.