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May 2013 · 980
what did you expect
Deanna May 2013
When the truth and my wisdom isnt what you wanna hear,
you wish for me to sit back while it crumbles my dear?
Ive cared and been around for all that youve been through,
but this is now a choice, that your choosing to do,
how am I supoosed to have sympathy for you,
when you go back to him even after all you knew.
After he breaks your heart you act like you regret it,
but then I see him in our house, did you already forget it?
You say I cant deny the way you guys connect,
but you cant believe that passion is worth all the neglect.
Hes controlling, neurotic, you say he likes to overprotect,
protecting isnt your phone and your facebook he just checked.
He leaves you for another, over text no doubt,
flaunts his new piece at your job, with you about.
you run off and cry, so surpised and hurt,
then the next day hes sorry, with you he flirts.
Awe how sweet, I swear hes changed this time!
Hmm, why do I feel like ive heard this line.
Ive been there for every fall,
and it always ends the same,
us fighting cuz I dont want her to play his stupid game.
But theres not much else at this point anyone can do. Shes made her mind up.
Shes thought it through.
Shes going to keep him around,
but when it all goes to heck,
this time all I can say is,
what did you expect?
Jan 2013 · 596
color of skin
Deanna Jan 2013
so narrow minded, so foolish and dumb, how can you think, that you are someone, more special than others, above or superior, when in fact, you are extremely inferior. there are those in this world, who could easily outsmart you, could exceed beyond you, if they merely tried to. yet you think you're better, for such a strang reason, one i cant comprehend, one i cannot believe in. your morals are twisted, distorted and mangled, to have your beliefs, your mind must be tangled, with incorrect concepts, with selfish thoughts, for growing up, you have been taught, that right is wrong, and wrong is right, that its ok to judge by site, that somehow a man you've never met, is automatically below you because of standards set, by ignorant ppl, eho saud that men, are not equals, by their color of skin.
Oct 2012 · 908
Misplaced anger
Deanna Oct 2012
its so shocking to me,
how sad this world can be
how people feel the need
to lash out at me
for no fault of my own
for none they've clearly grown
all i feel is pity
for this ignorance you show
did you have a bad day?
something not go your way
i don't see at all
how that's my price to pay.
your gf just left you?
your dreams never came true?
you wont fix your problems
by making me feel blue
what if one day you blow
up on some innocent john doe
and it was the last straw
over the edge they go.
would that make you glad?
to know you've hurt them so bad
but you don't care where your hurt is sent
as long as you get to vent
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
Young love
Deanna Oct 2012
a woman stood with silver hair
laugh lines had long set in
a kind smile she gives to me
a lifelong tail she spins
of mr right and mr wrong
of love and of deceit
of all the wemen excluding her
her man swept off their feet
she tells me of her children
and the hard times that they shared
the laughter thats between them
and the burdens that they bear
she reminisced of good old times
a smile apon her face
she told me not a single momment
ever i should waste
she told me that its crazy
how quickly time flies
how so often if she could
shed trade time for being wize
she told me id be ok
in this world of mine
if i could only find someone
to share it by my side
i told her i had found the one
she didnt seem surprised
for at 18 she too
was to be a bride
so were alike in many ways
young love was hers and mine
im glad to let her relive this
at least one more time
Oct 2012 · 902
Typical man
Deanna Oct 2012
some boys are so fake,
they lure you with lies,
they give you false hope,
but you cant tell from their eyes.
they're too good at it now,
done it too many times,
you're not the first,
to fall for their lies.
their you're #1 priority,
but you're just an option,
so beware and be warned,
you better take caution,
for they dont care for you're pain,
don't share your emotion,
they dont know the meaning,
of love or devotion,
filling your head with mindless dribble,
till you're not sure what's real,
then breaking your heart,
like its no big deal,
they expect you to come when called,
as if you were a pet,
like a cat or a dog it seems,
and yet,
if they cant have you,
no one can,
so sad that this,
is the typical man.
Oct 2012 · 734
Color of skin
Deanna Oct 2012
so narrow minded,
so foolish and dumb,
how can you think,
that you are someone,
more special than others,
above or superior,
when in fact,
you are extremely inferior.
there are those in this world,
who could easily outsmart you,
could exceed beyond you,
if they merely tried to.
yet you think you're better,
for such a strang reason,
one i cant comprehend,
one i cannot believe in.
your morals are twisted,
distorted and mangled,
to have your beliefs,
your mind must be tangled,
with incorrect concepts,
with selfish thoughts,
for growing up,
you have been taught,
that right is wrong,
and wrong is right,
thats its okay,
to judge by sight.
that somehow a person,
you've never met,
is automatically below you,
because of standards set,
by ignorant people,
who said that men,
are somehow not equal,
because the color of their skin.
Oct 2012 · 2.2k
Double standard
Deanna Oct 2012
he gets 5 women,
he's cool&fly;,
we try more than one,
or they'll pass us by,
he gets blow jobs,
we do the same,
and we're a *****.
from all the girls,
he has his pick,
as if the girls,
were only tricks.
a player is good for them,
in from of their friends,
& is cool but when,
the girl then tries,
to hang with 2 guys,
shes nothing but,
a ***** ****.
a pretty young girl,
looses it now,
tells her mom,
gets kicked out her house.
a same aged young man,
same situation,
from his father,
get congratulations.
Oct 2012 · 615
love is pain
Deanna Oct 2012
love is pain you can not feel
a burning scar you can not heal
there is no pain when loves around
it leaves no mark so scent no sound
your not aware of all the pain
until along comes the day
the love is gone and then you'll know
the pain inside will start to show
it leaves a mark once your apart
not on the skin but on the heart

— The End —