they passed wrong a hundred miles back and stopped to look at it.
they prodded wrong and decided to leave it there,
decided there was nothing more they could do.
they drove past wrong a hundred miles back and never glanced behind them,
sure that it would stay put.
they passed wrong a hundred touches back and ignored it.
they got caught up in each other instead,
stumbling on skin and regaining balance with lukewarm feet
sure intent and trembling fingers,
as they met and joined and became each other.
they passed wrong a thousand miles back and promptly forgot that there was any other way to live,
to love,
to be,
other than on the edge of each other,
dangling their legs off the precipice of their joining hearts and joking about the warmth below.
they passed wrong a few deaths back,
a few lives, a few loves.
they took one look into ennui, hubris, things that other people called day-to-day life
and they turned up their noses,
mouths and lips and bodies following until they were just skin on skin,
love on love.
they passed wrong a hundred miles back and stopped to look at it.
they prodded wrong and decided to leave it there,
decided there was nothing more they would do.
they drove past wrong and into each other, a crash-test dummy feeling up another in the backseat of a '67 impala
as the simulated collisions overtook their shared world.
the windshield broke and they're showered with glass that cut them apart time after time
but they found each other amidst the sirens and kept moving on.
they drove past wrong a hundred miles back and never glanced behind them,
sure that it would stay put.