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Jun 2014 · 791
unconscious induction
natalie Jun 2014
he makes me so happy more than anything else ever i love him and even though he hasn't said it i can see the love in his eyes and i just know we  were made for each other.

maybe we fight a lot for a reason because most couples are like two pretty stars but were like two casanovas happening at once and when we explode we make a beautiful new universe only for me and him.

he's kinda like a roller coaster but then again no, a roller coaster is man made, a false reality of a high, this boy is real. that's why i call him a hurricane all the time.

he isn't something people comprehend easily, they think he's so destructive, broken, cold, so most people stay away and they tell me to flee as well, but i find such beauty in greyish blue clouds and rushing winds, rain is like tears because when someone loves so much all they can do is cry.

he's so incomprehensible and love it i want to be the earth and he can be the tornados tearing through me, i want to be the ocean waves and him the tides pulling me every which way to explore new places i would have never seen without him.

we work together in unity, such a beautiful sight, you know they say two brokens make a whole,
and that's exactly what happened.
06.06.14 i had about 8 hydrocodons at like 11:30 i was just rambling
Jun 2014 · 404
natalie Jun 2014
i just refer to humans as various atmospheric occurances and sometimes daydream if people were colors which one of my tee shirts would be closest to his laugh
how is that poetic
Jun 2014 · 1.6k
petrichor approaching
natalie Jun 2014
the morning is beautiful
it screams of you
greyish clouds stretched
thin across the sky
with patches of blue
showing through
light susurration of rain
little droplets tapping on my window
faint rumbles echo outside
against the walls of
the petrichor approaching
Apr 2014 · 421
natalie Apr 2014
at least five natural phenomenon
sit within every strand of your iris.

the thrashing ocean or the
roaring skies alone aren't
enough to describe the
passion within your gaze.

the brims of absolute chaos
brush against each other abrasively,
and while the rest of the world
gapes in awe of such a rare occurrence,
you take no notice to it because
it happens every tenth of a second
within the blink of your kaleidoscope  eyes.

just the simplest aspects of you
are unfathomable to me,
i could study your very existence for hours
and still be in total and complete admiration.

your exterior provides even the
least curious individual an urge for inquiry.
i may never fully decipher you,
but that's the very joy in your presence.
i never know what alcove of
your beautiful soul i'll wander into next.

quick write, first poem about him. 4.28.14
Mar 2014 · 454
natalie Mar 2014
you're the question
with infinite answers
but you're also the answer
to all unsolvable.

your smile alone is a novel.
where as my entire existence
is but a single letter of
one word on a page.

your name runs off
the tongue sweeter
than southern tea
and lingers in the air
like a butterfly in spring.

i can never get enough of you.
if mother nature
made the world you
must be her daughter.
your essence is in
everything. you make
everything beautiful.

i cannot take a breath
without inhaling
the memory of you
deep into my lungs.
i cannot drink a cup
of coffee without
your laughter replacing
the caffeine flooding
my veins.

you alone are unfathomable.
you are beyond my
comprehension, im awestricken
by the very action
of your beating heart.
with every second longer
i take in your presence,
i fall more in love with you.

you're my resolution
you're my everything
you're my only
you're all i ever want
you're all i need

but nothing ill ever have.

Mar 2014 · 359
natalie Mar 2014
the most comforting thing
is the scent of laundry.

i would much rather
bury my head in a chest
clothed in a fresh shirt,
than one doused with
essence of false attraction.

Mar 2014 · 405
natalie Mar 2014
my yesterday's haunt me
with ever present paranoia
like fog lurking in the shadows

my tomorrow's watch me
with meticulous eyes peering
out from in the shallows

my today's however
wander throughout my soul
like an eager child
choosing it's own path
at every given moment
unsure of the outcome
because they're only living for now

Mar 2014 · 415
natalie Mar 2014
you know that girl
that really tall girl
with long legs that
her pants never
come past her ankle.

that girl that usually has
paint in her overgrown, nest of hair
and tends to stare at people,
attempting to absorb bits
of their personalities out
from underneath their skin
similar to how one would
absorb sunrays, she pursues
knowledge of others around

that girl you didn't realize
was in your class until
you make accidental
eye contact one day.

that girl that remained
nameless. that girl that
slipped through the cracks
of the pecking order.

that girl that makes the
effort, but always goes unnoticed.

that girl whose always
too caught up in her thoughts
to see where she's going.

that girl that wears shorts
in december and jumpers
in july.

that girl is me
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
unspoken connection
natalie Mar 2014
drift off into incoherence with me
don't speak
your presence says enough.

our veins intertwine
our heart beats together
our breathing is syncopated
and our minds are the same.

you are me and i am you.
there is no us
there is no we
it is one.

unspoken connection
of a disposition predetermined
by the stars before our time

the moon puts words in my head sometimes when i should be sleeping
3.21.14 12:40am
Mar 2014 · 684
natalie Mar 2014
every morning
between 6:23 and 7:02
i am convinced the sun
does not rise,
but rather your smile,
has taken it's place.

it's brightness is equivalent,
it provides sufficient warmth
to keep my soul from
completely freezing over.

the simple thought of you
is enough to light a fire
inside me.

you run through my veins,
and you you dance along
to the beat of my heart
while you strum it's strings.

your touch is electrifying
indescribable voltage at the
brush of your fingertips.

your oblivion of your effect
on me is incomprehensible,
and is what keeps my gaze fixed on you.

you are the sun.
you are the moon.
you are the stars.
you are the air i breathe.
you are the universe.
you are my universe.

this is the first poem i wrote about you
my naivety is almost laughable.

probably sometime in february 2014

— The End —