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Apr 2013 · 618
I lost the air
De void Apr 2013
Not black but a fading grey
A low perspective
I see as a child
Only in colours
And my own vocabulary
And with only my tone
I talk to the world
And it talks back while it twirls
And I'm back to just being a little girl
With the soft air holding my hand
Walking me through
Talking me through
Because I'm still scared of being alone
I need you
And i'm skipping but i just don't show it
And Im laughing but my mouth fails to move
Fails to do
Because i lost the world
I lost the air
And i lost you
De void Apr 2013
Dodge cars and **** self confidence
Go round and **** compliments
Incompetence of divine providence
Confess but stay anonymous
To helmets that give fake safety
Say they deliver you safely
To something that kills when i taste thee
Vindictive to past
But past is obdurate
Killing a cause that i cant its innate
Grows to inflate
Changes this fate
Or cant its to late
Loose weight
Bend back to stay straight
Drift far to relate
So ill **** your self confidence
You- theres everything wrong with it
**** and never be the same as since
Cry but be silent
Flinch but don't wince
And dodge cars while i can
I got hit
Every time that i ran
But still run
When i wish  
I could sit
Know that i won't
But still pray to be hit
So ill **** your self confidence
Dodge cars while i can
Apr 2013 · 3.1k
My ballet dancer
De void Apr 2013
Feet heavy, Body so light
He jumps, but I know that he flies
These eyes see flight,
This air see weightless.
I see him drift I do
My ballet dancer
More than true,
Dancing out our scenes of nature
To perfection.
My ballet dancer
For my own beauty,
Who’s steps I only understand
But i do understand
My ballet dancer
I love thy so
My ballet dancer
MY my my
Mar 2013 · 550
Bed of flowers
De void Mar 2013
Running through an endless sea of flowers
with a heavy hand to hold at my side
In a summer tide that kept me captive
A nebulous heat that kept me alive
Seraphic roses ridden in saints blood
Strong enough conscious to keep me awake
Elation, oh exaltation in bliss
A trance to deep to be woke by a kiss
No word can ever shout the true meaning
Daze took away language now think in love
A perspective that flies with birds above
My cosmos that I wont let be destroyed
Understand now that there shall be no void
Heaven shone though in my own little world
No one can catch me in my paradise  
Running through flowers so simple and nice
Running through flowers forever and always
Mar 2013 · 952
De void Mar 2013
Screaming in silence
Suffocating in this skin
Clenching my teeth
From this white I’m surrounded in
I pray be blind in heaven, all this white makes me ill
This white space all these bland people fill
With all there failed hopes and all their failed dreams
If they just make it fake then it’s not what it seems
With all but nothing
And the nothing tries to lie
With blue and grey pigment put into the sky
And these colors and feeling placed into these people
And stained the church glass and gave it a steeple
And gave people green grass, flowers and trees
And on the stem of these flowers and branches put leaves
And gave them big boxes they all make there own
And in these big boxes they are all just alone
And gave them this God and all this belief
But its just deceit, a ringleader a chief
Well white you fooled them
But have not fooled me
I know that your hiding
Its them who don’t see
And I know that inside of me I am right
I know this is nothing, nothing but white

— The End —