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1.8k · Oct 2011
My God
David Zito Oct 2011
Some say He is soft,
Others say He is evil.
Some say He is not visible,
Others say He has forsaken us.
Some say He no longer cares,
And some even dare to say that He doesn’t exist.
Many people say things about my God;
The creator of everything and anything since the beginning of time,
The Almighty who was, and is, and is to come.
The truth is though,
That not many people know my God.
I do not even understand fully who He is,
And I can only hope that the words written below do not insult him,
But rather, are pleasing to His ear,
Because this is my understanding of my God;
The maker of the heavens and the earth…

My God is omniscient,
And omniparent.
My God should not be underestimated,
And cannot be overestimated,
Because for any man to comprehend the power of my God,
Is impossible.
My God humbles the prideful,
And my God deserves all praise.
My God is the same God that created;
The great white shark that reigns in the water,
The grizzly bear whose one swipe can **** a man,
The tiger that haunts the jungles,
And the lion whose roar sends fear through mans bones…
And then said, “It is good.”
My God owns the thunder that shakes your house,
And my God shows the lightning where to strike.
My God can move mountains,
Divide a sea,
And wipe out the earth with a flood.
My God builds up ferocious volcanoes,
And my God carved out the mystifying caverns in the earth.
My God points out the path of raging rivers,
And my God delights in the crashing waves of the Bering Sea,
And finds joy in the force of Niagara Falls.
My God is the light so bright that,
You cannot look at Him without being blinded,
And the darkness trembles in fear at the mention of His name.
My God lodged the stone into Goliaths head.
My God sent Jael’s stake through Sisera’s skull.
My God transformed Moses’ staff into the snake,
Sent the locusts,
And promises fire.

Are you getting the idea yet?
But that’s only half of it,
Because my God has a whole other side.

My God wrote the premier poetry that is in the best selling book of all time,
That oh, by the way,
He wrote.
My God made the snow you sled on,
And the flowers you pick to put in a vase.
My God made the stars you lay out under,
And the planets and galaxies you can only dream about.
My God made the sunrise that is reason enough to wake up two hours early,
And the romantic sunsets you watch with your beloved.
My God painted the skies with the Northern Lights,
And breathed life into the wildflowers for extra decoration on the mountainsides.
My God carved out the Grand Canyon,
And my God sharpened the peak of Mount Everest.
My God put the tropical island paradises in the oceans,
And my God produced the crystal blue waters of Greece.
My God rendered the landscapes of Tuscany,
And my God created the vibrant birds of the jungles.
My God made the athletes you aspire to be like,
And the voices you listen to over the radio.
My God gave Shakespeare his imagination,
And Da Vinci the vision to paint the Mona Lisa.
My God made man and all his features,
And my God made a woman;
Who in all her luster and beauty is the pinnacle of my God’s creations.
My God brings a man and a woman together,
And puts in them a love like no other,
But still that extraordinary love doesn’t compare to His own love for us.
My God gives life to every pristine baby,
And then witnesses every moment of their lives.
My God made the water that quenches our thirst,
And my God fills the void in our heart.

There you have it:
My God is both ferocious and gentle,
Dangerous and loving,
Strong and merciful,
Powerful and overwhelming,
Mysterious and mystical,
Everlasting and present,
A guardian and a giver,
A warrior and a romantic,
A designer and an author.
My God is the lover of the rejected,
The judge of the high court,
The strength for the weak,
The defender of the defenseless,
The shepherd of the flock,
The general of the most opulent armies,
The savior of the broken,
And the redeemer of the lost.
My God will not leave,
But instead will always be by your side.
My God is devoted,
And unchanging.
My God is not threatened by your god,
And my God is supreme.
My God created the heavens and the earth,
And my God created you.
This is my God,
The God; Father, Son and Spirit.
I hope that everybody can see my God and find a relationship with Him through our Savior Jesus Christ.
942 · Nov 2011
The Goddess
David Zito Nov 2011
She walked across the room,
Blinding all around as she went by,
Too beautiful and too stunning to hold,
Too lovely to have amity with.
Good only for dreaming about,
And falling in love with once,
Till she exits the room,
And gravity reenters behind her.
Let me know what you think!  Thanks for reading!
931 · Oct 2011
Southern Runner
David Zito Oct 2011
Your enslaving smile,
Your beautiful eyes,
Your soft golden hair,
Your jaw-dropping body,
Your gentle voice,
Your overwhelming touch,
All of these things you possess,
Haunt me day and night,
As you flee from my love,
And deny my affections,
My sweet southern runner.
Thanks for reading and would love to have any type of feedback!
784 · Oct 2011
Day Dreams
David Zito Oct 2011
They say you need to sleep to dream,
But baby you keep me dreaming all day.
I cant get your beautiful smile out of my eyes.
I can’t get the thought of holding you in my arms out of my mind.
Truth is I can’t sleep at night,
Because I can’t get you out of my head.
But as far as I’m concerned,
Thinking of you and me together is better than sleep.
669 · Oct 2011
David Zito Oct 2011
Light glistens in the sky,
Visible for all to see.
Orange flickers into the dark night,
Sparks burst into miniscule fireworks above the flames.

You hear the pop,
And see the blaze.
Glowing in the reflection,
Of all the on-looking eyes.

One flame overlooks the other,
Making sure each is dancing to the rhythm of their anthem.
Shadows jump from one person to the other,
Off the houses off the ground.

One flame after the other,
Reaches up to touch the stars above.
Like a child jumping up,
Into his father’s arms.

One flame after the other,
Disappears at its extent of kinetic energy.
Amazing how such a beautiful sight,
Something all around want to see.

Could be so devastating,
And change a life completely.
As I stood there with my good friend,
Watching his house burn to the ground.

A whole neighborhood watching,
Firefighters retreating.
A beautiful pirouette of flames,
Bringing a life to the ground.

— The End —