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969 · Jan 2013
David Waters Jan 2013
I saw a good friend die
******* did I cry
His last words still linger in my head
He told his dad to go to bed
Last time he told me this was temporary
I thought he meant his condition
Then I took a better listen
Now I realize he meant life
And that he knew his position
He knew where he was going
Up in heaven with God
And this sent my emotions flowing
Son I have some bad news
Kyle passed this morning
Pause valentine
A hysterical mourning
But I can stop the scorning
He's in a place so much better
Can't even be imagined, never
So I remember
Farmer brown
And the mine not far
The bike scar in the backyard
The fill by the shed
And the metal bunk bed
To keep away from girls who's names start with A
And the move to Vermont, what a dreadful day
The big stupid game
We would always play
But never won
The hotel in Dubai to Newburgh
And Furnishing the pool, what fun
Never again after catamount
And never again the alpine slide
But always that roller coaster ride
With the ugh, ya know!
these memories I will stow
But it's not just a superfluous list of reminisces
They're a depth forming row of instances
Which brought us steps closer to potential distances
But cut short in your teens
And I'm not sure what it means
Or its true prominence nor value
Whatever it is, it's because of you
July 29th
670 · Jan 2013
Hell and High Water
David Waters Jan 2013
I am Tenacious like a stubborn lion
But sometimes I only have life by a thread
And I walk lethargic almost as I'm dead
But I keep going
Disregarding the dread
Like a soldier far from home
I lose hope when I stumble
But remain strong like a stone
Step down from my undeserving throne
And become humble
Fight the strongest temptations
Keep on my righteous path
Even come the lowest rations
I push on
Remain on my straight line
Come hell or high water
I'm bringing mine
663 · Jan 2013
The Chemist
David Waters Jan 2013
I cant be the only one
That tells you that you're beautiful
Is it more meaningful
When my tongue is tied
And my mouth is full
With all the love I have for you
I mix the words like chemicals in a lab
Come up with something like
649 · Jan 2013
Interstellar Love
David Waters Jan 2013
You're on my mind
Like flames on the sun
A flicker delayed in time
One day the whole universe will see
My love for you defined

They will right stories of my star
Story of a boy who met a girl
They fell deep in love
They mixed in swirl
But one day he lost sight
And started to break her heart
She did what was right
And took it back to the start

Only then did he know
The mistake he had made
He took a vow
To never be swayed
Steadfast like soul in body

His love was so strong
The years felt like days
Oh where does she belong
They fell together like harmony and melody in serenade
Two cogs turning
To power a love crusade

Burns in the core
An undying star all will see
Set in the sky
Will last all eternity
632 · Apr 2013
Lost Vibrations
David Waters Apr 2013
Got strings on my guitar
Got fingers on my hands
My tunes vibrate
Lost in the submarine sands

I strum away
And pick all day
Them vibrations tremble and wither to decay
None of my love is heard

Oh babe don't say another word
With your eyes fixed on the rock standing out
In your ocean of doubt

Oh you can't hear my shouts
But his every whisper finds your ears
599 · Jun 2013
David Waters Jun 2013
Beneath the Schunnemunk canopy
Wandering thoughts pay no attention to future fate
Through the foliage I fail to see
The cold knife that awaits thee
Subtly waiting for trust displayed
Her love for me by my side it lay
Now in my back a sunken blade
Startled eyes it cannot be

Stirred and mixed my mind lays
Upon thy laurels betwixt malaise
And within a maze a solution strayed

Whilst I search for an answer
Can you take my heart for a while
or at least until I can calculate
What on Earth will keep my smile

Flush with the forest floor
You come to my need
Surrounded by beauty and lore
Here to settle the score
In a handkerchief of yours
Wrapped up, a heart sent to me
539 · Dec 2012
Fantastic Folly
David Waters Dec 2012
Odyssey on our way
to the stars we'll spend our nights ablaze
Immersed in depth and nothingness
our spiraling colours will mix a bliss
Fill the landscape with our love
like boundless art on canvas
It can't be confined
It's the final frontier

We will cooperate a heist
to steal all the love in the universe
Just you and me
Getting lost in intimacy
Love's faster than light
it will fill the galaxies

We'll travel to you
We'll travel to me
We'll explore each others every crevice  
What ever our hearts desire
it's our odyssey
483 · Jul 2013
A Million Times
David Waters Jul 2013
I could tell you a million times
Of what was on my mind
And a million times
Ive failed to unwind

So now I can find
Myself constantly bellowing
At the thought of you coming to mind

Did it ever occur to you
That there was more than meets the eye
And when you said you couldn't wait
Everything between us would die

Like flakes falling from the sky
Melting before they hit the ground
It's no longer important cause I'm not your guy

Now this is a simple prose
To say how I feel
Because we **** well know
How long I could go

Crawling around
Finding every last letter to every last word
So you can feel my every last hurt

Now this is a simple prose
To say what you have done
I have come to terms with those
But whats done is done

Oh how can we know
What we could have been
Or what lies further below
447 · May 2013
David Waters May 2013
Please do not scorn
For I have just been born
I've got twenty years under my belt?
*******, I'm not a kid anymore
David Waters Apr 2013
I woke up this morning
You entered my mind
Before I could open my eyes
Strung by a kite
To help **** the lies
My vision is fading
My hope is draining
Never stood a chance
To face the day the whole way through

Then I thought of you
And my love grew
Heart in hand
I came to your door
I need some love
I need some more

But you've been showering
In the lavender haze
With some other man
So I turn my back
And carried myself home
Crawled into bed alone
Shut my eyes and I rue
That I fall asleep
Still thinking of you
414 · Jul 2013
David Waters Jul 2013
What is this I'm feeling?
Cause its making me feel ill
I think someone's missing
So I search on for what can fill
All this empty space

Maybe a certain pill
Or a new kind face
Perhaps a proficient skill
Along with a purposeful place

But I'm lost in this labyrinth
With walls made
Of cold dark absence

And where there is no other side
To reach and survive this abyss

I'm lost inside

— The End —