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 May 2013 David Rooke
i would very much like
to write a poem about my cat
but he never holds still
and his oddities
could never be expressed
i'm not even kidding
 May 2013 David Rooke
my dad bought me
a subwoofer
and speakers
for my laptop
as a birthday gift...
my brain
is being smashed
against the side of my skull
with the waves
of bass
that are coming off this thing
sorry, neighborhood.
 May 2013 David Rooke
we are


we do not have chinese mothers
that bind our feet
but we have lovers
that reshape our toes
into high heels
echoing words
that carve our stomachs
into caverns
edged with rib

we are


we are not forced
to follow anything
but society
is our king
ruling its malnourished army
with a fat-ringed

i am


and i will build my own army
of flip-phones
the neverending onslaught
of iphones

i am


and i will not reshape
my body
to please you
i will not
reshape my thinking
to satisfy you

will once again
They called it democracy
Given the citizen the right to vote
Is this the so called Democracy?
When Given the right and told to vote
Give your vote to no other
Or you'd face the consequences
Be followers of the system forever
Don't even think or try to be SMART
 May 2013 David Rooke
Liz Murray
The frustration you get
When you wake up in the middle of the night
And can't fall back to sleep.

You look at the clock,
It'll soon be time to get up.
But then you realize
It's not even near that time.

It's like the sun knows when you're awake and,
Just to be a ******,
Takes its time coming up.

So you lie there...
Trying to get some rest.
You squirm and change positions,
But still...
Nothing happens.

You begin to think about
Your life,
Your future,
The world,

Then, all the bad thoughts become worse.
You think...
Maybe something might happen,
Or something may already have happened.

You try harder to fall asleep,
But you can't stop.
Can't stop thinking.
And you feel...
And you can do nothing
to stop all the horrible thoughts from coming through.

Then you're at the stage where now,
Your thoughts aren't coming in patterns anymore.
They scatter...
Like a nebula.

So you lie there.
You've given up.
You feel hopeless...
Like no one could ever help you.
So you just wait...
Wait for everything to be over.
She adores designers labeled handbags
Lavished herself in Paris, New York, London
Approximately millions in RM
She had handbags
Louis Vutton, Paris Hilton, Channel etc etc…
Just name them…
Close to 3 thousands I guess
some she bought
some were given
Certainly Not ordinary people
Like you or me
Can afford to buy…

Some years on
All collection are still kept
Collecting dust in the closet
now the only
use for them
is to be stored
away to rot

why were they
not sold?
Imagine the lucrative profits
Can feed millions of poor kids
Send them to school
Make them learn ABC instead
Just another example
of how poverty
is shortchanged
by greedy elitist minority

— The End —