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Muse Dec 2013
I tried to talk to you to ask you why
To find why you told me goodbye
Why am I so stupid and useless
Why can't I be more selfless

Will I ever know why we died
Will you ever tell me you tried
Or that is was me that I failed
Just tell me this ship has sailed

Did you mean it do you hate me
Or is there something I don't see
Am I really that imperfect to you
I would try and fix it if only I knew

So I could stop crying in my room
Praying roses don't start to bloom
Fed by tears rolling down my cheeks
Did you hate because I was weak?
Muse Dec 2013
Today I slept through the rain
And in my dreams lost the pain
I said the words I needed to
And I got to hold and kiss you
But alas when I awoke it was gone
from the lake of sorrow was drawn
Waters filled with potent venom
To make true smiles evermore seldom
Tonight I'll lie awake with our sketchbook
And I'll draw back the repose you took
Muse Dec 2013
I am not one of them nor will I ever be.
That is the truth.
I am a loser; worthless
Are things I am not.
Popular and hot
Are words that spell me.
Weak and ugly
I scorn them.
Beautiful people
Like me are uncommon.
Ugly losers
I am beautiful.
I hate lies like
I'm a *******.
They tell me
I am not one of them nor will I ever be.
Read normally then when finished read from the bottom up.
Muse Dec 2013
Do I really look like that man
I want to be a better image
But I am unsure that I can
Can I defy my lineage
Fathers leaving sons alone
Saying I love you son
Am I him in a lighter tone
Can I ever love anyone
Does my blood bind my chain
Does my reflection make me
Is his flesh my mark of Cain
His reflections all I see
Muse Dec 2013
Elohim have you forgotten the prayers of your people
Avinu what happened to those praying under your steeple
El Shaddai did you leave them to hang from the rope
Adonai did you care that the bullets their only hope
If you're almighty give them the strength to stand
If you're all knowing see their pain and lend a hand
Is saving a life stealing free will in the eyes of the lord
Can you not speak as you did to Moses and lend kind words
Names used in the Hebrew languages generally to refer to different aspects of God Elohim-God plural form Avinu-Our father El Shaddai-God Almighty Adonai-Master
Muse Nov 2013
Wouldn't it be sublime if we could fly
If the world were mine we'd soar 'til we die
Like fairies we'd fly swift as the shadows
Going anywhere that the wind does blow
The fragrance of the fields below give way
Among flowers we the lost ones do lay
Through the forest we the dreamers bring light
Then like phantoms we run into the night
Our scars are no longer there when we dream
We are happy when we dance in Alfheim
*Alfheim-World of elves in Norse mythology
Muse Nov 2013
We live in a world where society decides what's real
A world where you are told who you are and what you feel
If you're anorexic or you cut you're an attention *****
And they try to beat you down until you can't take anymore
Or if you get pregnant and are still a little young
They say she's probably a **** and drug addict and high strung
Not realizing that it's really not even their place
Even if it was at least have the guts to say it to someone's face
Instead of judging their live evaluate yours
Stop whispering he say and she says behind closed doors
So what if they're anorexic they're in pain
And if they cut it doesn't mean you can call them insane
Because it's not even your place to say
Shut the hell up stop acting arrogant and move out my way
You are not them you are you
You don't have a ******* clue about what they've been through
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