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Nov 2011 · 859
The Cost Of Living
David Porter Nov 2011
Drowning sun of neon skies,
Crystalline stars are the reflections of eyes.
Flame colored clouds over fields of sand,
Soft warm wind brushes this solemn land.

But have I forgotten the roar of a truck?
Shalt I forget the stench of the muck?
Has my mind been slipped of the sky scraping eye-soars?
Haunted by such waste for years or for scores?

We disregard the latter to see this world's beauty.
Is inhabitence of this earth a sin or a duty?
Destroying to create to satisfy our goal:
To develop a better world out of materials we stole.

Dark grey skies are excrements of technology.
Disappearing stars, my sincerest apology.
Clouds of smoke by unnecessary fire.
I do promise you, oh Lord, this is not the world we desire.
Nov 2011 · 647
Vision's Essence
David Porter Nov 2011
The blind man listens,
But for reasons unknown.
He hears vision's echoes
But is absent to nature's reality.

The deaf man sees,
But is speed more dire?
He lives in a tangible world
But is blind to its essence.
Nov 2011 · 1.2k
Contiguous Minds
David Porter Nov 2011
Thinking of consciousness seems, oh, so cliche,
But it's something we ponder day after day.
We each think we are so much different from one another.
Perhaps asking this question together will make us feel like brothers:

Is there a reason to our lives, a general purpose?
Are we just here to enjoy the universe? One big circus?
Is there a specific goal that we should be chasing after?
Or is that goal a ghost only determined by pastors?

I search for the true definition of the term "right",
Webster's dictionary leaves me with such mental fight.
It reads: "That which is morally correct, just, or honorable",
This vague syntactical predicate will only cause trouble.

Stand alongside each other and maybe we'll end this discomfort;
War, discrimination, and other human faults must divert.
We have the answer on the tips of all our tongues.
The answer that will make billions of people, one.
Nov 2011 · 1.1k
Dear Motivation
David Porter Nov 2011
Dear Motivation, you leave then return.
You come with a strike and exit without a word.
If only I could capture you to stay inside my head.
I seem to forget your presence, so you fade away instead.

Motivation, you are the most important in my universe.
With you, I can perfect a song I have never rehearsed.
Motivation, you give me the strength to conquer the world.
No obstacle is too large. All my ideas become pearls.

Motivate me, Earth- aurally or syntactically;
Whether it's through the beauty of nature or a man-made factory.
Give me that thrill, that power, that urge for thought.
Please hurry to me, Motivation. Don't leave me distraught.

I know you will arrive. In no way do I doubt,
But my impatience grows for you like thirst in a drought.
When you come near, oh, I will be sure to pull you in.
Because without you, Motivation, I'm a fish without a fin.
Nov 2011 · 942
To The Atheist
David Porter Nov 2011
How can you say consciousness ends in a hearse?
Physicality is the limit? You claim to know life's worth?
Do you not understand the magnitude of our existence?
How can you justify your mind as a natural coincidence?

Enough with the interrogation. Let me explain.
Matter cannot create matter- an irrefutable claim.
If the Big Bang occurred, it only set matter in motion,
Like the ripples made when a stone's thrown at the ocean.

It is impossible to argue that ripples cannot exist.
Only an ignorant fool would try to dismiss this.
My next statement is undeniable if you trust Physics' laws:
The Big Bang had to be a reaction of some kind of cause.

Matter cannot create matter, so the cause must be nonphysical.
Until you can create matter, your arguments will always be dismal.
I am not religious, but I can't disprove a religion's validity.
However, you must realize your beliefs do not agree with nature logically.
Nov 2011 · 1.7k
Life's Endearment
David Porter Nov 2011
Innocent fear of an overwhelming urge
To break away from pain and to build up the courage;
To live life to the fullest with the deafening sound
Of euphoria breaking out, making silence again found.

Not knowing life's conclusion has a strong velocity.
But who is to say we should not fall victim of curiosity?
Living in curiosity is an understandable clause
When trying to live life fulfilled; living life unpaused.

Giving everything to our success should not be frowned upon
When happiness is the foundation we constantly draw on.
Without this foundation, a collapse is in progress.
Without this foundation, success is wrongly confessed.

Stress is not something we must try to disregard.
It is but a nuisance we must learn to discard.
Its abandonment will push life to its fullest extent;
Happiness will prosper if we show ourselves some intent.

— The End —