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 Jun 2012 David P
Laurie Fisher
A voice whispers words into my veins
A voice instructs me, strut this way
And that way too, don’t stop...I’ll never shoo.
By the time I’ve made it to the train
My heart begins to
                                                      ­                   Thump

                                                          ­                           Thump

                                                          ­                                                      Without a moment to choke
                                                           ­                                                          I hop on the station
                                                         ­                                                  Headed west, with barely a breath
                                                          ­                                A thought in this head that steals any concentration

Sleep eludes me, you penetrate me
Enrich me with the echoes of your mind
Bare with me, let us intertwine
                                                            A path paved over by the ways of the world
                                                            Still hot and sticky, I mold it with my toes
                                                             Imprinted with my wishes and my hopes
No traces of intervention
No substance of prevention

Sitting atop the stool
Painted by the artist
Within his palm
Lies his instrument
Prepared to implement
Painting shadows of time and space
Strokes back and forth
Lines united by grace
                                                       ­                                         A picture varnished
                                                   ­                                           A piece of time caught
                                                      ­                                         As quick as created, it

                                                               ­                                                   dis..
        ­                                                                 ­                                               si..
             ­                                                                 ­                                                 pa.
                                                             ­                                                                 ­           .tes

                                                      ­Fading with all its glory
 May 2012 David P
Laurie Fisher
They say the Gardener comes
He waters the flowers,
and cares for them each day
and that of which follows
is amazing in the eyes of the insane

They say the Gardener comes
and you cannot see
because he is the epitome, of invisibility
you cannot see the figure of mystery
yet you accept without a moment of inquiry

They say the Gardener comes
each and every day
and that he is veracious
in everything that he may say
yet you cannot hear
the sounds they say he portrays

They say the Gardener is immortal
and that he is real
but, tell me the difference between imaginary
and the opposite of actuality

An enigma is all that I see
a problem to a baffling degree
its time to change how our minds perceive
let logic shine though
and wave good-bye to those who believe
in that of which deceives
 Apr 2012 David P
Ronald D Lanor
There's a lot of pain
down the drain
of the tunnel that's known as my heart.
Too much to take?
I'll take a break
deep in the shadows of dark.

I do it to hide
the fear inside.
Just cover it up for now.
Take a ****
and blow the smoke.
What nonsense I allow.

Often I run,
hide from the sun
and lock my troubles away.
Tossing the key
far away from me
and in the darkness I stay.

Tired and lazy,
groggy and hazy.
Oh, just what I would give
to get past my strife
and get on with my life.
This can't be the way to live.

Face my fears?
Or have a few jeers?
Time to light up another.
Deeper I sink
away from the brink,
hidden behind my smoke cover.
 Apr 2012 David P
Laurie Fisher
Pounding and pounding within my chest
To hear your voice on the other line puts my heart in arrest
The minutes will never last, I revel in that of which I can
If only I were in your presence, where you could fondly take my hand
We could lie near the ocean waves, where there delightful sound would carry us away
In a new realm, we will not worry of life’s alterations that leave the lines of determination, blurry.

Rhythmic prominent, beats
Are the clues to the unsettling defeat
The ocean salt is now bitter
Revel in the moments that we have left to consider.

Sweat arises, though the existence of the zephyr
My mind is whirling, until you lean in closer
Your chest pounding against mine, forehead settled, lips caress the most divine
A pleasant moment held in time, but as usual it is victim of sublime.

Rhythmic prominent, beats
Are the clues to the unsettling defeat
The ocean salt is now bitter
Revel in the moments that we have left to consider.
 Mar 2012 David P
Laurie Fisher
Some days are **** it.
Some days are fight it.
Some days are clear,
and some days you ignite it.

It's not always a choice.
What you chose, you won't complain.
None of these decisions,
Seem to be very sane.

One over the other
You pick and choose blindly
But either or, will fill your void kindly.

Your trust resolution
Is also your suspect.
With your magnifying glass
Your blurred eyes look though the crack
Bedazzled by what you see, what is the cause of my misery?

Poison or solution?
Pain or resignation?
Your mind is wrapped up in
Caution and frustration.

For a dear friend struggling.<3
 Mar 2012 David P
Laurie Fisher
Your feeble mind
It twists your words up, intertwined
You lie like its the truth
Your an artist when it comes to being sleuth
You complain for a lack of communication
But you listen like the deaf
And  lead like the blind
You can't understand
You got ****** up in the mind
You've got nothing else
To defend is all you have
Your absolutely empty
And its so disgustingly sad
Tricks and wicked games
Are the battles you choose to play
Its as if you woke up
Said, **** the world, I win today
But today is not your day to win
You can **** the world
But I've caught new wind
Listen up, I'll say it once
You can ***** the others
But I've found new stance
 Feb 2012 David P
Laurie Fisher
My Valentine’s Day
Lonesome; at will
Suitors come about
Offering flowers whilst they kneel

They want me at their side
For them to confide
They are lonely, self-esteem lacking and deprived

On their knees
They ask of me
Revive the life back into me

But who am I?
To please these wishes
For deprivation of love
Is the reason for my existence?
Is it I? That you see?
Or the parts, you wish to take from me?

My lips to kiss.
My hips to hold.
My warm skin to touch.
Your toy to mold.

But, my love lies
In another place
An idealistic, realistic face

He knows the trail
To lead me on
With essence of ecstasy
Of which he showers upon.
 Feb 2012 David P
Laurie Fisher
Darling, am I imagining
Or is this real?
Reality seems to be so tricky
With all its spins, it becomes surreal.
I’m not sure, if it’s the drunken words
That forces your heart to splurge
When sober morning arises
Does guilt and doubt reverberate?
Were there things you have to reclaim and reiterate?
 Feb 2012 David P
Laurie Fisher
A big ball of procrastination
A circle of frustration
All the pains add up
But fail when it comes to elimination.

Time and time again
I reflect on my fears
The irrationality
Builds and re-appears.

I toss and turn at night
Cringing when I wake
I try and curl back up
Its not enough of a break.

So when I rise yet again
I'll try and put a fake smile in
My eyes will frown and tears may swell
But as long as I'm smiling
No one can tell.
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