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Dec 2013 · 574
i wanna be
I wanna be someone,
i will like to shine.
Be good at something.
I will like to brake the mold
i wanna be important.
i wanna make a changes in peoples minds.
I wanna be someone everyone will remember,
i will like to be known by everyone.
But, how do i start,
How do i make a change in peoples minds,
the answer is
Nov 2013 · 485
Life purposes
Life is not easy, life is hard,
but you have the wheel to decide where to go with it,
you can have fun, share with friends,
make a changes in people's minds.
Its a free way, you and only you decide who and where you wanna be.
You can be the next billionaire on the cover of Forbes magazine,
or you can be the drug dealer around the corner.
The s choice its on your hands.
The question is
Who do you wanna be?
Nov 2013 · 392
For some of us this word has different meanings,
love can be our worst nightmare,
or it can be our best beginning.
It depends on our past,
we have to take in mind that,
not everyone is the same,
no t everyone its gonna hurt us,
love can be harmful,
but love can be good too,
We never win if we don't take chances,
we have to have faith in love,
in people, in

— The End —