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 Jun 2015 David lee
 Jun 2015 David lee
I try to hold my heart together.
I can't keep doing it forever.
Everything is broken,
And everything is gone.

I let time pass,
I feel every bit of pain,
All over again,
Every morning.

And I miss you,
And I ache for death.
I know that I am worthless.
 Jun 2015 David lee
 Jun 2015 David lee
I spin myself around in these mazes,
I get lost in the details,
I get lost in the crazy.

I know, I know,
I'll hold you baby.
Tell me again,
How you think you're insain.

I hold my breath,
I let it burn inside my chest.

Your skin is touching mine.
Your body is hot and it's,

Little baby,
Don't you cry.
Lean on me while I slowly die.

Your fingers lace with mine,
I feel alive.
I'm angry and afraid at the same time.
I wish I didn't,
I wish I died.
I wish I'd never wake up tonight.
 Jun 2015 David lee
Miss Me
 Jun 2015 David lee
I know you miss me,
Shaking my *** into skinny jeans.

I know you kiss me,
In your mind, a thousand times.

I know you miss the smell of coffee,
Every morning,
And I know you miss,
the laughter in your ear.

Do you feel off center,
Without the weight of my head,
Resting on your shoulders?

Do you miss watching,
My ***** lips,
Part for your mouth,
Your tongue,
Your love?

I know you miss me.

— The End —