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Jul 2012 · 1.2k
Her (I Mean You)
David Johnson Jul 2012
When Fear defined...
goes beyond a state of mind,
your emotional distress
of real or imagined threats
come to life
with your every breath.

Although you cant call her name'
she's always with you, like a bodygaurd
your protector
sheilding you from hurts an rejection
but soon you can no longer detect her (I mean you),
and THEY are all the same,
just out to get you ( I mean her)
and you (I mean she) clings tightly to the past
believing that pain and fear is all that truly last,

Even though youre no longer in danger
its too late you cant find her (I mean you)
to change her
in the mirror is now a stranger
She's just as much a part of you as you

Fear (I mean she) is your champion
so when your knight comes
you raise your shield
and make sure you dent his armor
push him away to disarm him
no matter how charming

You let your emotion
become a person
and you just hide behind her (I mean you)
been that way so long you
dont even know
where She ends & You begin
never alone, yet always lonely
left empty deep within
Jul 2012 · 635
David Johnson Jul 2012
They say that time waits for no man,
Yet I"m always tryin to pass it,
The hours not really ours, only borrowed
yet I pretend to spend them.

If I could only steal  a minute...
just to catch up with myself
I would take a second and reflect
on  all I know
my past a lifetime ago
the present is just my season
and the future is the change to come

my remaining days
I will measure  in moments
even though I cant control it
I can set the tempo
to a rhythm of an infinite beat.

months,years,decades, or centuries
its not how long we are here
its about what we leave.

Before my sands
slip through the hour glass,
I will build a legacy to last.
Apr 2012 · 735
From Me to Poetry
David Johnson Apr 2012
Dear Poetry,

It's ironic at this moment that I'm at a loss for words,
Just thinking of all you mean to me is overwhelming and absurd.
I love the feeling of freedom I get when
the wings of my mind take flight
Releasing to the wind, the secrets I hold inside
I admire your ability to be all things to me
From a star crossed love that last for centuries
To warring hurricanes unleashed on stormy seas,
Or just the simple beauty of long silence and  tranquility.
I just wanted to thank you for always changing and
at the same time staying the same.
Turning troubled feelings and trepid emotions
into  victorious journeys  of mighty triumph,
converting toxic elixirs into  sweet  love potions.
And I am eternally grateful for the endless journeys
from white-hot desert sands of foreign lands
to the vast expanse of my  determined  heart.
I have to end because I still don't know where to start.

Forever Yours,
From me
Mar 2012 · 1.1k
My Atmosphere
David Johnson Mar 2012
My atmosphere is crystal clear,
full of love free of fear,
joy and tears are natural here.
Love the sun and rain,
you can't know peace without pain.
so I rock like Gilbraltar, I am BOLDER like Colarado
There are no more yesterdays only tomorrows
I smile at my joys and sorrows,
our time here is only borrowed,
so I give as if I have everything,
mark time by how much I'm sharing
measure success by how I connect,
not by checks or things I collect.
I follow the storms,
migrate from mental state to state
I dance in the rain,
smile through life's pains
Because I know,
without water you can't grow.

— The End —