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david badgerow Jan 2015
my excuses breed like the mayflies of the bayou
when your legendary grandmother says
i remind her of cool-hand luke
actually blushing & looking
down at his knees

so i wrote this while i sat
rocking back & forth
on her kitchen counter alone
watching the tanned florida bodies
with muscled calves & stomachs
full of beer whistling songs:

here i am
a blond faced writer
turning to ash
on some radioactive night
gathering paper from living
tree roots & unconscious moss
hair parted in the middle
& slicked back by river water
a little schizoid with a typewriter
telling myself to forget
old feelings
old words
old bodies
an angel filled with my own strong
music & careful passion under
the purple-gray moon & sky
dark like chewed-up bubblegum

i realize i've
laid down my insecurities
like hilarious graffiti
on paper a thousand times
but no one believed a word of it
until i came out of the blackness
of this river with silver wings
growing taller & stronger
nourished by the mud
into smokestack manhood full
of furious breath mouth
searching for a thunderstorm
finally awake on the liquefied air

but this dream will not leave me
like the horizon lost in teardrops
hunkered down invisible
on the banks of this peaceful river
as stars streak like knives across the sky
& beard-faced frogs sing
about naked bellies marching
across a frontier i know
i'm a certain kind of handshake maniac
miserable with sensitive armpits
writing a personal story with
fanaticism about rubber shadows writhing
like fat-eyed snakes dancing between
bales of hay on a clear night
cranked out on a bone-shattering
bullet of burnt coffee
big wintertime sky the color of wet cement as
cumulonimbus gather directly overhead
i'm lying on my young sweaty back
concentrating on large drone-birds
through a tinfoil kaleidoscope
flying free in native space
faster than i can knock them down
with either comfort or refined guilt

& i'll probably die trembling
under fuzzy patches of starlight
ignorant & weeping of lust before i'm 30
after falling in love 3 times a week
because i'm more vulnerable
in a moment of boiling telepathy
than i should be at my age to
grapefruit ******* and
pretty girls in little underwear
david badgerow Jan 2015
hot jazz trickles down from a speaker
and she spontaneously melts into bright movement
tracing a simple pattern like the ocean tide

toward me--teasing
naked legs whispering together

then away--beckoning
shirt half unbuttoned

famous musical hips
hanging under clouds
sloshing slow as liquid
but i don't follow instead
i fell into a mind trance legs folded
wet mouth stretched to the floor
flesh spasm humming prophecy
bony knees pointed up at the bright warm sun
shirt without sleeves like
a snake catching sun on its curves or
a slender boy with a runaway heartbeat

this delicate yellow muse
truth in pure female form
either a smokestack or -show
leaning on the glossy grand piano i live in
wearing a tattered old shirt of mine
teething on a quiet cigarette smiling
and slowly pouring a wine not redder
than my tired eyes
                                     "please come to bed                                                            
 ­                  it'll be light again soon"                          
paint splattered over furniture and on the floor
we ****** each other to sleep
under scaffolds
in pools of turquoise
steel blue
in front of a tarnished mirror

but i've spent too much of my life
looking into mirrors so
now i use her jeweled eyes
watching planes leave white fingers
of smoke across the sky on a whim
i've spent too many sleepless nights
so now i use pure language in
her eager ears as my dream journal
under the frail wireless moon

in the morning my cold feet
moving like phantoms in the
cemetery fog find
a wine cork in the hallway
a splintered broom handle or
a pile of buffalo bones
just outside the kitchen in the dark
and thank god i came home from denver

because i can hear her purring
all night with her tranquil head
snuggled innocent into my chest
and i'm naked freckled with ash
kissed deep all over
no fear of tenderness because we've
been mixing signals all night like
a satellite caught in a lightning storm
but always connected
some warm part of me touching
some slick part of her
fused into odd shapes by morning
breast to breast on a mattress
practicing silent naked yoga and
as her lips find my adam's apple
she confesses that
i'm a failure
only in
david badgerow Jan 2015
i dream of burying my face
in your hair and inhaling your halo on
these cold and woman-less nights
after the all-male beer drinking sessions
nightmares i have to pull myself out of somehow
because there is no small warm body
to hold me when the paranoid shadows come close
howling on the window curtains so
i've set fire to twenty pages of poems
standing naked in the center of the room
the smoke weaves like three charmed cobras
and i just want to be home with you

i am home with you
after two days lying in the hammock
reading prose about clouds of white doves
and three nights in bed
drinking wine and laughing
with the record player on
we have succumbed to temptation
whispering about living on the moon together
your voice tickling my ear
pure like the song of a bird firmly in flight
insecure and exhilarating
your cheeks glowing like polished copper
in the candlelight from the bathroom
leg muscles trembling as we lock eyes
in a truly romantic spot
through one of the mirrors

when you go to work i don't feel so tough
i write you letters about scattered isolation and
rain interrupting sequences of thought
drenching the spruce trees you planted
as i lie on our bed and breathe
the odor your hair left on the pillow
meditation comes easiest with these plumes
and i have no place else to go
so please come back home to a
whole healthy man with
big holes in his ears an
uncanny adoration of your paintings
sacred pyramids in his eyes
and a you-sized hole in his chest

if you take tiny
toward me and

i take tiny
toward you then

in the oblivion of a forest at night
we can make body configurations together
i will bloom like an eternal daisy
blessed by your illuminated soul
in the small garden of silk skin
draped across your collarbone
just eat an apple in the hollow of a big oak tree together
david badgerow Dec 2014
i am a god
lying in my own meadow
under the sky i created
i'm monumental and
i will outlive everyone

but my mind is clouded and
full of ice-cold sheet lightning
daydreaming about finger-banging
alone in my dingy room
i speak to walls with the lungs of the wind
my scratchy pen filling poetry books
that no one wants to read

but you said i have the type of
personality disorder that you admire
and you're just looking for someplace
to snooze and cuddle out of
reach of the witching wind

well i'm the only man left
the storm took everyone else
and i was born in a magnetic desert
at the edge of the world

all of the sudden i'm burning up fences
and breaking up labyrinth walls to
find you in a lush garden i hardly remember
under a tall willow tree
long black hair streaming across
your face and bare chest

you make something in me
leap and sing remember
i told you i have a type
and it's complete annihilation
under the wet rose of your latin kiss
david badgerow Dec 2014
to the girl who looked like new confetti thrown into a vortex
who went streaking around christmas trees with me after
the 1st annual ugly sweater & cheap tequila extravaganza:

i live inside a piano unable to tell the difference between lust & love
the only way i'll get to heaven is with the sun & your eyes on me
fighting for supremacy to write a poem & shout it at strangers
bursting from the ground like a masculine transcendental cornstalk
or a thin-***** blond haired man smoking a cigarette
with my hair in a bun finding new secret ways to touch you
my eyes closed & mouth open & armpits smiling skyward

your sweater blossoms now the way it never did in highschool
because your ******* are beautiful tumors that you bought
eyebrows plucked into gentle brushstrokes sent me into a fever-dream
you say you have scars on your ******* & i want to kiss them
after i tasted your raspberry lipstick daiquiri on a shared cigarette

i forgot my middle name when you leaned in & whispered
pretty things in my ear & your long hair teased my shoulder
you said something about a giant rumored t-bone steak but
i asked you instead to sing to me in the dark through a
shining steel microphone wearing a snakeskin trumpet
with your giant-bulbed headlights shining over the
empty shot glasses and half-eaten slices of lime
your hands dancing over the triumphant big pink ****-head
under the neon table beside your bar-lit bestie
bumping & dipping & snapping your fingers but
before my ******* mutilated your ***** bone
                                wait you said
please keep
                               the tv & radio on softly
my face tender-lipped like a deer shivering in your high-beams &
the shadow of my ***** growing up under your skirt
like a black horse bending its head to the stubble underneath your
belly button & around the hollows of your quivering knees

finally squatting on throbbing meat in my
bed at midnight doused in oil & fully on fire
your tongue orbiting around a hard universe
your marvelous face pressed into the seismic mattress
golden buttocks arched toward the sky like a skillful camera
my fingers sweep like feathers down your spine to your waist
shimmering like a teloscope in the blue light of the television

in the morning we held a funeral & buried my lips between your thighs
you are a beautiful new skyscraper untouched by wrecking *****
stiff-necked & wearing loose boots & an italian style blouse backwards shivering in the glow of the fireplace beside a big tall rock in the desert
your scent is still in my bed-sheets & now you are howling eyes
bloodshot & nagging across the fresh dawn prairie of i-10
                        toward         the       endless       coast
david badgerow Dec 2014
violins screech in a pivotal moment
she flashes a reluctant smile at me
teeth halting to pinch her lower lip
across the farmer's market
she is a life-sized toy of wild beauty
my heart sore in my ribs
and i feel an electric current coil between us
the shape of two lovers curled together asleep

but the acid takes on a life of its own
playing a strange game of backward symmetry
every departure is a return to the eternal center
the great yellow paper mother
lying on her own suede tongue
folded into a fleeing gazelle japanese style

potent nostalgia while peeling dogwood
and the pungent smell of leaves as
our midday shadows are thrown uphill
like two wiggly heat waves
incredible light leaping out of our fingers and toes
we are enormous gods
our flesh doesn't sweat
as we dance on the floor of the whole blue sky
tap-dancing on the manly gate of atlantis
drunk with a new horizon

she with the soul of a barn owl
participating in the battleground sunset
drapes herself around my neck
giggling with easter egg pupils
the words **** me hard
in open and lonely places
projected on her face and in
the fractal sky behind it
hands grabbing fast for flesh
my mouth starving for breast-meat
while my heart slams high in my throat
matterhorn **** waiting at the edge
of light hidden under scarlet silk loincloth

at last we sprawled naked tangled together
laughing about an imagined destiny
i felt power flood like a river between her thighs
and we fell into a receptive darkness
of limbs and hair
an island of velvet to
dream on
david badgerow Dec 2014
indigo dusk spreads across
inexhaustible country sky
torn wet clouds stretched blue at twilight
a big-chested wind comes howling off the lake
dissecting our immortal kiss
as the pink sun meets her planet-doom
leaking on my balcony like a falling curtain
blessed with an affinity for moonlight
lingering drinking pale wine
we took baths in lukewarm vanity

she is a long legged sorceress smoking a cigarette
half awake because i've got the covers again
goose bumps crowd onto her little bare *******
dewy legs sliding among mine
rousing my bones and heart alert
as the bright sun dances silent
like a new carnation dragged from bed
bringing a giant unscrambled sunrise
across my section of heaven's blue sea
but is mercifully eclipsed by the cream-skinned
breast of a purified failed angel
exploring the feather-soft mountain of my body

we drank cointreau in the early morning
against the collage of saxophones
expanding among criss-crossing body odors
and thin magic on my lipsticked neck
i'm gaining strength over my neuroses
all my fear and doubt disappears into joy
no longer huddled in paper misfortune
reintegrated with ecstasy
in the smoky labyrinth of her eyes
as her fingers light as dreams
draw complex patterns in the flesh
of my back and buttocks
like secrets written on wet paper
none of it       was            real        before          this           moment
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