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Dave Lae Feb 2014
Thank you dad,
At times we were mad,
With each other and the world,
Sometimes we were sad,
Sometimes we were glad,
Not enough,
Love you dad.
Dave Lae Feb 2014
Whats it worth?
Paper, coins,
It all comes to earth,

Whats it worth?
Share, love,
All our time on earth.

We are here once,
No matter what we think,
One life to live,
Stop and think.

Dont rush, dont hurry,
Dont worry.
Dave Lae Oct 2013
What to say
To hide away
On a plate
Its yours mate
Take me now
Drunk is you
I am sober
Its there i know
Tomorrows longer
Life is short, i know
three years down
how many to go?

I do not seek that is but weak
I do not ask for your body
i ask instead
whats inside your head
Is it realy me?

Try a night without the drink
Then you will see clearly what you want
Not give up your sacred ****
Instead of giving a simple wink
try instead
You are you
No need to lie to be another
I want you not just as a lover
I want you
Do i?
Dave Lae Sep 2013
Now is now, then is
When ?
Time to go, why
Be shy
Watching life, go by and bye
birth beginning, death draws
Laugh, dont cry
Goes by

A new chapter, start again
Life begins
Refresh, anew
Out with old, in with new
Dont cry
Time goes by
Dave Lae Feb 2013
Time has passed, eons it seems
Now i am back, no need to dream
The days go by, they turn to weeks
Busy am i, too busy to seek
The one true love, my search goes on
Another year, another eon.
Dave Lae Jul 2012
My flowers, they are for you
Please do not feel blue
A token of my friendship
A gift straight from my heart
Could this be a courtship
A beginning, a brand new start

After flowers comes the chocolate
Then comes the tricky bit
Would you wear a locket
With a picture of me in it

Or would you prefer some earings, do you have pierced ears
So many things i need to know, before i jump in deep
I should play it cool i know
Take it slowly, see how things go
Fools rush in, too fast it seems
They give their love, they dream a dream

O tell me fancy, what do you desire
My heart yearns my ***** on fire
To hold you in my arms, held tight
I want to hold you through the night
Hold on to you 'till morning light
Begins the day, and life, so bright
Dave Lae Jul 2012
I feel the feelings
They leave me reeling
The love i thought i had
I thought it not so bad
A  few niggles here and there
Nowt to make yo much aware
But others knew, they dare not say
Now they tell, so far away

All for the better, she was right
I wanted a wife, she wanted a life
Children three, they are what mattered
I would not leave, tho life was shattered
Now two years on i feel better
My bed is cold, but my children fettered
warm and fed and better sheltered
I care not just for me you see
I care for things she did not see
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